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Posted on Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 6:25am by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: Romulan Space
Timeline: Current

{Aboard a Klingon ship in Romulan Space}

Kevin’s experimentation paid off. Using standard Federation piloting exercises and his limited understanding of Klingon, he had been able to discern which controls did what. Lieutenant Commander G'ginloss had translated the more difficult portions of the flight control console for him and now Kevin was practicing activating and deactivating the various controls, developing muscle memory in the event of an emergency.

As his hands glided over the flight controls of the Klingon Bird of Prey, Kevin’s mind drifted back to the moment that he and Trace had found Mira in that cave on Risa. She was so different from Kera. Petite, dark—haired, svelte instead of muscular, and those spots running from her temples down to her ankles. He had been stunned by her in full uniform at Outpost 382 but in the bikini on Risa…

He shook his head, chastising himself for indulging in impossible fantasies when they were stranded deep in Romulan territory. He redoubled his efforts to memorize the flight control console.

Concentrating helped but it cause him to consider what Commander Rodale had asked about his missing beard. She had also implied that he had been in the cave with her while he and Trace had been trying to find her while being chased by wild targs. Q had transformed himself into a carbon copy of Kevin and must have used that to trick the executive officer.

Judging from the Lieutenant Commander’s avoidance of Kevin in the cave and here on the bridge of the Klingon ship, Q must have done something that caused her embarrassment or perhaps shame. Kevin clenched his jaw as he suppressed the desire to rip the Q from stem to stern.

An alarm activated on his console. A Romulan D’deridex cruiser was decloaking off of their bow on the port bow. “Enemy cruiser bearing 040, ten thousand kilometers,” Kevin announced. He tapped the controls to ready the maneuvering engines as he consider the enemy ship scared him less than did the situation with Commander Rodale.


Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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