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Suraya Bay moon light festivities

Posted on Sun Feb 11th, 2024 @ 1:54am by Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Guilty Pleasures
Location: Risa
Timeline: Current

{Suraya Bay}

He scooped her up in his arms, looked her in the eyes, and said, "How is this then as he softly kissed her?"

Her arm's wrapped around his neck as they kissed. Get a room chuckled, Mira.

Kronnelti then whispered in Dianna's ear, and she got excited. He looked over at Mira and said we'll be back in a bit, and he carried Dianna back to the hut.

Mira shook her head with a smile, remembering those days. So full of love and fun. Biting her lip, she frowned. Those days were over. "Put it out of your mind."

Vaytoc looked up at her and cocked his head to the side. "Yeah, I probably have lost it." Mira told him. Here, she was talking to herself in public.

"Well, if you tell me what you lost, I might be able to help you find it." Rico smiled down at her.

Mira smirked. "My mind." she gave a little shrug.
He laughed, " Oh no, we can't have that. "

Mira laughed. "Too late, and I have no idea what planet or dimension I left it on."

Rico's eyes widen. "Well, now this sounds serious. Perhaps we can talk about it over dinner if I behave?"

Mira smiled slowly. This was his way of apologizing. "Ok, but if anyone else wants you join us, don't get mad."

Rico smiled. "I would never be mad. "

"Ok then, sounds fun. We can swim out to the boat tonight." She smiled as she took his arm and kept walking. "Tank got us new accommodations on the water."

Rico rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry about your favorite place sliding down the hill. I was able to get your clothes out. "

Mira raised an eyebrow. "Wasn't that dangerous? I could have just gotten new clothes."

Rico laughed. "Well, I had to get out, so I brought them with me."

Mira stopped walking and then looked up at him. "You mean you were in it as it went down the hill?" her eyes widened, and she held his arm a little tighter. "This was when I was trapped in the cave?"
He nodded. "If I had known, I would've come to help."
Mira smiled. "I would have come to help you too. So, mountain climbing tomorrow?" she said with a grin, changing the subject.
Rico grinned. "Sounds good."

Several hours later, Dianna emerged from the hut, she looks like she was ravaged and could hardly walk. She sat down in the chair outside of the hut with a big smile on her face.

The sun started to set as the festivities kept

{On the Beach}

Mira smiled up at the moons. She had missed this view of the twin moons.

"Are you ready to get wet again?" Rico asked.
"Born ready," Mira told him as she dove into the water, swimming out to the boat. Hopefully, they would get one of the few big tables that were built into the outside of the boat

{At the hut}
Kronnelti walked out of the hut and kissed Dianna on the forehead. Are you ok? he asked yes she replied. That was my first time, and she said he smiled and said it was mine too.

He looks up at the moons, beautiful isn't it he said very she said. Dianna looked out at the water and asked Kronnelti if he wanted to swim out to the boat. Sure, he said. So he picks her up and walks down the beach and into the water as they both swam Kronnelti whistles for Spike to join.

{boat restaurant}

Mira smiled as she put her hand in Rico’s to let pull up her up to the table. It wasn't high. As she sat, her feet were still in the water.

Vaytoc needed some help getting up, but he took a seat. Mira eyed his suspiciously "Well if you're going to do it, get it over with because if you do it when the food is put on the table, then I will not give you anything."

Immediately, he shook and settled down. Mira wiped the water off her face. "Remind me why I love you so much," she asked Vaytoc. He licked the side of her face.
"Great," Mira wispered.

Rico smiled. "What should we order?"

Mira thought about it. "Neptune's feast? That would fill everyone." she held out her fingers, counting everyone off in her head. "There are 6 of us, and the feast feeds 10." she nodded sounded like enough food.

It wasn't long before they were joined at the table. Mira smiled.

Dianna whispered into Kronnelti's ear and then giggled. He then laughed, too, which got Mia's attention. She looked at him and said what? It's nothing he said, but if you want to know, Dianna said you two make a great couple.

Mira's eyes went wide, "Oh no, no, no. We are just........friends."

Rico groaned, "Just what every guy loves to hear." he chuckled. Mira bit her lip. "We had this conversation years ago. "

He nodded and then ordered their food when the window opened. He turned back to Kronnelti. "It's a mix of sea food. It should feed 10, so Mira thought it would be enough. "

He grinned at Mira. "Are you having a big girl drink or frozen fruit drink."

{Suraya Bay}

He scooped her up in his arms, looked her in the eyes, and said, “How is this then as he softly kissed her?”

Her arm’s wrapped around his neck as they kissed. Get a room chuckled, Mira.

Kronnelti then whispered in Dianna’s ear, and she got excited. He looked over at Mira and said we’ll be back in a bit, and he carried Dianna back to the hut.

Mira shook her head with a smile, remembering those days. So full of love and fun. Biting her lip, she frowned. Those days were over. “Put it out of your mind.”

Vaytoc looked up at her and cocked his head to the side. “Yeah, I probably have lost it.” Mira told him. Here, she was talking to herself in public.

“Well, if you tell me what you lost, I might be able to help you find it.” Rico smiled down at her.

