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Posted on Tue Jan 23rd, 2024 @ 4:25pm by Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Tue Jan 23rd, 2024 @ 6:59pm

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: Talbort III
Timeline: Current

{Talbort III}

Kevin bounced along in the back of the rickety ground transport that was carrying him and his captors away from the starport where the shuttle that he rented was berthed. His hands were still bound in front of him but the leg restraints had been removed to allow him better freedom of movement. He was concerned that Sehket had not yet freed him but the boy insisted that the restriction was only until they secured transport off of the planet and deeper into the Gamma Quadrant. Kevin was also concerned that they had left the starport, the most logical place to get a ship off-planet, and were headed Cochrane knew where. He studied the route that the vehicle was taking in case he needed to find his way back to the shuttle.

Sehket seemed relaxed but Mika fidgeted nervously in her seat. Clearly this wasn’t part of the original plan and she didn’t seem happy about the alteration. This further added to the uneasy feeling that was building inside of him, that this would not end well for him. At least Mika had stopped sedating him. It had been several hours since he regained consciousness and he could sense the dulling effects of the sedative waning and that he was becoming more alert.

Release me, the voice from deep within him commanded once again.

The further that he was taken from the shuttle, the less likely an escape would become but he hadn’t yet found an opportunity. Sehket was careful to keep distance between himself and Kevin at all times and kept the phase-disruptor pistol pointed in his direction. There has been a couple of times coming off the shuttle that Kevin could have grabbed Mika but for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to take such a step against her.

The vehicle slowed and turned into a wall compound. The interior after an open area of some thirty meters was a cluster of smaller, low-laying building surrounding a much larger central structure. Kevin had not failed to notice battlements along the wall at regular intervals. This looks like a prison, he thought uncomfortably. A moment later, as if to punctuate his thought, the vehicle passed through an opening in a fence with a guard box. The guard was carrying a mean looking weapon slung over his shoulder.

The vehicle entered the larger structure and parked in a small courtyard. The rear doors of the vehicle were opened and first Kevin, then Mika and Sehket were ushered out into the daylight. Kevin quickly scanned the courtyard, observing the armed guards throughout and along the walls. His window of opportunity was narrowing but now was not the proper time. Sehket, apparently comfortable that Kevin would not escape, holstered his pistol.

“What’s going on,” Kevin asked with suspicion.

Sehket did not look him in the eye as he answered, “We need local currency to secure passage and upon further reflection, I don’t think that you can be trusted not to give up our location. By selling you to these traders, I can solve both dilemmas at once.”

Kevin was shocked but not surprised. It was his own fault for sowing doubt about his own trustworthiness in Sehket mind and his solution did have a perverted symmetry.

Release me.

Kevin pushed down on the growing fear within him. “You could have sold the shuttle,” he pointed out.

“I considered that,” Sehket admitted, “but it would have taken too long.”

Mika’s eyes were wide with shock and horror. “Sehket, you can’t do this!” she exclaimed, “It’s barbaric!”

Sehket tenderly touched Mika on the cheek and said, “I am sorry, my love, but I have no choice.”

“You always have a choice,” Kevin remarked.

Sehket merely smirked and shrugged. A local approached him and the two began a conversation.

“I am sorry,” Mika simpered, “This wasn’t what I agreed to.”

“Cold comfort,” Kevin replied flatly.

The local walked up to Kevin and looked him over with an appraising eye. “Tall, strong, and healthy,” the male said, “Not much to look at by humanoid standards but many of our clientele aren’t too particular in that department. He should fetch a good price at auction. I can offer you 30 zubeccs.”

Kevin had no idea the value of a zubecc and neither apparently did Sehket because the boy asked, “Is that a lot?”

The local looked at Sehket with curiousity. “Depends on what you are wanting to spend it on.”

“We are looking for transport off of this planet,” Sehket replied taking Mika’s hand.

The local eyes narrowed. “It wouldn’t be enough to get both of you out,” he said, “but I would be willing to double the amount if you would be willing to part with the girl as well.

Kevin had been keeping his head down in a docile manner to lull the slavers into a false sense of security and he fought the urge to look up to see Sehket’s reaction. It wasn’t long in coming. “She isn’t for sale,” Sehket replied definitively.

“I want both or neither,” the slaver replied.

“Then you’ll get neither,” was the defiantly response.

The slaver made an odd gesture and said, “Then I guess that I will need to accept a three for none deal.”

Sehket barely had time to utter a confused “What?” before a guard brought the butt of his weapon down on Sehket’s head. The boy crumpled to the ground as Mika gave a scream of terror. Another guard grabbed the Bajoran girl.

“Take her to the female pens,” the head slaver ordered, then to Kevin, “Pick him up.” The guard that had hit Sehket pushed Kevin forward.


Not yet, Kevin thought.


Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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