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Lost her mind

Posted on Tue Jan 2nd, 2024 @ 5:32pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Tue Jan 2nd, 2024 @ 10:10pm

Mission: Christmas Cheer
Location: Hvalset Fjord, Greenland
Timeline: Present

{Hvalset Fjord, Greenland}

Mira stepped outside the shuttle and wiped at her tears some more before they froze on her face. By all that was holy, what had she been thinking. Part of her was so touched that Awol wanted to be her brother. She had never had a brother to watch out for her. Her own blood brother was trying to kill her.

The other part of her was appalled by her actions. She might have just cost her fleet officers' commission if it was to be made known. She wasn't serving on a Klingon vessel. Star Fleet officers did not act like that.

Mira rubbed her forehead as she leaned on the shuttle. Conduct unbecoming an officer. She squeezed her eyes closed. She couldn't even blame the alcohol on it. She hadn't been drinking.

Kronnelti eventually went outside to check on Mira and saw her leaning on the ship.

Excuse me commander said Kronnelti as he walked up to her, I know how you truly feel, he said. I'll wait out here while you go to him as he pulled her in for a hug. It's not the Klingon way, but he knows when family is needed.

Mira hugged him back. "I'm truly sorry. That is just not me." she never hit anyone else unless they were in a physical fight, and she had to defend herself.

Now go, he said.

That slap never happened. Kronnelti whispered into Mira's ear.

Oh, but it did, she thought to herself. A Klingon could overlook it, but she could not.

As she walked into the shuttle, the fireworks went off, bringing a smile to her face. "Happy New Year," she told Kronnelti as she pulled him in the shuttle. There was nothing to talk about.

Aboard the shuttle, Kevin finished his pre-flight checks. Mira’s slap was so sudden and unexpected that he could only stare dumbly at his two fellow officers. He had been mostly confused when Kronnelti trapped himself and the executive officer in the tiny warming hut. His feelings of ire were mostly a byproduct of the Commander’s intense desire to get out of the lock hut and away from him.

Kronnelti wasn’t a bad sort. He was a loyal, effective, and efficient officer. Having served as Chief Tactical Officer aboard USS Independence, Kevin could appreciate how well the Norris’ Chief did his job. He couldn’t really object to Kronnelti’s refusal to alter the recordings of Kevin’s duel with Sheris either. It was a very unusual request, one that could have gotten the Security Chief in trouble with the Captain. Kevin was pretty certain he would have responded in a similar manner had their roles been reversed.

Despite his professional viewpoint, Kevin had trouble overcoming the negative opinions of Klingons in general, a prejudice formed by his experiences with the race as a child. That, mixed with Kronnelti’s acute perception of his feelings towards Mira, caused Kevin to react towards the Security Chief in a more hostile manner than he deserved.

"We are ready to depart when you give the word, Commander," Kevin announced over the comm badge.

Mira nodded as she expected, they were back to Commander. She had made her interest known, but she would honor his wishes. Taking a seat in the back. "Kronnelti, please take co plot . The word is given bring us home. Happy New Year." She didn't say his name or give the rank to Kevin. She just couldn't at this time.

Vaytoc half climbed into her lap. She smiled, then hugged him. This shore leave had been all about expending energy and not recharging her batteries. A recharge was a necessary for her.

She would have to contact the counselor again. Being locked in that hut had set off one of her triggers. She had felt trapped, and it was almost hard to breathe. Odd she could go crawling around in a cave and be fine. Lock a door, and it brings on a panic attack. It wasn't the first time it happened but this time she promised herself it would be that last time. Damn Orions and that cell.
Mira let sleep take her.

{Space dock}
Vaytoc let her know as they docked. Mira tossed her bag over her shoulder than heaved the large wooden chest. It had been hers when she served on the Eclipse with Thor. She was surprised he had kept it.

Kronnelti took one look at the chest and then activated the shuttle door. He took the chest from her as if it weighed nothing. Mira smiled. He didn't make her ask. He just knew she would be struggling all the way to the transporter if he didn't.

{USS Chuck Norris}

The transporter tec just raised an eyebrow at her leathers and fur. "Permission to come aboard" She asked

"Permission granted "

As they reached her quarters, Mira took the wooden chest. "Good night."

{Personal quarters}

Walking in, Mira looked around she was impressed by how clean her room was. "Do you smell him?" she asked Vaytoc as he walked around the room, then jumped in her bed and purred. "I'll take that as a no." she put the chest down and then changed into sweats to sleep in. Tomorrow will be here too soon she thought before going to sleep


Lt Awol Kronnelti
Chief security/tactical officer

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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