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Away mission

Posted on Wed Apr 17th, 2024 @ 12:03am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Flux
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{The Away team}

Mira looked around at the mysterious world they had found. It was truly beautiful with an abundant amount of vegetation, water, and blue skies. Yet so void of life. The readings had clearly shown lifeforms just 20 minutes ago, so what happened?

Her commbadge went off. She tapped it. "We are fine, Montgomery. I just got caught up in the beauty of this place."

=/\= understood Captain. nothing has changed on our scans except that intermittent power reading we found earlier."

Her people spread out running scans of everything. If the readings had been correct right now, they should have been standing in the center of the largest city on the planet. Yet it looked untouched.

Mira tugged at a bush. A stone pathway was revealed? So, at some point, there had been something here. She shook her head, not understanding, then pulled out her tricorder.

There was a very strange power supply coming from deep within the planet. "Once you're finished here, let's see if we can find that power source." She told the away team.

Mira shivered, putting a hand to her stomach, feeling a little ...... queasy. It was an odd sensation one she had never felt before. Just then, the ground rumbled. She tapped her commbadge to see if the Norris had picked up anything. " Rodale to the Norris, Report." Nothing...... Son of a targ.

"Kevin, try your commbadge." Mira asked.

As she looked around, she could hear Kevin and several others try to contact the ship. Nothing. Then the sky changed. It was like watching it play at high speed, forward in time. It was turning the light sky to darkness quickly. "Damn it," she hadn't even thought to look at the tricorder.

Captain if our comms don't work the tricorder won't either said Kronnelti.

As he is looking up at the sky watching it change ever so quickly he notices a shimmer. Commander Lance did you see that shimmer?

I didn't see anything but the sky rapidly changing said Lance. Kronnelti watched it again as it happens in a split second.

Captain there is a shimmer that lasts for a split second during and after the change in the sky said Kronnelti.

Mira bit her lip. She had thought the comms not working was because the ship wasn't within range? "It is like time is in fluctuation. Or "She raised an eyebrow "a dimensional Shift. The planet was not on our chart, then it was. The cities were there, but now they aren't." Mira frowned. "Maybe the planet is no longer where it was? Or WHEN it was. We need to find that power source." She wondered how long it would remain dark..

I'll scout ahead, I'll let you know what I find told Mira.

Kronnelti slipped off without making a sound, as Mira turned around he was gone.

( Deep in the woods )

Kronnelti crouched keeping low not to make a sound eventually finds a cave north of the captains position. Thankfully he keeps a compass.

He creeps up to the massive entrance, there is a string of lights on the ceiling going into the cave, " now would be a good time for the comms to work " thought Kronnelti. He takes his padd out and snaps a picture.

Two hours later he returns, captain Mira.. commander Lance you need to come see this as he holds out the padd showing them the massive cave entrance.

Mira raised an eyebrow as she took the PADD. "Interesting, it has power. This could be what we are looking for. The scans on the ship did show a power supply." She handed the padd to Walker and K'ner to see. Mira's eyes looked into the darkness, wondering if it was safe to drag the crew two hours with very little light in the woods. K'ner and her team should make it fine... Walker and Kevin also. Clearly, Kronnelti made it, but everyone else? She wasn't sure if it would ever be light again.

"Alright, Awal, lead the way. K'ner, spread your team around the group. You and I will bring up the rear just in case there is trouble."

K'ner nodded as she swept a hand out and up, which kicked her team into motion, establishing a soft perimeter around the group and establishing their fields of responsibility. As they settled into place, K'ner slipped back with Mira to fortify the rear.

Kronnelti led the way to the cave he found, it took exactly 2 hours but everyone made it with no issues.

Mira couldn't believe the exact size of the cave as pictures don't do it justice.

Ok from here on it's silence he said.

K'ner checked her HUD before nodding at the CO that everyone was accounted for.

(Inside the cave)

Looking around the entrance there have been signs of recent foot traffic coming and going, captain these tracks are a few hours old said Kronnelti.

Mira raised an eyebrow. Few hours? "That means we are not alone, people. Heads up and keep your eyes open. "

Mira placed her foot next to the track. It was much smaller than her own. It's not something she saw too often. With how close the steps were together, she was betting 4 foot tall? Interesting. "Alright, we are here to say hi and see if they need help. Hopefully, they are in the talking mood and not the shooting mood."

Mira stepped into the cave and started to make the descent down the stairs following the footprints. There were a lot of machines down on the next level. Mira hoped Walker could make heads or tails of them.

Trace had already pulled out his tricorder and was scanning the equipment. After a few moments, he noted the presence of chronometric isotopes, which got his attention immediately. He was about to approach the Captain with the info when she turned away from him.

