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The ark?

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 11:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 4:55am

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: Eden
Timeline: Current

( on Eden )

Kronnelti looking around at the wonder of this place, seeing all the different types of animals and environment it's hard to say if any are hostile or not.

Commander ancient earth told a story of a great flood that had a boat that held animals as well, and from those texts it was called the arc he said. Do you think this could be something similar?

"It's a theroy. Hopefully, we will find some evidence. If it is, then the beings that made all of this didn't make it. Still, " Mira's hand went to tuck a curl behind her ear, but her hand hit the helmet. Yea, that was going to get annoying fast. "How are the animals and plants doing so well?"

Ensign Sel’uk called out."Commander, look at this."

Mira moved towards her and smiled. "This is what I was hoping for. " On the wall were alien writing and drawings.

"Can you read it?" Ensign Sel’uk asked.
Mira opened her mouth to say something and thought better of it. " I am good. Ensign, but no one has seen this language in 300 years. It will take a little time. Scan everything."

"Yes, ma'am." Ensign Sel’uk told her.

Mira frowned, looking at the drawings. "It looks as if something went wrong with their sun. It looks like it was dying. As to what caused it." Mira shrugged. She pointed to another area, and this looks like beings gathering up plants and animals and putting them in this." she waved her hand to the ship they were in.

"They look odd." Ensign Sel’uk mentioned.

Mira raised an eyebrow. "Two legs, two arms, and one head that's close to us. But the shape of the head and eyes looks..."

Ensign Sel’uk "Reptilian. This might be a tail."

Mira nodded. "If we can find a bed, maybe we can tell their height."

"Maybe not. Reptiles are known to curl when they sleep." Ensign Sel’uk stated.

Mira shrugged. "I said maybe. The bridge will tell us a lot more. I would think they would have one of those. Someone had to set the destination."

Kronnelti walked around a bit more and came across a door, commander come see this he said as he waved his hand over the door. It started to make a beeping noise to open the door showing a farm-like room.

Also Mira does Lance have a security team with him? I'd rather not have him stumble into a family or better yet a group of something that could be hostile he said.

Mira looked up at Awal. " He should have taken someone. Did you assign someone to him? You or K'ner normally handle that."

As she walked into the room, Mira frowned. "The beeping sound must have been set up to let them know if someone entered the room, but with no one here, it only emphasized someone should be here and are not." She walked out and looked at a blue plant it was giving off a sound. She touched it, and it stopped. Letting the leaf go, it started humming again. She laughed.

=/\= Lt Kronnelti to Lt. Walker, are you with Lt Commander Lance? =/\=

=/\= Yes sir =/\=

This is very interesting yet primitive for their time he said, I wonder how many rooms there are and what's inside them said Kronnelti.

Just then, some sort of watering device sprouts up, spraying the areas of the farm.

Mira smirked "well at least the suits are keeping us dry." she stiffened. "Ah Awal, I think something like a huge spider is on my back. If it bites, will it get through the suit?" Mira was a little tense. "I am sure Star Fleet is going to want to preserve all these creatures, but I would rather not get poisoned." she turned slowly so he could see her back.

As she turned, Sel'uk hand me that sample canister slowly he said, oh mamma said the ensgin.

Oh if you could only see it he said as he gently removes the spider from Mira's back and places it into the canister.

Once she heard the canister seal, Mira turned back around. "Oh, by all that is holy. Tell me that wasn't on me, and you picked it up some place else." Mira voice was strained.

Sel'uk raised an eyebrow. "You want us to lie to you?"

Mira's eyes darted down to the spider thing then back up her. "Yes!" Awal."You never answered me do these suits protect us from them. " she waved at the thing.

Sel'uk eyebrow never went down if anything It might have gotten higher. How do Vulcans do that? "I have eaten things like that, but I don't want them on me. Ensign."

Sel’uk nodded ,"Do you think you could find another one or something else?"

Mira frowned "I didn't want to find that one on me. Why couldn't it be something cute and cuddly?"

He looked at the bio signatures on his suit, and scanned the spider. Well looking at it's fangs I'd say let's be a bit more careful in this area. If moisture attracts them then let's slowly back out. Ensign Sel'uk I see another spider coming my way but it's smaller.

She tosses the container to Kronnelti just in time as the spider leaps at him only to be caught and contained.

Ok we got two back the QI'yaH out he said as Mira was behind Kronnelti she passed through the door back to the starting area.

Thankfully the door automatically closed.

