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All Hands on Deck

Posted on Sun May 26th, 2024 @ 2:57pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Sun May 26th, 2024 @ 4:06pm

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: During Tired Venus

{Officer's Lounge}

Tracey Walker was enjoying the company of Ensign Geneva Thorne at the party held by Captain Rodale when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“I hate to disturb your evening, Lieutenant,” Lieutenant Commander Lance said, “but there is a situation arising that requires your attention.”

Trace sighed. Things had been going so well with Geneva. He gave her a wry, crooked smile, “Duty calls.”

He followed Kevin to the turbolift adjoining the lounge. Both officers entered and Kevin announced, “Docking ring, USS Chuck Norris.” Silently, the lift began moving.

He saw that Kevin’s jaw was clenched. This must be bad, he thought before asking, “What happening?”

“Our position on the deployment roster has been moved up. General Kharon has generously offered the assistance of his engineers in getting the Norris ready to depart tomorrow,” Kevin replied without enthusiasm, “Well, it was less of an offer and more of a demand. It expect that Commander Samuel’s maintenance crews will be outnumbered by Klingons in very short order.”

Trace frowned. Klingon engineering tended to focus on field expedient fixes, things that frequently lead to greater problems down the line. If they did anything to his precious ship.

Kevin watched the emotions on Trace’s face. “You comprehend me precisely,” he continued, “but I am also concerned that this is an opportunity for those with a grudge against Captain Rodale to try sabotage or place a malicious device on our ship. I need you and your crews on the Klingons to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“I thought that the Klingons liked the Captain,” Trace stated.

“They do,” Kevin shrugged, “Well, most of them respect her which is much more important. But there is something going on under the surface in the Empire. Captain Rodale’s house just survived a hostile takeover and many of them, hers included, are coming under financial attack. Personally, I couldn’t care less about the situation over there but when it affects my crew…” He clenched his jaw once again.

“It will be done,” Trace agreed, “but my engineering team isn’t very large. We are going to need more bodies.”

Kevin nodded, “I will be pulling in all the operations and security personnel as well. Combined with the Starbase’s maintenance crews, that should just give us enough personnel to cover down. It will be up to me, you and the Norris’ Chief Operations Officer to oversee the repairs and give our crews orders.”

{Kronnelti’s Family Quarters}

Kronnelti and Diana had just put Venus to sleep in her crib when his comm badge chirped. He stepped out of the nursery and answered the call.

=/\= “This is Lance. I need all security teams recalled immediately. General Kharon made good on his promise to send over every engineer in his fleet to repair the Norris. They outnumber our engineers three to one and I need security here to make sure they don’t get up to any mischief.” =/\=

Kronnelti kissed Dianna again and told her he has to meet with commander Lance, she understood what was going on.

=/\= "There is no need for your presence,"=/\= Kevin's voice interrupted =/\= "I just need warm bodies to augment the engineering and operations sections. Stay with your wife and child." =/\=


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker Jr
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of Security and Tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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