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Rescue Squad, Assemble!

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2023 @ 9:10pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: The Return
Location: USS Chuck Norris -

"I assume this will be a joint team of Security and Hazard Team?" Mira asked the Captain.

At his nod she sent messages off to the different crew members that would be sent down to the ground base.

[Security staging area]

Petrovski shouted over the din of grunts and insults. "Duty calls! Betaras, your squad's on deck! Suit up, Bravo config, meet the landing party pronto!"

K'ner skrunched her eyebrows up and she geared up and pulled up the jump orders on her forearm padd. Her squad formed up on her as she read off the scant details...

"Federation outpost 382... ground base... Attack in progress from OPFOR known as Undine..."

Sgt Kar spoke up in his normal gruff Klingon, "Also, qa'meHquv."

All eyes turned to Kar as K'ner gave him a nod. "Originally encountered in Delta Quadrant. Devious and highly intelligent, very evolved from what I hear. Very efficient killing machines sir and versed in bio-engineering... They were caught scouting Alpha and different than their original tripedal form. Some of them are shape-changers and designed for infiltration. They were all supposed to have returned to Delta, something about fluid space..."

K'ner mulled that over as she read more of the info and filtered it out to the rest of the team to review en route, "Make sure you have full power and helmets active when we leave! Full seals. Melee weapons ready! Move out!"

The squad moved with purpose and matched cadence as they double-timed it to meet the rest of the away team. K'ner contacted the medical with a little request on the way through.


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