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Twas a few days before Christmas…

Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 7:39pm by Captain Michael Intermeezo

Mission: Christmas Cheer
Location: Spacedock
Timeline: Present


{Spacedock, Earth’s Orbit}

Michael Intermeezo stepped through the airlock and found himself on the main promenade deck of the gigantic Spacedock. The area was huge, and the seemingly never ending open space never ceased to surprise him, no matter how many times he’d been here during his career.

This time however, there were glittery decorations everywhere. Artificial snow appeared to sit neatly outside stores. Over the tannoy he could hear the soft jingle of carol singers. And in the air was the delightful aroma of cinnamon, gingerbread and hot chocolate.

“… is it Christmas?” He rubbed his chin, intrigued. He’d lost track of time recently, and had no idea that Christmas was just around the corner. A group of children ran past the man, giggling in delight as they pulled along some tinsel they had clearly acquired from the outside of some store. “You there! Boy! What day is it today?” The man pointed at the child who lingered behind the rest.

“Why it’s December 21st, sir!” The boy answered, his cockney accent apparent to all. “A few days before Christmas!”

“Then I haven’t missed it!” Intermeezo grinned in delight. “Thank you, boy!” He watched as the young boy caught up with his friends.

The Captain made his way deeper into the bowels of the Spacedock, heading towards the main transporter hub for the station. Once he arrived he inputted some co-ordinates for Silver Bay, Minnesota. It was time to visit home for the holidays.

Just a quick one to get myself back into the swing of things :)

Captain Michael Intermeezo
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris, NCC-4005


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