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Home to hell

Posted on Sun Jan 21st, 2024 @ 1:02am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: IKS Che'Ta'
Timeline: Present

{IKS Che'Ta' }

As Mira stepped on the Bird-of-Prey, her PADD beeped, telling her she had a message. Taking her PADD out, she read it.

=/\=" Be careful there and have deserve it. I'm not joining I’m going back home, too."=/\=

Mira frowned briefly at the message. He was going home. Then she wondered where home was for him. As she was his sister, she should probably ask him the next time they meet.

Captain Krum came up behind to hug her. "Everything ok?"

"Yea, I was kind of hoping my .......adopted brother might want to come with us to see my old ........prison or home. I'm not sure which one fits better, but I did build a survivable place there."

Mira typed a message, "Will do, Bro. If you have a change of plans. I'll be at these coordinates hunting big lizards." she sent the coordinates with the message.

Krum kissed her neck. "I'll be in the bridge. Make yourself at home."

"How did you hear about hell? " Mira asked

"Your cousin Garahl, he took the Harbinger out there. He said it was the best place for hunting." Krum told before walking to the bridge.

Mira sat in a chair and called Vaytoc to her. "Well buddy, we are going to face our demons. Only this time, we will have some help.

A Klingon woman came and joined her "Blood wine?"

"Yes." Mira took it as the woman sat down

"My name is K'hoshi Khilmex. I am mate to the XO. You have lived on this place we go?"

Mira nodded "If you prefer we can talk in Klingon."
"No, I wish to practice." K'hoshi told her. "These things we hunt. They are fast?"

Mira nodded, " Very fast. They make this eerie clicking sound as they prepare to attract. Once you hear it you will never forget it. "

The woman nodded, "I did not think you would go back."

Mira laughed, " I didn't either but I need to face the Demons I can face and defeat them."
The woman smiled then toasted "To defeating the demons" Mira and K'hoshi clunked mugs then drank.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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