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It might be

Posted on Thu Dec 28th, 2023 @ 9:05pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti

Mission: Christmas Cheer
Location: Hvalset Fjord, Greenland
Timeline: Present

{Hvalset Fjord, Greenland}

"Wait, what weapons competition?" Mira asked? She loved weapons.

Thor smiled. "Tossing hatches and axes. Then there will be a log toss. Rock..." He was going to name more, but seeing the look on her face, he raised an eyebrow at her. "What is it?"

"How difficult is it to toss a blade vs. an axe? " Mira had only used an axe to chop wood.

"Not the same at all. It is something you can learn for next year but...." Thor chuckled, knowing how competitive she was. "I can show you, but these men have been tossing for years."

Mira played with the hatchet as Thor talked to get the feel of it. Then, when he was done, she tossed like she would a blade, and it fell to the ground, making her frown. That was not where she was expecting it to go.

Thor tried not to laugh, Her expressions were just so funny. Mira hated to fail at anything. He thought it must have something to do with her upbringing. Trying to be perfect, to please someone in her life. When he found out who made her feel that way, he was going to have a long talk with that person.

Mira went to get the blade, but after picking it up, she just stood there looking at the kids playing

He joined her. "Mira? "

"Have the children here ever seen Andorians before?" Mira asked him

Thor touched his beard and then shook his head. "No. Why do you ask?" Then, he looked to the children seeing what she meant. Two of the boys had their fingers up on their heads, acting as antennas.

Mira looked around for Kevin and Kronnelti. They were talking to the blacksmith. Thor told her, "Head back to them and let me talk to the kids." She gave him a nod as she walked through the snow.

Taking Kevin's arm as soon as she got to them, she looked back to where Thor had walked.

Mira bit her lip. Even if the kids had seen an Andorian, that didn't really mean Sheris sent them, right? They could have come for the snow since it was like their home world. Yeah, well, it did make herself feel better. Even if she was, more than likely, lying to herself.

Talking to the blacksmith Kronnelti was giving specific specs on a hatchet that he wanted made.

Thor joined them then nodded to Mira "They were watching the polar bare dip. " He told her. Mira cursed, "Then they are watching us?"

Who's watching us asked Kronnelti

"Andorians," Kevin replied simply. Given the diverse nature of the Federation the presence of aliens, even Andorians, at the Juelefest was not remarkable. The recent unpleasantness with Sheris however was agitating Kevin's paranoia.

Kronnelti sighs and drops his head. Can't anybody go anywhere without being stalked he said.

After Kronnelti is done talking with the blacksmith he turns around walks past Mira and Kevin, I swear my job is never done.

Thor, Mira and Kevin stay here I'm going to scout them out and I'll let you know if it's who we suspect.

So before walking off Kronnelti hands over his Bowie knife to Mira, hold onto this please I'll be right back. Then he walked off out of sight.

"We should get Mira somewhere safe," Thor commented as he raised his communicator to his lips."

"No," Kevin interjected. He couldn't believe that he was saying this, "we need to stay where Kronnelti can see us and observe the crowd. We need to be visible, not hidden, to provide a distraction from him and lure any antagonists out."

"You would use min lille as bait?" Thor asked incredulously.

"Aye why not?" She asked. "My back is well guarded. " she waved a hand around at all his people with weapons. "they can't even beam me away if I am holding onto someone. They would end up with Kevin to. Plus it is possible they just came for the fun." She gave Thor a grin as she handed back the hatchet then held up Kronnelti 's Bowie knife with a grin.

It took Kronnelti roughly 15 minutes to get to his destination. As he got closer he got on one knee and took out his binoculars/range finder and scanned the beach area, slowly going left to right he finaly spotted the andorians.

Kronnelti zoomed's deff andorians he said to himself but I only see one he thinks to himself, before he could put this binoculars away two more walked in view.

with caution kronnelti laid down to keep a low profile, he zooms in a little bit more & he couldn't fathom whats happening.

He gets up and hurries away making his return back to mira and kevin.

As he is getting in view he signals Mira with a series of flashes coded he's here with escort!

"Oh, by all that is holy! there are 47 female Trills on this planet right now. I know because I scanned before coming down. I was sure the blue jerk would have a hard time finding me. if he was even going to try to look for me, but he shows up here!" Mira put her hand to her head "Still the guy could be here for the Juelefest." She tapped Kronnelti's blade against her leg thinking. "He can't touch me here with all these people, and we can't cause a diplomatic incident." she went back to planning.
"The most he could do is demand one more meal but ...."

Thor frowned. "Does your Captain’s security mean so little to you?" At her puzzled look he continued."What are the protocols for this?"
Mira frowned. " His security comes first. The chief of security and I would...." she was cut off again.

"Protocols now with you?" Thor asked, making Mira cursed she was seeing where he was going with this.

She nodded. " My safety would be up to Kevin and Kronnelti. Fine, it would keep Sheris guessing since he wouldn't know what they would do."

Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awol Kronnelti
Chief Security/ Tactical officer

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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