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What is he up to now?

Posted on Tue Aug 29th, 2023 @ 4:54pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Zaj
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris / personal quarters}

Returning to her quarters after the meeting, Mira almost laughed at Vaytoc, laying across her bed. He had quickly gotten spoiled with having bed again and was laying now on his back with paws flopping all over. Shaking her head at her crazy companion, she walked over to the replicator and keyed in a command for a Raktajino and dish of crip bacon.

There were still some things she wanted to check on before going back to DS9. Wrapping a napkin around the bacon she picked up a handful and her cup of klingon coffee, before walking out and headed to Operations.

Her staff didn't even raise an eyebrow at her eating and walking around, checking on readings. Narrowing her eyes at a report, on one of the padds on a counter, she picked it up with a frown. Hearing Ensign Chin get up from his chair and join her.
he watched her odd reaction,
"Is it that bad?" He asked.

She slowly shook her head no as she read, then looked over to him. Chin was short for a human male, maybe 5'6", but she didn't have to look too far up to meet his eyes. I nice change for someone her hight.

"This ambassador has made a name for himself since I have been gone. But as little as 5 years ago, he was in the middle of a Romulan, Vulcan problem on a base station I was on. We didn't have enough proof on him, but I am sure he was on the Romulan side. I know the Trill male. His symbiont is just as cold as he is."

At the look on his face, she smiled. " He was the main reason I didn't take a symbiont. Each symbiont is very different, just like people are. What people don't understand is that symbiont takes over the host. You're there and apart, but the symbiont is in the driver's seat, so to speak."

Chin wasn't sure he understood but nodded. "So do you know the man and the Symbiont?"

"Right, the Symbiont I meet before in another host. That Trill gave me the creps. The ambassador... well, he was my brother. At one point we were close, but this joining of the two changed him. And all of that was the reason I backed out of the program. I thought having a Symbiont brought all that knowledge of many life times and it does but I was thinking I would have a friend to live life with. Not ......." she waved her hand, almost tipping over her Raktajino. "live thier life for them."

She gave a sad smile and then tilled the padd towards him. " Whatever he is a part now he will be up to no good. We should see what we can find."

Chin took the padd. "I'll find something." he stopped and turned back to her " lt Commander? what makes you think he wasn't changed in the last four years."

Smiling, she leaned a hip on the counter. " I never understood the attack on the ship I was on or who even did it. When i got back to federation space. Things were kept ...... low key. Everything I need the federation supplies. My accounts and things to do with Trill was untouched. I wasn't ready to handle many things. I just wanted to step back into normal life again." she waved a hand to show she was here.

"Because of my mate being Klingon I did have to contact them and I did contact my uncle to inform him I was alive. " she gave a little sigh "Von never contacted me. He must still angry about his messed up plans with the Romulans. "

Chin nodded, " I see your point. I don't care how much I was mad at a sister of mine if I had the chance of getting her back in my life after I thought she was dead I would be doing so. life is to short."

Mira gave a little nod as he walked away.
Von was on the perfect base to cause trouble. What was he up to? Ambassador Lox sure had made a name for himself in the last four years.......
It was almost ...... no he couldn't have. And yet why all the changes after she dissappear. She set down at a console and started to activate some records. Who was still alive that knew him before her disappearance. What was known of Von besides the starfleet records now.

A few hours later Mira sat here stunned.
5 people had died on Trill that she knew of. All had known Von and Lox. Very odd she thought. Her uncle was safe on Betazed married. V was on a Vulcan base. Her klingon side of the family was klingon no one would mess with them.

Her mind not wanting to go there but her gut telling her it was true. Von could have had something to do with the attack on the ship she had been on. Why she had been so singled out in the fight. Besides her knowing about him being involved in deals that he shouldn't be in why go to all that trouble to kill her. Why not wait until they had landed on Risa. it was easier then having a ship attacked. Was he worried she knew to many Risians to get-away with having her killed there? She should have thought of this before. Yet she had no proof. This was just crazy and making her paranoid .

Chin walked over to her handing her a padd.
Taking it Mira frowned, " this is all common knowledge stuff on him. I know this." she went to hand the padd but he shook his head " keep reading it."

Look back over it she frowned "Von had been an only child of my parents?" Looking confused she frowned again " Where did you get this information?"

Chin said, "Trill, their records aren't the same as the federations."
"Okay," she said slowly. " That is extreme when you take a Symbiont their name becomes your last name but you don't rewrite documents changing the fact you don't have a family member."

Chin asked "very extreme why would He need to appear an only child when his sister disappeared and though dead. in a way he is already an only child why change records."

Shaking her head she handed the padd back to him. "find he doesn't want me as a sister" she gave a little shrug "I don't want him as a brother. Still be sides bribery on Trill to get records falsified we don't have anything on him."

Chin nodded " you think he will be part of a group making trouble here if we have any trouble?"
" They are trouble. I just don't have evidence. " Mira added. "as to trouble on the base so far there isn't any that we know of. We keep our eyes open. "

A voice sounded to her right. "if a distress call comes in do we answer it?"
"No, we are here as..... guests until the Captain says otherwise. We keep our eyes and ears on everything but we only watch. Distress Calls are handled by the base. " she took a sip of Raktajino then added " still keep our systems ready for anything. "
lt Commander Mira Rodale


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