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And so it begins

Posted on Wed Aug 30th, 2023 @ 5:13pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Zaj
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris / Operations}

Rubbing the trill marking on the side of her forehead, Mira put the padd down. Her head was spinning with too many facts.

Bitting her lip as she looked out the viewport, seeing the darkness of space. She could get lost in her own mind, looking at its beauty. As a child, being in space was all she wanted and had studied all the languages she got her hands on, so when the time came, she could talk to anyone who lived here.

Ensign Rodriguez joined her at the console. "Maybe you ..... we are looking at this wrong. I was looking over your file. I hope that it ok? " he added, not knowing if she only wanted Chin apart of this. At her nod, he went on. " When you were on sb10 and the Vulcan delegates had Romulan spies in the group, your brother had lost a great deal of wealth on Trill. Also, Kolar and yourself weren't the only passengers on that ship."

Taking a deep breath, Mira let it out. "What did you find out?"

"Somehow, your brother profited off of many deaths and just so happen he was able to acquire of these peoples inherents as well. He has become very wealthy. He had to have help with all of this."

Taking the padd, he held out she looked over it. "He just had to have been in the right place at the right time to take over ......all of this. " Mira whispered, thinking her brother was far more evil than she had even thought. "Why erase me?"

Rodriguez gave her a sad smile and said, "You're a federation officer. He is a diplomat or playing as one. Dealing with criminals or groups that are not part of the federation would make dealing with some of them difficult if he was linked to the federation. if he is not linked to you, then he doesn't have that problem. also...... As far as Trill records show, your parents aren't listed anywhere. His is, but you're an orphan, and your parents are listed as unknown. And ..... they don't have you even applying in the symbiont program."

At a loss of words, the anger built. She tilled her head to the side, trying to stretch the stiff muscles in her neck. Her next words were low and cold. "The symbiont program is a joke. Any Trill can be joined with a symbiont, there just isn't enough symbionts for everyone one to have one. if they only knew now much, they really lost to gain memories of the symbionts past hosts. " she shook her head.

Rodriguez was taken aback. " You mean any Trill would qualify as a host? I thought only a few Trills met the qualifications."

she shook her head no. "They just need to be physically healthy. Of course, once you take a Symbiont, your own body can not survive without it. So, to have it removed would kill the host. They were worried that if people knew anyone could have one, then the chaos that could happen could get out of hand on Trill. They try their best to fit a trill with the same interests as the symbiont past hosts . But the truth is the Trill is only a host. The Symbiont takes control. Who they love, you now love and who they hate ......" Mira blinked a few times." I was introduced to Lox a year before my brother became his host. The man who was Lox's host was a creep, and I didn't like him. I got the feeling he didn't like how I wasn't interested in his power and thought I should be more impressed " she shugged her shoulder " Lox has has 8 other hosts that is a long time."

Rodriguez nodded. "To become a master criminal. I bet the Trill government would be willing to turn a blind eye to anything the man did in order to keep the symbiont program spotless then"

"Oh yes," she nodded as things finally fell into place. "This is so bad. " she stood up and started to pace.

Rodriguez watched her "What should we do now? "

Stopping Mira bit her lip, " Right now ? Nothing. We watch the base. Security is already on alert because of the area we are in. The Captain is trying to form diplomatic connection with the Base. That will be difficult seeing as who is command of the base. " the women could be down right rude at times but with all she had gone through it was understandable.

Thinking of the base she needed to head back. dealing with stuff here had been taking to much time up. "I'll be on DS9 if anyone needs me."

Rodriguez frowned, "Should you go alone?"

Raising a delicate eyebrow she smirked, " alone? The base is full of people. "

Just then there was a flash out side the ship getting her attention. "What the hell, was that?"
Everyone was stumbling to find out.
"on the main view screen " she said as she walked on to the bridge.
From the wormhole dozens of Zaj ships were emerging. the captain's voice rang out over the comm, “Intermeezo to the Chuck Norris. Red alert. All hands return to the ship immediately. I’m on my way.”

Mira looked over and order. "Lock on to the captain and crew now beam them off the base then raise shields, transfer all available power to shield and weapons as soon as the captain is beamed to the bridge. " she tapped her comm knowing her ordered would be followed until people were in position. "All hands to battle stations this is not a drill."

Lt Commander Mira Rodale


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