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Beyond the door

Posted on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 12:00am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: Inside the Ark
Timeline: Current


Mira and Sel'uk walked over to Kronnelti only to cover their helmet's face shield with their hands as the odor was stronger than he said it was.

"Oh, that is bad. Maybe we should skip this one?" Mira suggested.

Open' er up Kronnelti, and let's see what's on the other side Sel'uk said. He waived his hand in front of the door but nothing.

Hmmm, he looked the door over, and to his observation, he found a key pad of some sort.

Mira, we got a problem he said. we have a keypad of some sort, and by the looks of it it's it's been damaged.

"It's like it was done deliberately. Maybe in haste. Mira told him.

He gets in closer to inspect it and found two wires disconnected. Please stand back he said as he took the wires and touched the copper tips together.


The door opens

The heat blast that came out was visible . In the suits it was livable, out of them it would be really uncomfortable. "Class L biodome. There is no way they have a volcano on this ship, so they must be using some kind of holodeck technology. That smell has got to be really bad if we can tell it smells in these suits." Mira shook her head."Close it up, and we labeled it Class L dangerous. Let's try a different one. "

They walked to the next door it took longer than the others. "It is marked with 3 waves. I am guessing water." Mira said. The door opened, and there was a thin strip of sand like a very small island and water as far as the eye could see. "I can hear something like a whale song. "Mira told them. Sel'uk ran the tricorder. "I am picking up some really large underwater animals Commander."

"Darn, there goes my swimming plans," Mira teased. "Close it and mark it Class O."

The next door had one straight line. Mira frowned flat land? She shrugged "Ok opened it, but be ready to close it fast if needed."

Kronnelti nodded. "That had been my plan with every door."

The door opened to the desert. "The markings on the door are starting to make sense. " Mira nodded.

Sel'uk put her hand on Mira’s shoulder. "There are large animals under the sand."

Mira raised her eyebrow as one of the animals dove out of the sand and then back in. "Death worms. Close it and mark it definitely dangerous and desert. There are 30 of these?" Mira asked, then frowned as she walked, wondering how everyone was doing. At the next door, there was a circle.

"Circle? I have no ideas. " Opening the door lead to a round room with a console in the center. Mira looked over to Sel'uk. She shook her head no. "No lifeforms, Commander."

"Ok, I'll go first." When Kronnelti started to say something, she shook her head "Your mated and going home to her. Besides, if someone goes wrong, it will be easier for you to get me out than me to get you out."

Mira watched the white floor it seemed all solid. " Mira touched the console. One symbol was the same as water. The room had a view of the water biodome. Then it slowly sank into the water to view the animals under water. " This seems safer a viewing room a safe distance from the animals. You know it seems more like a traveling Zoo. " Kronnelti and Sel'uk joined her.

Sel'uk nodded. "There are 30 symbols. "
When Mira pressed another symbol , a light shined down on her. Her universe translator was going crazy. Then, all the symbols changed to Trill.
"What happened? it's set for Trill like they know that language. Hold on, this is a zoo from different worlds. There were instructions fashing on the screen almost too fast for Mira to read. Mira frowned. "There are 30 cultures perseverance so far. They planned for more."
Luckily, Sel'uk had been recording the screen.

Lance needs to see this said Kronnelti." I've never thought anything like this would exist. Shit I've never heard of a zoo before he said.

So if every door has a different symbol, then shouldn't we get the entire science team here? He asked.

Sel'uk you said you were recording? Yes, she replied good this is going to throw starfleet off their chairs.

They walked out and labeled it as viewing area. The next door had a very strange symbol. It had what to believe was clouds or cloudy with maybe lightning.

Mira, Sel'uk, I can't figure this one out it either depicts a cloud or cloud with a bolt coming down, he said.
Sel'uk nodded "Perhaps we should have looked at all the symbols before from the safety of the viewing room.

Mira blinked a few times her head was killing her from the fall, but after that bright light scan, it was far worse. "It's the symbol meaning sky. For some reason, Nokto is coming up in my mind. "

Sel'uk turned her tricorder on Mira. "You have a slight concussion. Your isoboramine in your brain is extremely active."

Mira nodded, she thought as much. Her hand activated the door, then seeing a ground she entered "On wow. Birds." she pointed to a spot in the distance. " Lighting and rain. " She smiled. "Some of these birds and flying reptiles are big enough to fly on. Since we don't know what they eat, perhaps we should stay close to the entrance. " A little purple and green bird came flying around them, chirping out a pretty little song. Mira mimicked the sound, bringing a few more birds to them. She laughed as she held out her gloved hand "Oh I just want to touch it."

Sel'uk raised an eyebrow. "Not all things should be touched."

