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Posted on Tue Jan 2nd, 2024 @ 4:30pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Christmas Cheer
Timeline: current

[ Haz team realm ]

K'ner slipped back into the Haz team's small space, seeing the team has been cleaning gear after the hot/cold forays on the surface.

"I'm tapped for Sci support on the new mission. Tela, you'll probably be with the Science team anyways. Look up Rolar Nebula. Chbet might be handy since he's alt duty is structural engineering so I'll try to bring him along as well if we have to exit the Norris. We're looking for evidence of ship remains... or the whole ship I suppose if it comes to that. We'll be in the area in less about 7 hours."

She passed them the pics she got of the hull piece. "This is over in the science lab getting analyzed so you probably wanna head on over Tela. Let me know what you think about it. I'll be over shortly once I check in with the CMO on the way."

As she left, Chbet looked up. "NX-09?"

K'ner nodded. "Captain said she was thought lost, disappeared without a trace. Thought destroyed by Romulans at the end of that war. USS Avenger. Over 200 years old. Get familiar, just in case."

[ Sickbay ]

K'ner slid into sickbay, nodding at a couple of personnel on the way to the CMO's office. Glancing inside she thought it looked rather bare, even though she hadn't ever posted anything in the cramped space that K'ner remembered.

Looking around she said, "Has anyone seen Durzo..."

"Hey, checking out your new office?" Caplan interrupted her question as he passed by.

"Whatcha talking about. I talked to Sheela a few days ago before I went dirtside..."

Caplan shrugged. "Ya got me. Rumor is it was something after the whole 'Q' thing. She left with everyone else on leave, but didn't come back, and we got a memo that you're the new CMO."

K'ner's eyebrows crinkled up. "Acting CMO is more like it. That's what happens to the Assistant CMO when there's a vacancy until they fill it, but I didn't get said memo. Send it to me. Anything that needs my attention at present?"

Caplan shook his head. "No sir, we had everything ready to go before we took leave rotation."

K'ner nodded. "Schedule a full dept briefing in four hours. We have a new mission and we'll be in range a little after that... but I want to make sure everyone is on the same page in medical."

Caplan said, "On it!" And started jotting on the PADD in his hand as he walked into the next bay.

K'ner shook her head in a vain attempt to work out the kink that was tightening up, and headed for the Science Lab to check on the progress on the hull plating analysis and get the loop.



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