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Dinner and a scene

Posted on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 2:10am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: Earth
Timeline: Present

{Earth, Colorado, Mountain National Park}

Waking up with a soft moan, Mira set up. It was still dark out and cold. Her body was screaming at her for moving. Oh, she should have done her stretching after that climb yesterday. Her muscles weren't happy.

Unzipping the sleeping bag, she got up to make some Raktajino and put more wood on the fire. While that heated up, she moved to the water edge to do her Mok'bara exercise, knowing that would help with her stiffness.
As she completed the first set, the sun came out, bringing a smile to her face.
She started her second set, wishing she had brought her Bat'leth with her. By the 3rd set, she had worked out her muscles. if only she could take a hot bath, she thought.

Vaytoc raised his head from eating a fish he caught. Looking at her, he then sent an image of hot water. "That's a hot spring Vaytoc where did you see that?"

Finished with his meal, he started to trot off in a direction she hadn't gone yet. Sure enough, there it was. Mira put her hand in the hot water and smiled. Slipping off her sweats and shoes, Mira sighed happily as she slipped into the hot water. Ok, this was amazing and just what she needed.

Her comm badge chirped.
Reaching for her discarded top, she taps the comm badge, "Rodale here."

=/\= Maltan here. So you stopped by the base and didn't stop to see me? You know you do owe me dinner at the very least. =/\=

Mira chuckled she had forgotten that promise. "Well, I am camping. I know how much you hate the outdoors, but if you spent more time out in the real world, I think your Holodeck programs would get better." she laughed. His holo program had been perfect, not that she would tell him that.

=/\= hey, I'll beam you up now, and you can tell me that to my face=/\= Maltan told her making Mira squeal "No don't you dare"

Maltan stopped his hand movements on the console and then frowned. He had never heard her sound like that before =/\= why?=/\=

Mira rolled her eyes. "I am bathing in a hot spring."

The line was quiet for a moment, then she could hear him laugh =/\= "Ah, I understand. Well, if I had known fun things like that happened on camping trips, I would have joined you. =/\=

Mira shook her head. The guy could be a big flirt when he wanted to. Reluctantly, Mira got out of the water using her sweat shirt to dry off with, then slipped on her pants and tank top.

Walking back to camp, she changed into black leggings and a long blue sweater. Slipped her boots on Mira, starting to break down the camp and pack everything away in her backpack.

She tapped her comm badge. "Lt.Commander Rodale to Commander Maltan two to beam up."

Maltan smiled. "You didn't need to dress on my account."

Laughing, Mira shook her head. "You truly are a bad boy." After asking that her backpack be sent to the USS Chuck Norris, she stepped off the transporter to give her friend a hug.

"So about dinner is this?" she waved to her clothes "Ok or are we talking about me getting dressed up?"

"Oh, I would love to see you dress up!" He smirked. "We also will be having three ambassadors with us. "

Mira frowned. "So I am eye candy then?"

"Not exactly they want to ask you a few questions." Maltan told her still smiling, but thinking she was going to bolt.

Her eyebrows raised up in surprise, and then she frowned. "Full dress uniform?"

What had Maltan gotten her into?

"No, just wear something respectful yet distracting."

Mira smirked. "Distracting? So are you in trouble, or am I?"

"Neither and I would like to keep it that way. How much time do you need to change?" he asked her as they walked out.

{Maltan personal quarters}

Mira had chosen a blue silk cami dress that lay softly against her curves. it showed off her body without being too revealing .
....... Well, wow! That was all that came to Maltan mind right now. If the ambassadors could still ask any questions after seeing her in that, he would be amazed.

Mira frowned at him. "Should I change?"

"No," that came out a little too loud on his part. "I mean, you look incredible. Don't change a thing." Her hair was up with long ringlets hanging down her back.

He held out his arm to her, and they walked out. Vaytoc had not been too happy about being sent back the ship, but this restaurant didn't let pets in, and they couldn't really sneak him in.

{Restaurant on the promenade}

Walking up to the table, Mira got the feeling she wasn't what they had expected. The Trill Ambassador Yurjad Tonul made Mira nervous for some reason she couldn't explain. There was also a Betazoid and Andorian . Very odd combination, kind of like a start of one of them jokes you hear . Mira was having trouble keeping her eyes off the Andorian's antennae. it was very disturbing, but if ambassador Va'Al noticed, he said nothing.

The Betazoid ambassador Tebas Irain had an amused look on his face. Perhaps he could feel her nervousness.

The food had already been ordered and was placed in front of her has soon as everyone retook their seats.

Mira hadn't expected the meat to be ice cold, but she recovered quickly. odd but refreshing, she thought.

Ambassador Yurjad Tonul frowned and then asked, "So how long have you been with Starfleet?"

Swallowing her food, she smiled "4 or 5 months."

That seemed to shock them all. Tonul said, "And in 5 months, you made it to Lt.Commander and an XO?"

Mira laughed, "Oh no, I thought you meant since I have been back. 12 years counting the Academy. "

The Betazoid ambassador Tebas Irain laughed with her. "She was listed as an MIA for 4 years." He told them showing he had done his homework on her.

Tonul frowned at her then said, "And yet in 5 months, not one word telling us you were back.?"

Mira stopped cutting her meat and looked over at him. He had too much anger in that one sentence. Odd, she thought. "Starfleet knew within a few hours of my rescue." Mira told him sweetly and with a smile.

"But you didn't think to contact Trill?" Tonul pressed, making her frown at him.

"My duties and responsibilities are to Starfleet. They made any needed corrections to my file. if someone on Trill didn't read the reports, I can't help that. " Her dark blue eyes meet ambassador Tebas Irain black eyes. "I have family on Betazed as will. Was I expected to report my whereabouts to that planet as well?"

He smirked "No but now that I have met you, feel free to let me know your whereabouts from now on."
Mira blushed, then laughed at him.

Tonul still didn't look happy. "Why were you not at the diplomatic conference with the Fawuine? Shouldn't you have stood for them?"
Putting her silverware down, she smiled. " I know the Romulan ambassador personality. If I had been there, he wouldn't have let the Fawuine go so easily. I was dealing with eight different Q's at the time of first contact, and they sent Lt.Lance a head of the ship. He was there 3 days before Q let us join them. Lance didn't do things by the book, but he helped those people. After they were rescued, I asked him to aid them since they already knew him. "

Tonul didn't look happy, but she was guessing she didn't look all that happy as well. She set back in her seat. "Here is a question for you. The Trillian government all but erased my file about me. Why? I am also betting my Brother Von has something to do with all of these questions." Seeing his shocked face she continued "You didn't know he was my full blood brother or that he stole the land my parents left to me? or that he has been connected to the murder of my mate. Perhaps you failed to find out he has been banned from SB15 or that he is now wanting by the Klingon empire for the death of a few of their people?"

He opened his mouth a few times then said "if that is true..."

"It is and you can confirm it with Starfleet, DS9 and the Klingon high council. Trill is the only planet with the incorrect information."

She stood then and looked each of the other men at the table and smiled "Sorry gentlemen but I have a headache." Then she walked away.
She could hear the words ~ well played~ in her mind but she kept walking. Who was that?

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Betaras K'ner on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 1:09pm
