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Here we go again

Posted on Wed Aug 30th, 2023 @ 3:09pm by Captain Michael Intermeezo
Edited on on Wed Aug 30th, 2023 @ 3:11pm

Mission: The Zaj
Location: Deep Space Nine
Timeline: Present


{Quark’s Bar, Deep Space Nine}

Michael Intermeezo had been sat at the bar for around an hour at this point, mulling over the conversation he’d had with Colonel Kira earlier that morning. To say that the woman had been tense and defensive would be an understatement. But he couldn’t blame her for being so. He just wished that she understood that he and the Chuck Norris were here to help.

“Can I buy you another, sir?” Came a voice from behind him. He spun his chair around and saw a young Ensign stood behind him.

“I’m about fine for a drink, Ensign.” He picked up his half empty glass of beer from the bar and raised it so that the woman could see. “But can I offer you one?”

The woman smiled and nodded her head before taking a seat at the bar, “Corvian brandy.” She said, aiming her order towards the Ferengi bartender. “No ice, and plenty of Gelso leaves.”

“Nice.” Michael nodded in approval of the order. “So, are you based at DS9?”

“No, the Chuck Norris, sir.” The woman answered sheepishly.

The man closed his eyes at his embarrassment. “Please forgive me, Ensign. I’ve yet to read over all the personnel files. I’m only just finishing up on the senior staff files.” He paused for a moment, “What is your name?”

“Ensign Selina Shaw.” She answered. “Science officer. The Chuck Norris is my first posting since leaving the academy.” The bartender returned with her drink, placing a napkin down on the bar before carefully placing the deep glass of violet-coloured liquid down on the napkin.

“Well cheers to that.” Michael held his beer in the air once again in a toast. Selina raised her glass above her head before taking a couple of big gulps of the spicy liquid within. “How are you liking the Chuck Norris so far? And you can be honest.” He smiled again, a twinkle in his eye, “Pretend that I’m not your commanding officer for a moment.”

The woman returned the smile, “Well, it’s been an interesting 6 months getting her back up to scratch. But I think we have a good crew, and as long as we look after her, the ship will get us where we always need to be.”

“Spoken like a true engineer.” The man laughed, taking another sip of his beer, “I think you’ve missed your calling, Ensign.”

Suddenly, there was a rush of people hurriedly walking past the bar. They all seemed to be congregating towards the promenade. There were gasps of disbelief as some people walked by.

Michael got to his feet and followed some of the crowd towards the promenade. Selina followed closely behind him. As they got to the promenade they saw through one of the many viewports that the wormhole was open. From within the wormhole dozens of Zaj ships were emerging. The man slapped his commbadge, “Intermeezo to the Chuck Norris. Red alert. All hands return to the ship immediately. I’m on my way.” He turned around and battled his way through the tide of the crowd. He needed to get back to his ship!


Captain Michael Intermeezo
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris, NCC-4005


Ensign Selina Shaw
Science Officer
USS Chuck Norris, NCC-4005


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