Finally, a little short man walked out, shaking his head. " You're not supposed to be here!"

Mira smiled "Greetings we are from Starfleet and...."

He should his head no. " You're going to bring the Feasters."

Mira raised an eyebrow, "Who? There is no one else around. All the cities just disappeared."

"Saw that, did you? Then they could have to. " the small man mumbled.

"Who?" Mira asked again.

The small man frowned, then pushed a few buttons, and the image of a Gorn showed up.

"The Gorn? They are not around here." Mira assured the man. "What happened to all the people?"

"Safe. Now I have to do more calculations." He put his hands on his hips " You will fit in fine. " He pointed to Mira but then he looked to K'ner and Kronnelti "some of you not so much."

Mira shook her head "We are here to see if we can help up you. My name is Mira"

"Lucin. you want to help? Stand right over here." He tugged Mira over a few feet. "that's good. "

Mira rubbed her forehead "Look Lucin there aren't any Gorn. Your people can come out of hiding. "

He nodded "I keep them safe. I will keep you safe to." He nodded.

Trace spoke up. "Uh, Captain? My readings indicate..."

Then Mira was gone.

"Shit," Trace said.

"What the hell!" Kronnelti yelled "bring her back!"

"Oh relax she is safe with the others. I just have to make a few more adjustments to get you all safe. If they don't stop filling up the cities I won't be able to keep them all safe. These machines weren't made for so many." He mumbled.

K'ner glanced over at Cdr Lance as her team settled into their lines of fire. No one wanted to chew up any of the equipment that might be needed to bring back the Captain... She signaled one of her team to start analyzing the equipment to see if they could figure out its operation...


Mira blinked. "What just happened?" She looked around not seeing anyone she knew... She been in a cave now she was standing out on a street and it was daylight.

She tapped her commbadge… nothing. Then she remembered the PADD. taking it out she tried it......Nothing. So she took a few images then slipped it back in her jacket.

"Excuse me......Where am I?" Mira asked curiously.

And old woman smiled. "You are home child, and safe. Did you forget to drink from the fountain today?"

At Mira's puzzled look, the woman wrapped an arm around her, walking her over to a fountain. She picked up 2 cups and filled them, handing Mira one. "Here you go dear. It's very refreshing."

"I was trying to find out what happened to all the people but....." At the woman's urging Mira's took a sip. It did taste great..... she drank some more.

"Everything and everyone is fine dear." the old woman told her. "Do you have a man?"

Mira nodded slowly "Yes......." she blinked. “He has blue eyes, blonde hair, and he is strong. Our son looks ........." What had she been thinking of? Mira frowned. She had a son....what was her son's name? Where was she? Mira blinked.

The old woman finished her water and smiled. "See? All better."

Mira nodded looking into the water. "My name is......?" Mira frowned as she took a drink. "Music. I love music." Mira finished her drink smiling then moved to where the music was playing.

The old woman smiled "ah to be young again!"

{Back in the cave}

Lucin nodded. "All right, it's calibrated. Your next." he pointed to K'ner."Step on the pad and quickly time is running out."

Kronnelti frowned. "We aren't going anyplace. You bring the captain back."

Lucin frowned. "Who is the Captain? The little spotted one? I can't bring her back, she isn't on the Pad over there. You have to be standing on the pad. You're next dear. I assure it's very lovely over there."

He walks over to the pad, let's do this he said. I'm getting our captain back and you don't want to get on my bad side.

In a blink of an eye he's gone.

As he appears on the other side and elder hands him a cup of tea but he walks away. Sorry madem but I'm not thirsty said Kronnelti.

The already upset klingon starts walking around asking those who he sees if they have seen his captain.

What captain? They replied

Hearing that starts to get on his nerves, he keeps wandering around but he can't think right with all the music playing.

He sits on a bench trying to think and that's when it hit him. Mira love's music so he ventured off to find her.

Mira was dancing to the music. It was wild and crazy and she could feel it ring inside her body. As she moved, she bumped into a tall, dark-haired man. "Oops, sorry." Mira said, then giggled.

"Mira, I have been looking all over for you," Kronnelti told her her.

Mira raised an eyebrow at the name he had called her. "Do you know me?"

"Yes, you're the captain of the USS Chuck Norris. Mira Rodale. You're my sister." the man told her.

Mira couldn't help but be surprised. Her hand went to her forehead. Nope, it didn't have ridges. "Do you have spots, too?" She asked, wondering who he was.

"Mira, I have to get you out of here." The man told her.

Mira shook her no. "There are bad things out there. I am not allowed to go. Do you need to drunk the water? It makes everything great!" Mira smiled. "Better than anything I have ever drank before. " she told him.

Captain Mira Rodale

Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris

Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team TL-B / Acting CMO
USS Chuck Norris

Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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