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The Rescue

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2023 @ 9:06pm by Captain Michael Intermeezo & Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Tue Oct 10th, 2023 @ 11:18am

Mission: The Return
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

Time for a new mission!

{USS Chuck Norris, Personal quarters}

Sitting at her desk, Mira put her feet up and leaned back with a tried sigh it had been a long day.

"Computer start personal log."

"After returning from the Mirror universe, we picked up the crew that had been stranded on DS9 and dropped off the ones that were staying.

While I had hoped to stay a little longer, our previous orders still stand. We are heading back to earth for a debriefing. At least now we have the Full Zaj language and history of them from the Mirror universe to give Starfleet Command.

Things have been running smoothly, and the captain has finally gone to his quarters for some much needed sleep. Even with the change in my quarters, the room still feels the same to me except my holo screen windows. Rodriguez had messed with one of the programs added photos of himself and Chin to it, and now, every so often, a photo of them popped up. I swear they are like children. I am finally given up on fixing it until i get some much needed sleep.
end personal log save."

Some time later.

Her door chimed, then slid open with a little swish. "Lt.Commander? " a soft male voice asked.

Opening her tried eyes, she frowned at the time. Only 4 hours had passed. "What is it ensign? "

"There is an odd transmission coming over the comm. We can't seem to lock it down."

Nodding, she slipped from the bed in her jogging paints, tank top, and socks, then grabbed the hoodie that was on the chair and followed him out. The bridge was right up ahead of her quarters, so it didn't take long to get there. Taking the earpiece from Amy, she sat down in the chair.

Hitting a few buttons, then boosting the power relays, did the trick she nodded in satisfaction that was cleaner. As she listened to the message, her body stiffened, and then she asked, "Show me all the ships we have in that area."

A screen turned on showing area they were the only ship. Cursing, she asked, " Find the location the signals original came from. "

"Yes ma'am, we have it how it's a federation outpost at these coordinates."

Mira nodded. "Set a course at Warp 9, and someone wake up the Captain. " She had hoped to give him a good night's rest, but ... fate wasn't having it.

Mira curled up in the command chair as she listened to the franic calls for help. They were one hour away.

The Captain, of course came in fully dressed and looked well rested. "Report"

Mira moved to get up so he could sit.
"Federation outpost 382 is under act. From what I have been able to pick up on the comms, their people started going missing 3 days ago. Now, they have a large group attacking the outpost from the ground. "

Mira patched the transmission into the command chair so the captain could hear it.

About that time the computer announced, video transmission picked up. At the Captain’s nod, Mira hit the button to begin a security feed from the base.

It looked like a war zone. People were running, but from what?

Something caught her eye.
"Freeze playback." Mira ordered as she walked to the back console and isolated the left corner of the picture. Then cursed as the image came on the screen. "The Undine or 8472 I believe the Klingons call them qa'meHquv . Resume play back computer."

She bit her lip as she walked back to the captain. "We are at Warp 9. Should we push 9.6? still have half an hour to go. " she told Thevl Captain. "We are also the only ones in the area, Sir."

The Captain nodded. "Make it so."

Mira moved quickly back to her quarters and put on her uniform. There would be no more sleep tonight for her. More than likely, no one would be sleeping as the ship's red alert came on.

Michael sat back in the command chair and rubbed his chin. This was an intriguing situation. Despite his many travels over the years, he hadn’t had direct contact with species 8472. He’d read about the species after Voyager had returned from the delta quadrant, and it made for concerning reading.

To be honest, the thought of meeting them excited him somewhat. He was an explorer after all, and so meeting a new species was a mouthwatering prospect. He just wished it wasn’t such an aggressive species.

Dressed and padd in hand, Mira looked up all they had on the Undine as she walked.

The records showed from the USS Voyager that there was a treatment that had been used on victims who had come in contact with the Undine. She sent that information to medical with a request to start replicating the nanotechnology needed.

Re-entering the bridge She handed her padd to the Captain to fill him in on what she knew of the beings they were going up against.

"I assume this will be a joint team of Security and Hazard Team?"

At his nodded, she sent messages off to the different crew members that would be sent down to the ground base.


Okay, if you are in either one of these departments or just want to go down, it's open. Have fun!

Lt. Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Michael Intermeezo
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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