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Info and action

Posted on Tue Oct 10th, 2023 @ 12:55am by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Tue Oct 10th, 2023 @ 8:09pm

Mission: The Return
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

Mira leaned over the Operations console with a frown. lt. Dasha Fedorovich was doing everything she would have done, but .... Now, she understood her XO from her first posting. He would hover, and it drove her nuts. It was because she felt useless right now or she wanted to be doing more. "See if you can pick out any of the command staff on the Base," Mira said as she backed up.

Dasha nodded and then said, " A Captain Jason Williams is hailing us."

Mira raised an eyebrow she knew that name, but was it the same person she wondered? Nodding, she said. "On main View screen"

=/\="We are under attack and are in desperate need of aid."=/\=

"We are 10 minutes out. Can you tell us what happened?" Mira asked

=/\=There are 477 that needed to be evaluated =/\=

Mira frowned. She understood they were under attack, but people normally weren't so quick to leave their homes. "Captain, we need a report. As i said, we are on the way to give aid."

Her stern, no argument tone must have gotten his attention because he seemed to pull himself together.

Jason Williams had always been a bit of a jerk and full of himself, but she had never seen him like this. A captain knows not to show so much panic in any situation. Bad example for his crew and citizens.

He ran his hands though his hair then stood straighter. Oddly, he didn't seem to recognize her, but Mira didn't take it personally. She was still small and easy to overlook.

=/\="This started three days ago. Citizens on the out lining areas of the outpost started disappearing. Then equipment started to disappear, and then more damage started happening to the base equipment. "=/\=

Mira nodded she had picked all that up from the transmissions. She wanted something more obvious than that. Some things on the Undine would be helpful.

Then he started in on saying they needed beaming them off the outpost again. She shook her head. "Captain Williams, We are not a transport vessel ."

Transmission was cut off. Looking down at
lt. Dasha Fedorovich. Dasha just shook her head, and she couldn't reconnect. Mira's fingers were itching to try herself, but she just nodded and folded her arms, then said, "Is the security feed still coming through?"

"Yes, Lt.Commander."

Mira turned around, meeting the Captain’s eyes. She bit her lip as she tried to put her emotions and thoughts into words. "That was odd. He told us nothing really, and I know it's been 10 years, but ......" She looked away for a moment, then back up at him. "Permission to speak plainly, sir."

His lips twitched, and then he nodded.

"I don't remember him being that .... wimpy. Normally, people who make it to Captain have other qualities that become dominant. " She shugged, not really knowing what to make of the exchange.

The Captain just nodded, thinking what she said over. It was Lieutenant Commander Klesh Ezah that asked, "Ten years for what?"

"Since we were in the Academy and work together," Mira supplied the time frame and information. Maybe he hadn't been a captain long, she thought.

Looking back at the Captain she said "With your permission I think Lieutenant Commander G'ginloss should handle the main force with the Undine and I'll take a 2nd team to make sure the base is secure and get the comms back up." Mira knew that G'ginloss and Kronnelti were well trained with the Security and Hazard Team, so let them do the job they trained for.

At his nodded, she moved out, wondering who from the operations and engineering staff would be coming with her.

{Transporter room}
Looking at her padd, she could tell they were now at the base she gave Lieutenant Commander G'ginloss and Kronnelti a thumbs up that they were a go.
Well armored crewmembers started to beam down.

Lieutenant JG Kirk Sokolov was
7'4" and Weighted 485lbs, he stood behind her with a compression phaser rifle. he handed her one, then smirked as he said, " Have you handled one of these before."

She just smirked right back at him. "Guess you will find out." was all she said, not feeling the need to run her mouth. She did run a weapon check just to be sure it was fully charged and then slung it onto her back.

Now that everyone had been beamed down from team one. Team two took their places.

With a nod from her, they were beamed down in the middle of a courtyard.

From the reading, they were where the security feed was being transmitted. So they should be on the main screen right now.

Pulling out a tricorder, she scanned the area and then started walking toward the main building.

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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