=/\= Kronnelti to Lieutenant Commander Lance, have you found the bridge yet? =/\= Asked Kronnelti

Mira listened for Kevin's response. When were wasn't one. She taped her own commbadge "This is Commander Rodale everyone check in."
Nothing. "It's possible some area of the ship are shielded. " she thought out loud but was still worried.

"Sel'uk document that door and added it to the map on everyone PADD identifying the ......I guess call them spiders for now. I don't want anyone going in unaware."
The Ensign noded, then Ensign Sel'uk found another door, "Shell we enter?"

Mira nodded. "I am beginning to think the beeping we heard when the door opened was a warning sound, so if it happens again, we need to be careful. "

There weren't any sounds so maybe this room would be safe. Mira hoped.

"May I take samples of the fauna?" Ensign Sel'uk asked.

Mira looked around. "I don't see why not. It would help with documentation, but be respectful. Even without the ship creators being here, I don't want anything damaged. Once we send in our reports, Starfleet will want to send in a science vessel to take charge. If this ship lands on an inhabitanted planet and all of this gets loose. It could devastate the ecosystem. Collect as we go and stay with us."

Mira turned to Kronnelti. "It's like every door separates a different biome. This looks more like a jungle. It's so beautiful." Mira moved carefully to the sound of water. "Purple water. It's darker than Trill." there was statue in the center of a Reptilian female but she had 4 arms. Mira studied it. "Odd the statue is different then the drawings in the center biome. Perhaps a deity? or Maybe the people from this area of thier planet have 4 arms?" She wasn't sure.

Not knowing what it was and out of respect she gave a small bow before moving on. There was another depiction on the wall. Her eyebrows raised tring to figure this one out it looked like a huge planet with.....Vines or were they tentacles?

She turned to look for Ensign Sel'uk again but didn't see her "Son of a targ I told her to stay with us."

Before Mira could say more something wrapped around Mira's ankles and she was falling. Hitting the ground hard Mira banged her head and was quickly being pulled. her hand reached out to grab on to something to stop being pulled but Kronnelti grab her wrist.

I got you sis, as he pulled her as hard as he could but the vine was being stubborn so he pulled his knife and before he could cut the vine it let Mira go...

Mira's head was killing her.

Don't worry about Sel'uk I got her before anything grabbed her he said.

Sel'uk cocked her head and was in shock that a vine knows when it's in danger and when to defend itself she thought.

Kronnelti did you see that she asked, yea he replied let's move more carefully around here it seems to be more aware of itself.

He looks at his bio signatures and it's off the roof in this room. Let's find another way out he said. If we can't communicate with each other then this is a very dangerous ship, arc whatever you want to call it.

I take back the primitive statement who ever they were they had to be technology advanced.

Before moving Kronnelti looked down and saw pressure plates. Mira, Sel'uk don't make any sudden movements.

Mira frowned "Thoses are foot prints. Large lizards maybe the size of Vaytoc. if so then it's about 150Lb."

Sel'uk knelt down next to Mira. "you think it could be the ship's crew?"

Mira's eyes were looking closely at the ground. "Those should be." dhe pointed to another set " again lizard but two legs and bigger feet. From the depth of the print I would guess around 200lbs. Are you sure you didn't pick up any larger life forms.?"

Sel'uk nodded "It's possible they were shielded when we scanned."

=/\= Lance to Kronnelti. Affirmative, we have reached a control center at the northern pole but it is sealed off. Lieutenant Walker is attempting to gain entry" =/\=

=/\= If entry is gained be on alert if an alarm goes off =/\=

Mira stood next to Kronnelti so Kevin could hear her "Kevin possible first contact. I have found foot prints that are two legged more then likely Lizards of some kind."

well I'll be damned they looked like pressure plates he said.

Sel'uk how fresh do these foot prints look? he asked "I wouldn't know sir they look Fresh. Commander?" Sel'uk asked
"If I had to guess with in a day the water that irrigates the plants would have washed them away."

His padd beeps, Kronnelti takes a look at it, um Mira he said have you ever heard of The Terellians? he asked.

She nodded " Yes but not much is know of the spacefaring humanoid race and they were known for having four arms, I believe they originally lived in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. They were also known for their own variety of spices . I believe I read but I don't remember them being called Reptilians? The four arms though could be similar to that statue."

=/\="Affirmative on the First Contact and we will be on alert. Be advised that the appears to be six minute delay on communications. Also, we determined that the are thirty different biomes each with its own local gravity and atmosphere." =/\=

Continuing on Kronnelti came to a door with writing on it. Mira, Sel'uk come here he said I found a door with writing on it.

I dare not try and open it but there is a horrible odor coming from the other side he said.


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & Tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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