Mira smirked. “My mind.” She gave a little shrug.

He laughed, “ Oh no, we can’t have that. “

Mira laughed. “Too late, and I have no idea what planet or dimension I left it on.”

Rico’s eyes widen. “Well, now this sounds serious. Perhaps we can talk about it over dinner if I behave?”

Mira smiled slowly. This was his way of apologizing. “Ok, but if anyone else wants you join us, don’t get mad.”

Rico smiled. “I would never be mad. “

“Ok then, sounds fun. We can swim out to the boat tonight.” She smiled as she took his arm and kept walking. “Tank got us new accommodations on the water.”

Rico rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, sorry about your favorite place sliding down the hill. I was able to get your clothes out. “

Mira raised an eyebrow. “Wasn’t that dangerous? I could have just gotten new clothes.”

Rico laughed. “Well, I had to get out, so I brought them with me.”

Mira stopped walking and then looked up at him. “You mean you were in it as it went down the hill?” her eyes widened, and she held his arm a little tighter. “This was when I was trapped in the cave?”

He nodded. "If I had known, I would’ve come to help.”

Mira smiled. “I would have come to help you too. So, mountain climbing tomorrow?” she said with a grin, changing the subject.

Rico grinned. “Sounds good.”

Several hours later, Dianna emerged from the hut, she looks like she was ravaged and could hardly walk. She sat down in the chair outside of the hut with a big smile on her face.

The sun started to set as the festivities kept

{On the Beach}

Mira smiled up at the moons. She had missed this view of the twin moons.

“Are you ready to get wet again?” Rico asked.
“Born ready,” Mira told him as she dove into the water, swimming out to the boat. Hopefully, they would get one of the few big tables that were built into the outside of the boat

{At the hut}
Kronnelti walked out of the hut and kissed Dianna on the forehead. Are you ok? He asked yes she replied. That was my first time, and she said he smiled and said it was mine too.

He looks up at the moons, beautiful isn’t it he said very she said. Dianna looked out at the water and asked Kronnelti if he wanted to swim out to the boat. Sure, he said. So he picks her up and walks down the beach and into the water as they both swam Kronnelti whistles for Spike to join.

{Boat Restaurant}

Mira smiled as she put her hand in Rico’s to let pull up her up to the table. It wasn’t high. As she sat, her feet were still in the water.

Vaytoc needed some help getting up, but he took a seat. Mira eyed his suspiciously “Well if you’re going to do it, get it over with because if you do it when the food is put on the table, then I will not give you anything.”

Immediately, he shook and settled down. Mira wiped the water off her face. “Remind me why I love you so much,” she asked Vaytoc. He licked the side of her face.
“Great,” Mira whispered.

Rico smiled. “What should we order?”

Mira thought about it. “Neptune’s feast? That would fill everyone.” She held out her fingers, counting everyone off in her head. “There are 6 of us, and the feast feeds 10.” She nodded sounded like enough food.

It wasn’t long before they were joined at the table. Mira smiled.

Dianna whispered into Kronnelti’s ear and then giggled. He then laughed, too, which got Mia’s attention. She looked at him and said what? It's nothing he said, but if you want to know, Dianna said youa two make a great couple.

Mira’s eyes went wide, “Oh no, no, no. We are just……..friends.”

Rico groaned, “Just what every guy loves to hear.” He chuckled. Mira bit her lip. “We had this conversation years ago. “

He nodded and then ordered their food when the window opened. He turned back to Kronnelti. “It’s a mix of sea food. It should feed 10, so Mira thought it would be enough. “

He grinned at Mira. “Are you having a big girl drink or frozen fruit drink.”

Mira thought about it, “Pina colada.” She smiled.

Kronnelti just laughed and said, “ I know how you are, Mira.” We’ve worked on the ship far too long, he said. You tell stories about your adventures and your friends too.

He then asked Dianna what she would like to drink, and she thought about it, so she asked Kronnelti what his choice of drink would be, and he said warm blood wine, and her face went pale. He then said it's not for everybody it's actually a Klingon drink, but I’ll get binge beer & she second that.

The food comes out, and everybody starts digging in, conversations keep going, and then soft music starts playing, and with what little room there is, Dianna asks Kronnelti to dance with her.

He doesn't hesitate, and they both start slow dancing, something he has never done, but Kronnelti gets the hang of it.

“So you talked about me?” Rico asked her.

Mira frowned, then looked over at Kronnelti. Tattletale, she thought. “I might have mentioned that I got off a ship with a guy, and he couldn’t be faithful then stole three months of my pay. Leaving me without a place to stay. If you guys hadn’t got me that job and let me stay with you all. Who knows what could have happened.” She gave a little shrug.

He nodded It was true. “So nothing about being madly in love with me or …..
One of the other guys?”

Mira blinked blue eyes at him. “I care about you, and I enjoy your company, but……I am not madly in love with you.”

Rico nodded slowly. “Ok, so we are still friends.”
Mira nodded.

Rico looked over to where Dianna and Kronnelti were dancing. “How long do you think those two will last.”
Mira smiled, “As long as they wish.”


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security/tactical


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