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Lost in Translation

Posted on Sun Oct 29th, 2023 @ 4:04am by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: Romulan Space
Timeline: Current

{Aboard a Klingon ship in Romulan Space}

Kevin regained his feet as the bridge of the Klingon ship came to a rest. Garbed in a Klingon uniform, his arm was still wounded from the encounter with the targ. He rubbed his chin but his bread was still missing.

Looking around the bridge, he tried to get his bearings. A single command chair dominated the center of the bridge with two control consoles behind it like the tactical station on a Federation starship. Other consoles surrounded the bulkhead of the bridge. Kevin identified two on either side of the viewscreen in front of the command chair.

“Sir, we are deep in Romulan space,” Lieutenant Commander Rodale announced from the center console behind the command chair.

Kevin quickly moved in the direction of the viewscreen. He reasoned that the console on the right was the flight control station based only on the fact that the conn was on the right on most Federation starships. Settling himself in the chair at the console he hoped he has chosen correctly.

The controls were in Klingon. Kevin was able to identify some of the basic functions of the console from the limited vocabulary that he remembered from his youth. If he needed to read the more advanced controls, he was in trouble.

With little other option, he began experimenting with the controls to confirm which ones did what.


Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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