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Party over

Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 9:51pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: SB 364
Timeline: Present


(SB364, Officer's lounge}

Proll gave her one more hard look before nodding to Kharon. He then left.

Mira shook her head. “Whatever you two are up to, I want no part of it."

Kharon grinned. "But, my dear, it's so much fun."

She shook her finger at him. " No. No. No."

she could hear Kolar adding in from the table. "Bad, bad bad. sonfa tar. BS."

Mira chuckled. Oh, her son was going to be a little spit fire.

Kharon raised an eyebrow. "What language is he learning now?"

Mira smirked. "Trill, Klingon, federation standard and Bolian as far as speech, but he also knows signing. I guess I say Son of a targ too fast, so he blends that."

Kharon laughed. "Oh, I bet he has amazing ability to curse."

Mira smirked. "I am not that bad, but I am toning it down. he hears everything."

Kharon smiled. "HuH."

Kolar yelled, "HuH. Slime. Bad bad"

Kharon eyes widened "Hu'tegh"

Kolar yelled, "Hu'tegh. Damn. Jam it all to toast." He giggled.

Mira turned away to hide her smile. Once she was under control, she asked, "Is Proll really mad? or is this some kind of game?"

Kharon patted her shoulder. "Ambassador M’Niras must have given him an ear full about you not giving him the time of day. Very Klingon, by the way. It is driving him crazy. "

Mira nodded but saw her son yawn. "It's time for Kolar's bedtime. We were up early."

"Understandable. Little warriors need to be up early to catch the gagh. " Kharon grinned.

Mira moved to get Kolar while Zimia gathered the few toys he had gotten."

Kharon held out a D'k tahg knife. "Little warriors first blade. "

Mira took it. "Thank you."

Mira looked to Kevin. "Will you be escorting us?"

Kevin smiled, "I need to .....check in with Walker first."

Mira nodded. He was another person who wasn't going to be happy having unknown repair crews overrunning the ship.

Kronnelti stood up with his family. "I will take that honor, then. Venus needs to get her rest as well."

Mira smiled "Good, there are some things I need to fill you in about."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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