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Getting organized

Posted on Sun Oct 29th, 2023 @ 4:29pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris}

Mira kept herself busy by going over the consoles. Once she figured out what one was what, she would go over it with the crew member. She went to tap her comm badge but found it on the furry sleeve of her arm. "Lt.Commander Mira Rodale to Ensign Amy Draf to the bridge."

Amy was Bolian, and the only other one of the comm officers that she knew of that could read Klingon.

So could Lt.Commander G'ginloss, Lt.Commander Ezah, and Lt. Kronnelti. Speaking of Kronnelti, she hadn't seen him in a while. odd.

"We are on a B'rel class bird of prey," Mira told the Captain. "Crew can be 390, so we are understaffed again, " she mumbled at least they weren't on a smaller ship and lost crew.

"Normal Cruise : 6
Maximum Cruise : 7.8
Maximum Rated : 9 for 10 hours." She said.

At that speed, it was going to take weeks to get out of Romulan space. Mira's eyes met Lance's and blushed, looking away. She was going to have to keep reminding herself that the real Lance had not been in the cave with her. Right, nothing happened. Just go back to normal. Darn Q and his games.

She rubbed her forehead, her head was still killing her. She was going to have to go to medical soon, wherever that was on this ship.
Feeling a wave of dizziness, Mira took a seat and frowned. she focused on one light to keep from passing out. It worked.

Q grinned. "You know you can just ask me to heal you."

Mira frowned. "Not happening,"

Amy came over with a PADD. Frowning, Mira took it. "Are you sure?"
Amy nodded

"We are going to need more supplies than this. Plus, there is only Klingon food aboard. That's not going to work." Mira said

Q laughed. "You will not starve."

Rolling her eyes, Mira shook her head. "That is not the point. The crew doesn't eat gagh. and the other Klingon food I have listed here." she held up the PADD.

"Ask me," Q told her

Just as she was about to say more, the Captain spoke up. "Enough! Stop harassing my female crew members."

"Oh, but they are so much fun." Q answered

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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