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Visit To Eden

Posted on Sun Feb 18th, 2024 @ 8:01pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

Mira tugged on her uniform jacket. After being out of uniform for the last 14 days, it was a little odd being back in one again. She thought, idly to herself.

"Sir, the last crewman has reported in, and it would appear we have a few more." Mira smiled. Kronnelti's family and a new crewman she hadn't had a chance to read the file on.

"Then we are ready to leave orbit." The Captain gave her a nod. "Make it so."

Lt. Commander Kevin Lance turned in his seat "Coordinates Sir?" he asked.

The Captain looked to her. Oh jeez, had she not gotten a report. Flipping through the PADD, she didn't see any orders on any place they were supposed to go.

That's why he had put this on her. She wanted to laugh, and then she said, "Indulge yourself, Lt. Commander." She gave him a little smile.

"Aye Ma'am," he said with a laugh.

"Captain, you looked well relaxed from Risa." Mira stated. Her own skin was a few shades darker from the tan she had gotten from running all over the island in a bikini.

"I am. It was a much needed reprieve for us all." Captain Michael Intermeezo told her.

Mira nodded. It had been definitely a fun indulgence, now she had to get back to work. The Captain stood and said, "I will be in my ready room if needed. I have a stack of reports to read."
Mira nodded. That was one of the drawbacks to having a vacation, all the catch-up work.

Making her way over to Kevin, she leaned down. "I need your advice on something."

He smiled. "And what would that be?"

Mira bites her lip. "Crew disciplinary problems. I put Rodriguez in charge of a small group while on Risa. He abandoned them and disobeyed an order to stay in the group. Chin was no better, he followed. Both left three women unprotected." She sighed. "I pulled them from rotation on Risa, but ...... That is all I have done. if I wasn't their commanding officer, I would like to slap both upside their heads. They did get punished by karma, but" She shrugged." I am thinking of pulling them out of the next rotation of shore leave as well to make a point. I just don't know if it's too much. I thought maybe since you're not as close to the situation. You would have a clearer head on this."

He nodded. "Let me give it some thought, and I'll talk to them." Kevin told her.

Mira nodded with a smile, and then she moved to the captain chair. Activating the PADD, she started reading as she sat down.

It was about the time she reached the fifth report when the science officer said, "ma'am, there is an unidentified ship on long-range scans.

Mira moved to the console. "That can't be right."

Ensign Sel’uk nodded. "I double check it. It is moving, albeit, slowly. It’s also the size of a moon. There are no known configurations of the ship in the database."

Mira looked over at Kevin with a grin. "Change course. Shall, we see what that ship is?"

It didn't take long for them to reach the ship. "By all that is holy, no wonder it moves so slow the size is amazing. Any life signs?"

Ensign Sel’uk nodded, "Aye Ma'am from the readings I am picking up lifeforms that are designated as animals and a vast amount of Fauna."

Mira raised an eyebrow as she tapped her commbadge, "Rodale to Captain Intermeezo. Sir, we have found a ship of unknown origin. "

=/\="On my way."=/\=

Mira grinned. "There is writing on the upper left side of the ship magnify it and run it thought the universal translator." She had never seen marking like that. The ship was in the shape of a planet or mimicked one. Large view ports covered a great deal of the ship. "Magnify the image on one of the viewing ports. Plants?" The whole ship seemed to be filled with plant life and trees.

"Carbon data on the haul of the vessel is reading over 300 years old." Ensign Sel’uk

The Captain walked in just as that was said, "magnificent. " he said in awe. "A 300 hundred year old ship?"

"Aye, Sir." Mira moved to give him the chair. " We have not found any lifeforms but animals. Why build such a large vessel for plants and animals?"

"Perhaps the crew died in the last 300 years? Or maybe it was built for recreational purposes?" Ensign Sel’uk answered.

"Could also be their last attempt at survival. They could have put what animals and plants of their world on this and brought what they could with them? Sir, permission to investigate? " Mira asked hopefully. "We picked up new equipment from Earth on our last visit. A portable video camera. If it works like I was told, you should be able to see and hear us over there." Mira smiled.

"Sounds good, Commander, but be careful. we don't know what happened to the crew over there, and we don't know if any of the wildlife we are picking up could be dangerous." The Captain warned.

"Aye, Sir." Mira answered, then tapped her commbadge."Away team make ready to investigate a ship. Lt Walker, please join us."

"I need Lance to check out their bridge. Hopefully, we will be able to figure out what they looked like from the controls. Walker can investigate propulsion and engineering. Ensign Sel’uk, I'll need you to investigate and document whatever we find. Kronnelti and K'ner to handle security and haz. " She checked off plans in her head. Had she forgotten anything? She couldn't think of anything. "Suit up in protective gear. " There, now she covered it all......

{Transporter room 1}

Mira fiddled with the suit she was in. "Hopefully, we will not need these the whole time we are over there. K'ner, I'll need you to tell us if you're picking up anything in the air that could be dangerous. Kronnelti, make sure nothing eats us." she smirked, not mentioning something had ate him the last time he had gone out with her on Planet Hell.

"Energize," Mira said.

{ship Eden}

Mira looked around in awe at the plant life. "If I didn't know better, I would swear we were on a planet. Walker set the camera equipment up and began sending feed to the ship. "

Walker nodded. "It's set and connected."

Mira tapped her commbadge. "What do you think, Captain?"


"You should be able to remotely control the angle of the view as well, Sir." Mira told him.

off: New mission. Have fun!

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris.


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