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Hunt is over

Posted on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 11:16pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: Planet hell
Timeline: Present

{IKS Che’Ta’, Hell}

By all that was holy, she hurt all over, Mira thought as she laid back on the bench in the dining hall of the ship. There was too much drinking, too much food, too much running from lizards, and not enough sleep in her opinion. She had her eyes closed and doing her best to rest.

Earlier that day K’hoshi and Mira had been in her old cave and pulled out a good stack of leather for the leather master.

When she had been rescued, Mira had grabbed some stuff and left quietly. Now that things were different, she had a little time to look around to see what she had left. K’hoshi had laughed at the little cave Mira had lived in until she crawled inside. It wasn’t much, but she had made everything by hand and survived for four years here.

Vaytoc purred in her ear, making Mira grin. He was having fun hunting. She had faced her demons here and even killed one with a Bat’leth. It had scored a point by raking down her arm with its claws. The claws were now in her bag. The lizard had been skinned, and the leather master said he would make something for her. The crew was feasting on it right now. Mira didn't want any of the meat from this world. Just about everything had made her sick here. She was so thankful Kronnelti had sent a message that he was coming here to get her.

He might want to hunt a little, but then they would be taking off to Bajor and DS9. Once Krum had heard she had a ride coming he had extended their hunting trip here. He wanted to go after one of the bigger lizards.

Mira wasn’t messing with that lizard unless she had to.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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