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Posted on Tue Jan 23rd, 2024 @ 12:33am by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: Gamma Quadrant
Timeline: Current

{Shuttle KL-237}

Sehket covered Kevin with a phase-disruptor pistol as Mika restrained Kevin to the bed again after being allowed to use the shuttle’s head. They were still a couple of hours away from the planet in the Tolbart system that was the intended destination of the two hijackers. Mika elevated the head of the bed so that Kevin was sit more erect but the restraints still held him firm, despite his tensing his muscles to increase their size. He had hoped that it would be harder for Mika to secure him to the bunk but so far, they continued to hold him tight.

Both departed the cabin but Mika returned a few minutes later with a bowl of steaming liquid. Kevin began to salivate despite the dish’s pungent aroma. “I am afraid that the replicator doesn’t do Ratamba stew justice,” the Bajoran began as she spooned the stew into Kevin’s mouth, “but you must be famished.”

Kevin’s captors were treating him with kindness and compassion, a good sign that they didn’t intend him any permanent harm. Still, while they had him restrained, he was in doubt. He needed to continue to work his way into their good graces while he looked for an opportunity to escape.

“Sehket seems to be a good sort of person,” Kevin suggested between spoonfuls of stew, “He must really love you.”

Mika smiled at Kevin and replied, “We love each other. Very deeply.”

“Forgive my asking but a romantic relationship between a Bajoran and a Cardassian seems highly unlikely,”

That brought a frown to the girl’s face. “That is what everyone says. That and how inappropriate it is that we should want to be with each other.”

“It does seem odd,” Kevin demurred, “How did it happen.” He hoped that a natural inclination to talk about oneself would open Mika up to him.

The girl considered him for a moment, then said, “I suppose there isn’t any reason to not tell you. Our parents are diplomats assigned to the recurring summit negotiations on reparations. We met at one of the conferences nearly a decade ago. We were part of a very small group of children who were brought by their parents. We were all to young to really understand what was being negotiated and all of us became fast friends. But me and Sehket shared a special bond.”

“And I take it from the drastic actions that you and Sehket have taken that your parents don’t approve of your relationship?”

“No,” Mika complained, “they are still stuck in the war! Sehket’s father was a junior officer in the occupation forces and my parents were an important part of their resistance cell. I know that both sides committed crimes that the other side can never forgive. But it was such a long time ago, before I was born. Why do we have to be defined by things that were done by our parents?”

“It is hard to let go of the past,” Kevin remarked. Mika looked skeptical as she fed him another spoonful.

Release me, a voice commanded from deep within him

“I can help you,” Kevin offered.

Mika paused. “How,” she finally asked.

“Let me go and I can pilot this shuttle to wherever you want to go,” he said, “You wouldn’t need to find alternate transport.”

Mika considered the offer, then shook her head, “Sehket’s plan is a good one. He would want to stick to it.” She gave Kevin one last spoonful and stood to depart the room. At the door she paused.

“Is there anything else I can do to make you more comfortable?”

She hadn’t been willing to free him so Kevin leaned back and closed his eyes. “No, thank you,” he said.


Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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