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A question

Posted on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 2:38am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: Eden
Timeline: Present


Ok, that was shocking. "Why would there be a gravitational pull behind a door?"
Mira frowned, not coming up with a blasted thing. " Mark it unknown gravity door and possibly dangerous. We will leave that one to Starfleet. Make a note that it wasn't opened and voice activated."

Mira went back to the main bio dome. She studied the drawings again, her mind working on possibilities.
"This has got to all be from the Creator's world."
Sel'uk stood next to her then raised an eyebrow. "The carbon reading on this wall far out dates the outer shell of the vessel."

Mira waited for her to finish her calculations "600 years, commander.” Sel'uk told her.

Mira nodded. "Then they more then likely they added to the ship as they traveled with the last upgrade being about 300 years ago?" She looked around the room "So were are they? We saw the footprints. " she held out her arms.
Since Trill was one of the languages she saw on the list, she used ,it to ask a question "who takes care of the animals and plants?"

There was a little bit of a rumbling coming from the deck then "An inquiry?"

Mira raised her eyebrow "Yes an inquiry."

"long has it been since an inquiry has been asked. "

Mira bit her lip. "What is your name?"

The voice took so long to answer Mira was thinking it wasn't going to. "Guardian. I am the guardian of all you see. You need to put back what you stole."

"What I stole? " Mira frowned

"This is for all. Nothing can be taken or the keeper will be angered."

"Well crap, that didn't sound good. Do you think it's the spiders? " Mira asked. not wanting a diplomatic incident. "Better put them back just in case. Kronnelti go with her to make sure she is safe."

Mira addressed the Guardian "We are sorry. We are explorers and only meant to keep them safe. May we keep the plant life and watch it grow on our ship? It will die if we just leave it."

It's was quiet for so long Mira was worried that she wasn’t going to get an answer.

"You may, but take no more."

Mira looked over at the camera they had set up. "Sir, any advice would be helpful." what had Kevin said about a delay in sending?


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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