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The in-between time

Posted on Sat May 25th, 2024 @ 4:21pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Present


{Family quarters}

Mira sighed as she entered her quarters. After filling in Kronnelti on everything she could remember, she had wanted to talk to Kevin. But he wasn't back yet. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed the galaxy was pulling her into games she didn't want to play. But, like an idiot, she fell right into it.

Mira checked in on Kolar. It looked like He had his bath and had gone right to sleep for Zimia. Of course, Zimia was sleeping in the bed right next to the crib. That always happened to her when she put him to bed. Mira chuckled, but when she put Kolar to bed, he wanted her in the crib with him for hugs. Her plan was to teach him to sleep by himself in his own bed ......So far, that wasn't working. Perhaps she should change the plan.

Shaking her head, she went to the living room to wait on Kevin. Watching the time go by, Mira frowned. Ok, so he was out having fun. She gave a little shrug as she got ready for bed. They could talk in the morning. She wasn't going to be that kind of girlfriend that all ways wanted her man around or to know where he was.


Getting up early, she got a cup of extra sweet Raktajino, then got her workout clothes on. An outing with the guys sounded good for the day. Kevin, Kolar, and Vaytoc. Picnic some place fun like Trill. Oh, there was beach she loved.... Kolar was just learning to walk. Vaytoc could run all he wanted.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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