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Mess hall

Posted on Sat Feb 24th, 2024 @ 5:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant T'Pralik & Ensign Zimia Mariten & Crewman Dianna Kronnelti

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: Eden
Timeline: Present


{Mira's Personal quarters}

Vaytoc was losing it. Nothing smelled right. Standing on his hind leg, he lunged at the door until it opened for him. Then he ran out. Smelling his way around, he got a whiff of Zimia and followed her trail until he came to the food place on this ship. Lunging at the door, he entered. Seeing a few people he knew, he relaxed some, but everything smelled wrong.

{Mess Hall}

Seeing Vaytoc Dianna hugged him.

"Ladies, this is bad. If the computer stops talking to me, I can't get my work done."

She walked over to the replicator. "10 chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk."

It took a few moments, but the food appeared without the normal sound she was used to hearing "Well at least we will not starve."

So what do we do then Dianna asked & where is my Spike and where is my husband?

"If Vay'toc is here maybe Spike is too," Zimia offered brightly, "And Kronnelti was on the surface with Mira. They'll have us out of here in no time at all." She took a bit from a cookie and immediately made a face. "Ugh, the computer must have forgotten how to bake cookies. This tastes like coffee."

The door to the mess hall was forced wider open and in walked the Tellarite, Specialist Y’Efrak. "Good day Lieutenant, ladies," he politely address the group, "The Assistant Chief sent me to check the replicators. Do they work?"

"Not really," Zimia complained, handing him a cookie.

Gavron took a nibble and asked, "Was the last thing replicated coffee?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

"All of the systems that produce a physical output are continuing to produce the most recent output," he explained, "Which is good because it means that the reactor is still generating power and life support is still functioning. Just don't answer the computer to do anything, like bake cookies."

Zimia frowned, and then a slow smile came across her face. "You mean if I order a steak, it will taste like cookies!" she turned around to try it.

"No," Gavron said, "It will still taste like coffee...never mind." She would figure it out on her own.

Dianna said , "We should look for Awal and Spike."

"I told you I looked for Awal first, and Spike isn't in your quarters. I was there next. Vaytoc? Is Spike or Kronnelti on the ship?"

Vay'tok shook his head no.

"Is the Captain?" Zimia asked him. He nodded.

"What do you mean your room doesn't smell like Mira?" Zimia frowned. "What would change a way a room smells?"

My husband will come and bring us back Dianna said, if he can't save us I don't know who will as she started crying

Zimia looked shocked as she put her arm around Dianna. "It's ok. It's ok. Awal will find out what is going on. Maybe we should have a ship meeting and find out who is here, and then we find out why nothing is working?"

Dianna nodded, you know this ship better than me she said. She walked up to the replicator fudge brownies.

"Do they taste like coffee to?" Zimia asked then her eyes went to Lieutenant T'Pralik and Gavron "What do you think we should do?" because she had no idea what was going on.

T'Pralik sat on a small stool at the edge of mess hall, staring blankly into space. It was her first mission, her first time that she could help her crew, and prove that her years of training wasn't for nothing, and there was literally nothing she could do. Despite her years of studying psychology, there were no words to describe the feeling she was going through. Nothing in her training had ever even remotely prepared her for anything like this.
Discretely, and quietly, so that no one else could hear, for the first time in her life, she began to pray to Surak.

Their fudgie she said, Zimia I'm sorry if I lash out this pregnancy is all new to me Dianna told her.

"It's okay. I understand. Everyone yells at me at some point. Mira says it's because I ask sensitive questions at inappropriate times or places." She gave a little sigh.

As she sat back down Vay'toc cuddled up against Dianna, thank you buddy.

( Scratch scratch scratch on the doors )

Zimia walked up to the door to open it as Spike barrel asses inside confused and panicked as to he can't find Kronnelti.

"Well, we found Spike!" She looked our in the corridor but no one else was here.

Zimia let's take both cats and walk the corridor and find something that can help all of us out Dianna asked.

Zimia looked a little defeated, "Okay, but kitten and I walked all over this ship, and we found nothing."

Shit she says, ok hmm Dianna starts thinking wait I remember seeing some sort of badge my husband tapped on his uniform when he needed to talk with somebody. Zimia do you have a badge on you? She asked

Zimia nodded happily, "Yes we all have one. I should have gotten you one too. Also the PADDs can send messages and access the computer."

Wait Dianna scurries back to Vay'toc and grabs her padd, I was given this by somebody on the ship she says in excitement.

Dianna started to hear a muffled voice she didn't know where it was coming from.

Zimia listened quietly and heard it again

- Dianna this is your husband Awal Kronnelti can you hear me -

Dianna it's coming from your pocket Zimia said...

Dianna reached into her pocket and by surprise her husband left her a coms badge.

She touched it and replied, Honey it's your wife i can hear you, I'm with Zimia in the mess hall but we can't find anybody. Vay'toc & Spike think we arn't on the ship anymore said Dianna

Gavron spread his hands in a questioning gesture and asked, "What am I? Chopped ham?"

=/\= "Who was that?" =/\= Lieutenant Commander Lance's voice asked insistently over the comm badge.

"Someone name Gavron. Oh, and Lieutenant T'Pralik is too." Dianna replied.

A moment later T'Pralik's comm badge chirped, =/\= "Lance to T'Pralik" =/\=.

T'Pralik almost didn't notice for a moment. Then, she jumped out of her chair, tapping back and almost yelled in excitement

=/\= honey what's going on? =/\= Asked Dianna

=/\= we are working out a plan to get everyone back =/\= said Kronnelti.

Across the mess hall the Chief Counsellor and Computer Specialist huddled together. "T'Pralik here. I'm in the mess hall with Dianna, Gavron and Zimia. Could you please explain what in the world is happening?"

=/\= “The evidence indicates that 19 crewmembers and three animals were taken from the Norris approximately one hour ago,” Lance reported, “At the same time a thirty-third biome was created on the alien ship. This biome is unique in that its atmosphere is vacuum and there is no local gravity. We are working on the assumption that the crew was placed in that new biome. I am relieved to hear that you are alive. Where are you?” =/\=

“We appear to be aboard the Chuck Norris but nothing is working correctly,” Gavron volunteered.

=/\= “Explain” =/\=

“Everything is mechanically functional, door can be manually opened, hand tools work properly,” Gavron replied, “but anything requiring computer coding, door sensors for instance, are inoperable. The ship’s computer is not responding to verbal requests or tactile inputs. Most of the PADDs are inoperable as well.”

There was a pause. =/\= “How is that affecting power generation and life support?” =/\=

“Both systems are continuing a steady output but we are unable to adjust,” Gavron reported, “Things that are mechanically operated produce the same thing over and over again. Everything from the replicators tastes like coffee.”

=/\= “So you are not in immediate danger of losing life?” =/\=

“No, sir”

=/\= “Acknowledged, you are authorized as needed to break in to emergency food and water rations, assuming they are on board. How many crew have you run into?” =/\=
“Aye, sir. Assistant Chief Engineer Prisil and Engineering Mate Gibson were with me in Main Engineering. And I ran into a couple of other crew members when Chief Prisil sent me to audit the ship’s systems.”

=/\= “Lieutenant T'Pralik, get a count of the crew where you are at and reported the names back to me. You will need to us direct badge-to-badge communications to speak with us. Hang tight. We are working on a rescue plan. Lance, out.” =/\=


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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