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Posted on Wed Jan 24th, 2024 @ 12:53am by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: Talbort III
Timeline: Current

{Talbort III}

Carrying Sehket over his shoulder, Kevin was marched into the large central building that dominated the courtyard. The pistol that Sekhet had holstered was removed by the guards but now there were only two escorting him. Kevin knew that he had to make his move soon. Once he was locked into a cell, he would have missed his opportunity.

The guards lead him through several doors with other guards and workers. It wasn’t until they descended through a pair of solid iron doors that Kevin was alone with his two escorts. As they descended the sour smell of unwashed humanoids was evident. The narrow walkway was lined with cells on either side, each filled with a wide array of alien races. They shouted and clambered at the bar. The guards were careful to keep their distance but occasionally lashed out to rap their batons against the bars to drive the prisoners back. With the guards partially distracted by the other prisoners, it was Kevin’s best opportunity


Now, Kevin thought.

With a quick pivot, Kevin swung Sehket’s legs at the guard behind him then threw the unconscious Cardassian against the unbalanced man. With one guard distracted, Kevin reached out to the other in the lead. The guard fumbled with his baton and missed his blow. Kevin got his restrained hands over the guards head and pulled the connecting cable against the man’s windpipe, cutting off the flow of oxygen while simultaneously pressing his wrist and forearms against the guard’s carotid artery. As the guard clawed at his arm, Kevin turned to put his captive between himself and the second guard.

The second guard had pushed Sehket off of him and advanced on Kevin, jabbing with his baton. Kevin pull his guard in front to protect himself from the blow and it instead caught the guard in the solar plexus. There was a jolt of electricity and the guard in his arms stopped struggling. Kevin pushed the second guard back causing him to trip over Sehket’s prone form and fall backwards.

The shouts of the prisoners rose in volume in response to the attack on the guards. Kevin drove the conscious guard on top of the other and used the former’s head to smash the former’s face repeatedly and with great force. He continued to pound until well after the second guard ceased struggling. With adrenaline coursing through his veins and the blood pounding in his ears, Kevin rolled off the bloodied and unconscious guards.

He felt a satisfaction at his very core that his rational mind found very disturbing.

After what seems like an eternity and the briefest moment in time, Kevin turned his attention to finding something to cut the bonds on his wrists. He didn’t know how long he would have before the rest of the garrison was alerted and reacted. As he searched, he noticed the prisoner reaching towards a device on the guard’s belt that was smaller than a tricorder. He grabbed the item.

The alien humanoids in the cells gibbered at him in strange languages but from their hand gestures, it was evident that they wanted him to take the device and interact with a control panel on the cell door. A mass jailbreak would provide cover for his escape and improve his chances of making back to the starport. With only a moments pause, Kevin proceeded to open the cells.

There were cheers from the alien humanoids as they spilled from the cells and up through the double iron doors. Almost immediately, there was gunfire but their sheer numbers were likely to quickly overcome the guards closest to the prison area. Kevin waited until most had charged out of the prison area while he continued to search for a means to sever his bonds.

Sehket gave a soft moan. Kevin looked at the Cardassian boy. He had literally tried to sell Kevin out. He deserved no mercy and should be left to the fate that he had intended for the Star Fleet officer. Taking him would hurt his chances of getting away.

You always have a choice, Kevin reminded himself.

Nuch, the voice inside of him taunted.

“Sehket,” Kevin called as he shook the boy none too gently, “Wake up. We have to move.”

Sehket eyes fluttered open. “What happened?” he asked.

“You got double crossed when you tried to double cross me,” Kevin explained.

Sehket’s eyes shot open. “They took Mika!”

“And we’re going to get her back,” Kevin promised. But that would take time and increase the likelihood of getting caught. Still, no need to worry the boy any more than he already was. “Help me get these restraints off.”


Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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