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A Favor Owed

Posted on Fri Dec 22nd, 2023 @ 3:41pm by Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Fri Dec 22nd, 2023 @ 4:30pm

Mission: Christmas Cheer
Location: Earth
Timeline: Current

{Star Fleet Headquarters}

=/\= “Admiral Desai?” =/\= came the voice of the yeoman over the intercom, =/\= ”Lieutenant Lance from the USS Chuck Norris is still awaiting you.” =/\=

The Rear Admiral look up from his PADD and touched the intercom button, “Let him cool his heels another ten minutes.” The Admiral had summoned Kevin from his ship but the lad could do with an object lesson in where he stood in the pecking order. Desai returned to reading the reports on his PADD.

The reports from Captain Intermezzo and Lieutenant Lance might have been a carbon copy of each other. Desai had been hoping for some additional information from the Flight Control Officer that the Captain might have wanted to keep out of the official record but apparently Intermezzo was the very definition of a straight shooter. Neither report, however, shed any light on the perpetrator of or the reason for the murder. Circumstantial evidence pointed to the Andorian delegate as the doer but that made little sense to the assistant chief of Star Fleet Investigation Division. Why would a high ranking delegate murder the representative of a minor partner state?

Desai finally put down his PADD and activated the intercom. “Send Lieutenant Lance in,” he ordered.

After a moment, the door chimed. The Admiral made himself busy with writing on an electronic pad with a stylus as he call out, ”Enter.”

The door to the office slid open. Kevin entered and walked to a point two paces in front of the Admiral’s desk and assumed the position of attention. Desai ignored Kevin as he continued to write. Finally after nearly a minute, he put down the stylus and looked at Kevin, “Stand at ease, Lieutenant.”

Kevin relaxed slightly, clasping his hands behind his back. He noticed that the Admiral did not offer for him to take a chair.

“Your report is not very revealing,” Desai commented, “Is there anything that you wish to add off the record.”

Kevin swallowed, pondering an answer before simply replying, “No, sir”

"What is your conclusion, then?"

"I agree with the Captain's assessment," Kevin answered, "that there were two parties involved. The evidence suggests that Ramej-Kino was killed on Vulcan for the purpose of replacing the delegate with a double. Then the Suliban killed the double aboard USS Chuck Norris. I suspect that the two murders are otherwise unconnected."

"Who killed Ramej-Kino, the real one?"

Kevin stroked his beard, "There wasn't enough evidence to definitively state who but there is circumstantial evidence pointing to Delegate Sheris and warrant additional investigation."

"Yeah," the Admiral leaned back crossing his arm, "that dog don't hunt. Especially after your parting encounter with the delegate. Computer, play queued recording."

The wall monitor displayed the duel between Kevin and Sheris. Damn Kronnelti and his Klingon honor, Kevin thought.

"The security record was incomplete but what possessed you to attack the diplomatic officer of a Federation founder?" the Admiral asked.

"Delegate Sheris assaulted our executive officer," Kevin replied simply.

"I have that report too," the Admiral indicated his PADD, "and Lieutenant Commander Rodale has decided, wisely I might add, to let the whole matter drop. You on the other hand..."

Kevin hung his head to hide his emotions. He had learned, thought the security protocols provided by Admiral Desai, that Mira had intended not to press charges or take any other unofficial action against Sheris.

The logical part of him had agreed with and respected her decision but he couldn't remain detached. Sheris had tried to hurt Mira and would have succeeded had not he and Rodriguez been present to intervene. Such an affront to her could not go unanswered.

"You are in a lot of trouble, Lieutenant," the Admiral observed.

"Yes, sir," Kevin replied, "and I am prepared to face the consequences."

"Really?" the Admiral arched an eyebrow, "Captain Intermezzo is prepare to face the consequences for defying the civilian authorities but that will result in, at worst, a severe ass-chewing from the Assistant Chief of Staff for Star Fleet. Assaulting a diplomat will get you cashiered from the service. Assaulting a member of the Andorian Imperial Guard is liable to get you killed."

Kevin winced. A moment of letting his emotions get the better of him caused him to lose everything that the had been working for, everything that he had attained since the age of 12. He could feel the shame, deprivation and poverty of his childhood pressing in on him. All for the sake of Mira, a woman who had no regard for him and for whom his own feelings were complex. Kevin felt miserable.

The Admiral observed Kevin minutely for a moment. When he saw the Lieutenant's shoulders drop in defeat, he spoke, "I can, however, assist you."

Kevin's head shot up and his eyes fixed on the Admiral's cold gaze.

"I can circumvent any official notice and consequence for your rash action," Desai continued, "but you are going to owe me a very big favor. A very big one indeed."

Kevin grasped at the proffered assistance like a drowning man clutching at a life preserver. "What do I have to do?" he asked.

The Admiral gave a small chuckle, "I don't have anything in mind at this moment. But one day, I will ask a favor of you and I will expect you to grant it."

Kevin paled at the thought of what that favor might be. Without a doubt, it would be very significant in return for wiping the transgression from his slate. But what choice did he really have? He would do anything to avoid a return to the circumstances of his childhood. He reigned in his fears and stood erect once again. "I understand and accept."

"Very good," the Admiral smiled warmly, "and since we are now such good friends, I have one additional thing to ask of you."


Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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