Mira smirked "Yes I know, but I am going to do it anyway. My......Guardian said he was going to put it on my tombstone. 'She just had to pet it.' Now Ensign the duty will fall to you." She said with a grin as she joked. Of course, Mira didn't plan to remove the protective suit she had on. She looked up and frowned. "That big bird seems to have noticed us. It's either coming to give us a ride or eat us."

Sel'uk nodded with a raised eyebrow. "Perhaps it plans both giving you a ride back to its nest for dinner?"

Mira laughed. "You made a joke. I love it."

"I was clearly stating a fact, Commander." Sel'uk told her. "Vulcans do not joke."

Kronnelti took hold of both their arms. "We either retreat or hide it still coming at us." Kronnelti didn't wait for her decision as he pulled them back out of the room just as the doors closed. There was a thud.
Mira frowned. "Guess it really was coming at us."
The next door they came to seemed to take forever to get to it. Mira had been just about ready to say, Let's try a different direction when they came to it.
Sel'uk touched the symbol. "This looks like our symbol for ice crystals."
"So maybe a winter bio dome?" Mira asked was she activated the door. Everything was covered in snow. "Any animals?"
Sel'uk nodded. "The largest is similar to Earth's elephant, and there are large animals on two legs. A few smaller. "

Mira frowned. " Two legs? How large? " Mira squinted in the distance she could make out beings walking only they were furry."I seem to remember a mythology creature called Yeti?"
Mira could hear something like a sigh come from Sel'uk. "Please refrain from petting it."

Oh, now Mira wanted to ."I wounder"

That's enough said Kronnelti as he grabs Mira's arm, you have a concussion. You are going to medical to get treated

=/\= Kronnelti to Chuck Norris, I need Commander Rodale beamed to medical for a concussion =/\=

=/\= yes sir =/\=

Seconds later, Mira is gone.

Sigh, now what Sel'uk? said Kronnelti.

Sel'uk blinked "Since the Commanders Yetis are still headed this way and my calculation are predicting a 99.97% chance of them being hostile and since we were on able to hear our Commanding officers last thoughts before she was beamed away I would suggest we leave yet another bio dome.

{USS Chuck Norris, Sickbay}

Mira laughed as she deactivated her helmet. She hadn't been serious about going to play with whatever those fuzzy Yeti like creatures were. She just been about to question if they were sentient.

Nim came walking out "Oh no what has happened to you now?"

Mira rolled her eyes it really did seem that way sometimes. "I am told it's a concussion and my isoboramine are very active."
She sat on the bed.

"Lay back and hold still." Nim told her. Gradually, she started to feel better.
Nim smiled. "K'ner might want to see you again about your level on isoboramine for now, you're cleared. I would get something to eat and drink before you head back down."

"Thanks, Nim." Mira told her

"Commander, how would you have handled that Ferengi?"

Mira frowned. "I would have ran my fingers over his ear until I got midway down and punched as hard as it could then question why he didn't like my Oo-moxs. a slap only increase a problem. If not Oo-moxs you should have just punched him. Using other people to fight a battle you are not will to fight is just wrong. Perhaps just turn down the dance to begin with Ensign." Mira smiled then left.

Her head was feeling Better food the a quick report in to the captain then she would get back to investigating that ship.

She had grabbed a breakfast burrito, a Raktajino and ate on her way to the bridge.

The Captain seemed alittle shocked to see her but after she told him about the trip to sickbay he understood.
"The video feed it down. it's like something knocked it over." The Captain told her.

"Odd am beaming over now I'll check on it. I wanted another look at that wall drawing again. I believe this is more like a zoo then an arc. The people who started it had their sun turn into a white dwarf. They then seemed to go around collecting animals to share with other beings. I am not sure yet what make them decide to add it to the zoo but they have been doing this for a long time." She handed the captain a copy of the video feed on her suit. "Your going to love the animals but the viewing room seems to be the safest way to see them all. "

Mira nodded then headed back to the point her team has started.

Oddly the camera was on the floor. She activated it then checked to see if it was sending again. It looked good.

Kronnelti saw Mira and asked you better now?

Yes a little rest and a bite to eat helped she said, well that's good because we found another door with no picture or sign but if you put your hand next to the door well watch.

He puts his hand next to the door and an insane amount of gravitational pull sucked his hand to it, he had to really pull away.

Both me and Sel'uk suggested not to open this door, we did find cover that will allow us to open it without being in danger and if so thankfully these suits I noticed have harness points.

The last thing about the door is it's voice activated and we don't know what it could be he said.

Sel'uk tried all variations and combinations of words and phrases but nothing she said.



Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical


Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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