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Tired Venus

Posted on Fri May 24th, 2024 @ 8:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Kronnelti's personal room
Timeline: Current


{SB364, }

Mira smiled as they stepped into the turbolift. " Well, that was fun until grumpy and crazy showed up." Kolar laid his head on Mira's shoulder as she hugged him.

"Ok, when I went to pick up Kolar, it wasn't as simple as just going to get him. He had been kidnapped, and I had been challenged. Now, don't get mad that I didn't pull you in on this, but you have a wife and little girl. As far as I knew, it was going to be a trade me for Kolar, but Kevin and a few others got involved. let's just say I won the challenge. " Mira shrugged, not wanting Dianna to get worried.

"Now, while I was there, I found out all the great houses were being ........financially attacked. No one was talking about it, so they thought it was only them this was happening to. I found out there is a larger group outside of the empire starting all of this. My house was to be the first to fall. I didn't let that happen. Now I am finding evidence that the Gorn and a few klingons are working to bring down the klingon empire. I have already brought this to the high council. " Mira waited to see if he had any questions before going over the next bit of news.

What I don't get is why or what is making them work together? What deal was struck? Asked Kronnelti

"Good question." She walked into her quarters and made sure it was safe, then handed Kolar over to Zimia. "A quick bath, then Mama, be right home."
Zimia grinned. "We get to play in the water." Zima told Kolar.

Mira walked out with Awal to his quarters.

"The Gorn are very odd. What we see of them are animals, but they build ships and have a government. They get married and, more than likely, a lot of things we do. I guess they like power like a lot of worlds. To gain power, they breed and then turn loose there young. The strongest and smartest live and gain in power. Just like when the Romulans tried to take over your own home world, there were people willing to work with them for power. The deal could be once we eat most of the people you get the planet. Or it could be something else."

I can only imagine how the counsel feels about this as they both reach his quarters.

Before we split looking right at her quarters next to his any news on Commander G'ginloss? He asked

"Well, he hasn't reported into me yet, but we are all on leave, so it's not mandatory to report now."

{Family quarters}
Dianna had changed Venus and gotten her ready for bed as she heard the chime letting her know somebody is outside.

She picks up Venus as she is cuddling her favorite tedd and walks up to answer the door.

(Right outside)

Just before Mira was able to answer Kronnelti's question the door opened with Dianna and Venus coming out to say goodnight to Daddy and auntie Mira.

"Good night sweetheart" she kisses little Venus cheek. Then waited for Kronnelti to say his good night .

"There is one more thing. "We will be going out sooner than planned. We will be on babysitting duty on this trip. The Admiral has us protecting Ambassador M’Niras. He is an ass. He thinks he knows it all and is better than everyone. he isn't and doesn't know everything. I am letting Kevin take the lead on this. I believe Ambassador M’Niras will keep it more professional with him. You and G'ginloss will be in charge of security. Both on the ship and on Romulus, the ambassador is not in charge of that. One more thing Ambassador M’Niras was ....... my guardian after my parents were murder. Be prepared for anything. I am not looking forward to this at all."

Wonderful he said sarcastically as he gave Venus a kiss and hug goodnight, then kissed Dianna. I'll be in shortly he said.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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