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Weapons room/security

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 3:23am by Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: CSI: Chuck Norris
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{USS Chuck Norris}

Kronnelti heard the commotion about what happened as he was outside, keeping eyes on everything, Kronnelti then peaked into the room and saw Rodale.

Ma'am I'm on my way to the weapons locker? Would you like to assist me? The Capt is busy, and so is G'ginloss, I am also going to security as well to check on our protocols, Kronnelti says.

Mira nodded "Yes " slipping out of the room, and started to walk down the hall with Kronnelti. "This is crazy. The Grazerites were asking for help, and this happens." Mira shook her head.

Coming to the weapons room, Mira inputs her code to enter and then waves Kronnelti in. Since the protocols had been tampered with, she was one of the three people on the ship who could have done it. Kronnelti was to see that any information they found was truthful.

Of course, Mira was betting the protocols was changed at Spacedock. She trusted her people and followed him in but touched nothing.

Kronnelti sat down with Mira behind him as he started imputing security codes and reviewing all logs into the system.

Within 5 minutes, Kronnelti finds something. Commander, come take a look at this exclaims the Lt. It seems as if one of the delegates somehow used a starfleet admiral code and shut off our warning system.

Leaning over to look closer at the screen, Mira frowned. "But that doesn't tell us who put the code in. It just means we went from three suspects to a ship load of suspects.

Reading more, she cursed."They also altered the red alert protocols. if we had needed to go to red alert, our phasers would be off line." None of this was adding up yet.

"Look at the time stamp. We hadn't even left Spacedock yet. Well, at least you and I are in the clear as to changing the protocols we were off ship camping." she bit her lip. "Fix both protocols. Then we need to find out if one of the ship's weapons was used, missing or they brought thier own."

Ok says kronnelti, he fixes both protocols then ill head to weapons storage. you go back to the bridge and see what else can be done, I'll call for you once i get information on the weapons stock.

Mira nodded "I will make a report to the Captain. He might need to contact headquarters about the admiral code. I have no idea who's code they are using and if that Admiral knows his or her code is being used.

kronnelti then leaves for the weapons storage..

the lift stops at storage, kronnelti then steps out and walks threw the door. He then sits down at the desk and starts imputing codes for all weapons and how many have been taken out and how many have been put back. Roughly 10 minutes later =/\= Kronnelti to Rodale it seems that everything is accounted for. That means they brought their own phaser said kronnelti

Kronnelti left security to the weapons storage,

{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

Standing before the Captain Mira gave what information Lt.Kronnelti and she had gathered. " I think it would be wise Sir to let starfleet know one of the admiral security codes has been used. I also think it might be prudent to make sure that knowledge goes to someone you trust in case that admiral has something to do with all of this. "

Just then, her commbadge goes off

=/\= Kronnelti to Rodale, it seems that everything is accounted for. That means they brought their own phaser.=/\=

" Understood Kronnelti. We need to know how they got that weapon past our security on the transporter. " Mira told him, then frowned at the Captain. "It would seem they mess with more than the two security protocols if they were able to beam a weapon on our ship."

The Captain nodded, "That or perhaps a new design we couldn't detect?" He was quiet for a moment, then said,"I thought you said there should be smooth sailing between Vulcan and Earth?"

Mira rubbed the back of her neck and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Well, technically, Captain, the ship is still smooth sailing. We haven’t been attacked.......yet" She gave a little smirk. "Once K'ner gives us a time of death, we can start eliminating crewmembers as suspects. Then, I can start using more crewmen to find our killer. I would like to hold a staff meeting to let them know what is going on."

"Make it so Rodale." The Captain said

Kronnelti leaves weapons storage back to the bridge.

Bridge: Kronnelti steps off the lift and onto the bridge, commander, captain can i talk to you both privately?

The Captain nodded. "In my ready room."

Mira followed Kronnelti and the Captain out of the bridge

Ready room:
All 3 sit down Kronnelti explains the issue and without a doubt the commander also explained the same thing, what I don't understand is how someone was able to get passed our security with a phaser and has an admirals code to change protocols said Kronnelti. This is a very serious issue and for now keep it amongst us until further investigation of our high priority passengers.


Lt Awol Kronnelti
Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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