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Posted on Fri Dec 22nd, 2023 @ 1:26am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Christmas Cheer
Location: Earth
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, shuttle}

The pilot, Ensign Greaves, turned in his seat and smiled. "You knocked him out cold."

Mira frowned. "Who?"

"Sheris," he told her.

Mira shook her head no. "If I challenged him, it would have been with weapons of his choice, not fists. The normal weapons are used for close combat. I can't do close combat with someone almost twice my size and win. Not unless it's a surprise attack. Don't get me wrong, I would fight to the death. There is, also, the whole thing that By starting a fight, it could be considered me initiating an intimate relationship by assaulting a male of their race. I'm totally not interested."

The Ensign raised his eyebrow in shock. “they do that to? I thought it was only Klingons. "

Mira laughed. "No. I have no idea how many races do that, but there are a few. Now, the Tellarites just believe in plane arguing. For any reason all the time. I had my hands full, with Grul, but I could deal with him."

"I thought you were all set to go to Greenland on that Viking village celebration." Ensign Greaves asked her. "Now that sounded fun."

Mira smiled as she leaned back. "Ah yes, Thor can be very convincing and fun to be around."

Greaves grinned. "Were you two a number?"

Mira looked at him oddly. "A number?"

" You know, like dating."

Mira laughed. "Oh no, he is like an uncle to me. Plus, he is fifteen or more years older. Thor got me a job on the ship he was on when I was seventeen and looked after me. I did want to see that Viking reenactment, but it's so cold there."

The ensign nodded. "You could do both. You have the week off."

Mira turned her head toward the view port, thinking about it. Christmas was coming up soon. Did she really want to spend it alone again? Seems like that's about the only options she had.

Lt. Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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