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Not again

Posted on Tue Dec 5th, 2023 @ 2:14am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: CSI: Chuck Norris
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{Operations center}

Drinking Raktajino, Mira frowned at the screen before her. Lost in looking at codes Mira commbadge went off.
=/\= Lt.Commander Rodale, please come to your quarters.=/\=

Mira rolled her eyes. She was all too familiar with Sheris voice. The Andorian delegate was driving her nuts. She swore the man was more persistent than Q had been. Sadly, this guy was a delegate, so she had to be polite and cordial with him instead of breaking his nose.

Looking over at Chin, she smirked. "What rule do you think I need to break to get the captain to give me the night in a security cell without my commbadge?"

Chin laughed, "You're the XO. Just leave your commbadge here and go lock yourself up. I mean, it's not like you don't take over a cell when you have tons of reports to read."

Mira laughed. She had no idea he knew she did that "Hey no one bugs me with Sokolov on guard."

Hearing her comm go off again, she closed the program logs. "I am guessing Mr Antennas wants to flirt some more. "

Chin smiled. "He seemed to be a good-looking guy. Is it because he is blue?"

Mira watched Chin over her mug as she drank. "No, it's the antennas. They keep moving. It's very distracting. I keep watching them and not the delegates' hands."

Chin frowned. "His hands?"

Mira stood up "Yea he will not stop touching me."

"Mira? Take a security officer with you. I mean, this guy could have been the one to kill the other delegate." Chin told her

Stopping at the door, Mira looked back at him. He was right, of course. "Don't worry about me. I think I can handle him. "

{Sheris' tep quarters}

Standing there for a few moments, Mira shook her head but keyed for entry.

Sheris answered the door in a towel. Mira raised an eyebrow at him. "Why did you summon me."

"Well, I was hoping you would get here to wash my back, but you took too long, so how about helping me dry off?" Sheris told her.

"No," Mira told him, then tried to walk away, but he took hold of her arm. "Ok, how about breakfast, and you tell me why we are all being locked in our quarters."

She gave a tight smile. "That's ship business, and I haven't been cleared to tell you about it. Sorry, Sheris."

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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