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Outward Bound

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 11:44pm by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: Deep Space Nine
Timeline: Current

{Deep Space Nine Departure Zone}

“Deep Space Nine, this is Kilo Lima Two Three Seven, requesting permission to transit the wormhole for the Gamma Quadrant,” Kevin requested through the shuttle’s communicator.

“Kilo Lima Two Three Seven, your flight plan has been confirmed and you are third in order of transit behind Bravo Juilet Four One One,” the voice of DS9 Departure Control confirmed. Kevin checked the navigational display. BJ411 was a Tellarite Science Vessel. Kevin programed the flight computer to fall in line behind the Tellarites, “Roger, Deep Space Nine.”

“Have a safe trip Kilo Lima Two Three Seven and enjoy the light show,” Departure Control replied, “Deep Space Nine, out.”

Kevin slipped the shuttlecraft behind BJ411 at a distance of 500 kilometers and waited. It wasn’t long before the shuttle’s sensors detected elevated neutrinos that was the hallmark of an impending opening of the wormhole. Sure enough, within moments the inky black of space exploded with a nova of light that dissolved into blue spiral with a warm yellow-white glow at it center. The Tellarite ship immediately began accelerating towards the wormhole and Kevin followed suit.

He was so enthralled by the wormhole’s beauty that he failed to detect the soft approach of someone from behind. There was a sharp sting at his neck and he barely had time to raise his hand before the whole universe went dark.


Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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