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Change in plans

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 8:31pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: DS9
Timeline: Present

{Main Promenade, DS9, Quark’s Bar }

Quark came out with Aldeberan Whiskey and 3 bottles of Kanar. "I knew you would be here soon. My Best Whiskey and these are from Legate Broc Ghanrak."

Mira chuckled, "Please have them sent to the ship for me and add another bottle of Aldeberan Whiskey, too." Quark seemed overjoyed and seeing all this latinum.

Ezri Dax's eyes widen. "Are you going to drink all of that? "

Pouring the Aldeberan Whiskey in a tiny glass, Mira shook her head no. "I do need a few shots, though. It was a rough mission. "

Ezri smiled softly. "Want to talk about it?"
Mira sighed, "Finding the USS Avenger with the crew was a shock. Getting set on fire was......bad. " Mira poured another shot, swallowing it all, then said,"Dealing with the Romulans just......" Mira closed her eyes.

"You did what you thought best, and it worked out." Ezri told her.

"Yea, I know. I just never thought I would be in that position. All I could think was I needed to defend the Avenger, my ship, space, and time! before they screwed it up more." Mira tossed back another drink.

"You did the only thing you could." Ezri told her as she placed a hand on Mira’s.

"All those lives gone." Mira whispered to Ezri. "Then, what will the Romulans do now if they find out?"

"Mira, you're going to give yourself an ulcer. And slow down on the drinking, the food will be here soon." Ezri told her, ordering a glass of water for Mira.

Mira nodded at the advice. Then food came and Mira put the bowl on the floor for Vaytoc.
Then, she started eating with Ezri. Mira couldn't remember the last time she had eaten pizza, but it was really good. Perhaps Zimia was right, and she needed to start picking food that made her happy, not what everyone else was having.

"You know, you were dealing with the Romulans of the past. They had a different mentality than the ones now. Things were different then. The captain of that ship was probably ordered not to let it fall into enemy hands and would have blown the ship up before they surrendered."

Mira nodded. She had thought of that, too. Didn't make the blood on her hand any less harder to deal with. Vaytoc lifted his head up to look at her then purred. It relieved some of the sadness she was feeling. "You want to try pizza?" Mira asked with a smirk, and then she put a slice in his mouth. He laid back down by her feet happy and it would seem for now filled.

"So how's my brother doing?" Mira asked trying to change the subject.

"Colonel Kira Nerys tossed his butt off DS9 and Bajor. He isn't welcomed." Ezri told her.

Mira's eyes lit up with mischief "That serves him right."
"Crime rate has gone down, too, since he hasn't been here." Ezri added.

Mira's combadge went off. She tapped it "Rodale here"

=/\= Commander, you wanted to know were Lt Lance was at? He just left in a shuttle. For the Gamma Quadrant do you want me to hail him?=/\= Ensign Larry from security asked her

Mira sighed disappointed "No. Thanks for trying"

Ezri frowned "He was the one you were wanting to talk to?"

"Yep and he is running. " Mira nodded

Ezri nodded slowly "Well, there are plenty of fish in the sea."

Mira smirked at the human saying coming from Ezri. "I don't want a fish or to go fishing." Both woman laughed. She sat back in her chair, then poured another shot.

Right after she downed it she heard a deep rumbling voice say "Hello beautiful. " Mira was pulled out of her chair and into the arms of Captain Krum. She was surprised to see him but more surprised by the kiss she got from him.
Mira blushed slapping his arm "Krum, what are you doing here?"

"Picking up supply for a trip to your planet Hell. Why don't you come with us?" Krum asked her.

Mira's eyes widen never in a million years would she think she would go back to the very planet she had been stranded on, but the idea of getting even with some of those lizards that had chased her had some appeal to it. "How long do you plan to be there?"

"about a week" He smiled at her.

"Yeah, I am in. At the very least, I'll get some more souvenirs." Mira nodded

Ezri frowned "Are you sure? That's what you want to do and not the drinks you just had?"

Mira shrugged not really knowing but having a few guys flirt with her for the next week and getting even with those lizards sounded great right now. She had nothing else to do. "Yeah, I need some more weapons than I packed."

Krum laughed as he hugged her. "We have a whole armory to choose from."

Mira smiled then sent a quick message to security about her change of location and that she would be on the IKS Che'Ta' for the next week. Then, she gave Ezri a quick hug before joining Krum back to his ship.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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