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So this happened

Posted on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 11:34pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Present

{SB364, family quarters}

Kevin had been standing by the large viewport. He was watching the ships while he waited for Mira to come home from a meeting she had been called into.

He smiled as she walked in the door holding Kolar on her hip, but it turned into a frown at seeing her covered in ......was that… food? "What happened?"

"it's a long story." Mira said softly.

He smirked, "Then start telling it."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Here. You do something with your cub while I get whatever this is out of my hair before it dries. Then I'll tell you." she looked at Kolar, "behave for dada."

Kevin took Kolar but held him at arms length into the bathroom so he wouldn't be covered as well. "Why am I thinking you had something to do with this?"

Kolar shook his head no. "That is what someone who started trouble would say. " Kevin told him

Kolar held out his teddy bear. "boo boo dada."

"How on earth did he get ripped in two?" Kevin asked, knowing that was his son's favorite toy.

"Bad, bad, bad," kolar told him then hugged his bear.

"Well, that tells me nothing. Maybe you mama can clear up this story a little, but first we clean you." Kevin told him.

He came out with Kolar about the same time Mira came out of her room in a legging and long tee shirt that showed the spots on her shoulder. She was running her fingers through her hair. "I hope that crap is all out."

She sat on the couch by the fireplace and smiled. "What to start with first?"

Kevin put Kolar down and held up the bear. He had a feeling that was of some importance to the story.

"Ah, yes, well, that happened after the briefing. See, Chin was babysitting because Zimia was busy, so he thought a fruit parfait was a good plan as they waited for me. As I walked in, an Andoran male was reaching for Kolar and pulled his bear, saying it wasn't a fit toy. Then he ripped it in half. Kolar had been picked up by Chin to keep the Andoran from reaching for Kolar again and Kolar was crying."

Mira bit her lip and curled her legs next to her on the couch. "I pulled what was left of the bear from the Andoran hands, calling him a few names and questioning his parentage. When a parfait went sailing right over my head and hit the Andoran right between the eyes. The Andoran swung. I ducked, and the fist hit Chin. I swung because that huge fist came way too close to Kolar. I didn't miss. " Mira smiled." Then, to tell the truth, I am not sure what happened. I think some people from his ship stepped up, and some star fleet people joined in, about that time Chin pulled me out of the fight."

Kevin nodded slowly "The Andoran just took a dislike to Kolar’s toy?"

Mira shrugged "That all I saw. Seems the Andoran was talking about it before hand and Chin tried to tuck it behind Kolar hoping out of sight out of mind but it didn't work."

"Where is the Andoran now?" Kevin asked her.

"Not sure. I came straight home after that." Mira told him. “The meeting was about the Gorn. It seems they have hit a few ships, bases, and out posts." She laid her head back on the couch with a sigh. "I was also able to get the upper part of the officer's lounge for the Party and a really good restaurant to cater it. They said buffet style would be best? All non replicator food and an open bar. Not sure about the cake yet."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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