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Time After Time

Posted on Sun Jul 2nd, 2023 @ 12:04pm by Captain Michael Intermeezo & Lieutenant Commander Klesh Ezah, Daughter of Aklow & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner & Ensign Jack Keegan
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2023 @ 12:07pm

Mission: Tomorrow, Before Yesterday
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present; and 2025


{Bridge, USS Chuck Norris}

It had been almost 45 minutes since Paxton stepped onto the bridge and made himself comfortable in the command chair. They were finally now coming up to the nebulous anomaly. K’ner had even joined them from sickbay.

“Keegan, take us within 500km and bring us to a full-stop.” The grey-haired man commanded. “I want a scan of that anomaly.”

"Aye Captain, taking us within 500 kilometers" the Ensign repeated back as he flew the Defiant class vessel into the nebula. Once the ship arrived within the designated distance he tapped a few buttons to bring the Chuck Norris to a complete stop. "We're completely stopped sir."

“We’re not picking anything up from within the anomaly.” An Ensign reported. “We aren’t able to penetrate the outer cloud of the nebula. Scanners show nothing.”

“Nothing at all?” Paxton rubbed his stubble, frustrated at the results of the scan. “Well. We have very little choice.” The man got to his feet and took the few steps forward towards the helm. “Keegan, take us into the anomaly. I want shields set to maximum and additional power allocated to shields if and when we might need to increase our defences.”

Keegan nodded and brought the Chuck Norris to speed. "Aye sir, taking us in now."

Paxton returned to the command chair and tried to exude an aura of calm as he watched the nebula on the view-screen get closer and closer. After a few moments the ship entered, jerking violently for a couple of seconds. “Steady as she goes…” Paxton said calmly.

The ship rocked once again. And again. And again. Suddenly it lurched quickly to the left, sending the crew leaning or falling to their left. Just as suddenly the ship lurched to the right, before straightening out again.

“How are those shields holding up?” the Captain asked anyone who would answer.

“Down to 88%” came a reply.

There was suddenly a bright flash of light and the crew could see that they were no longer within the anomaly. Paxton was confused. This thing was huge and they had hardly scratched the surface. They shouldn’t already be out the other side. “Report.”

“The anomaly is no longer detected by our scanners, sir.” Came a quick reply. “No sign of it in this sector.”

Paxton frowned. “Fine. Set a course back towards Earth. Given our close proximity, I’ll report to Starfleet Command personally and update them of the situation.”

{45 Minutes Later}

The Ensign manning the scanning console spoke aloud, “Sir! We should be coming up on Earth right about now…”

“What is it?” Paxton asked.

“There’s no sign of Spacedock. In fact, there’s no sign of any vessel types of any configuration at all in orbit.” The young Ensign answered nervously. “I can’t explain it.”

Paxton couldn’t completely believe what he was being told. He needed to see it himself. “Onscreen.” The image of Earth appeared on the view-screen, completely absent of any orbiting stations, ships or auxiliary vessels. “What the hell?”

The Ensign spoke again, “According to the star configurations and location of Earth in relation to the solar system and the quadrant… it looks as though we are looking at Earth from approximately 350 years ago. My best guess, 2025.”

“Time travel?” Paxton snorted. “I took temporal mechanics at the Academy, but it’s not something I’ve ever experienced myself.” He paused for a moment and thought about the situation. “That nebula, could it have been hiding a temporal fissure within it? Since our scanners and probes couldn’t penetrate the outer membrane of the nebula? Keegan, quickly put us in orbit of the moon. Hide us within the dark-side. It should make it difficult for the sensor capabilities of Earth at this time to detect us.” Paxton ordered.

The man nodded and his fingers moved across the helm console at speed, moving the ship to where he had been ordered to take her.

“Captain.” The officer at the scanning console spoke again. “I’m detecting small traces of the components that made up the outer shell of the nebula on Earth. They’re only minute traces, but still detectable.”

Paxton crossed over to the Ensign and read the console. “Looks like New York City. But how is that possible? How can traces of the nebula be on Earth in the past?”

Klesh raised an eyebrow. She had heard of rumors of different temporal incidents but she never thought she'd experience one. "What in the name of Kahless..." she trailed off before speaking again. "Captain, speaking of the probes and the nebula, if they went through, shouldn't we look for them to avoid contamination wherever they are? In addition, could those traces of the nebula be connected to our probes?"

Paxton spoke quickly, “Indeed. We have very little choice. We need to go down there to investigate.” He pointed towards some of the crew; “Lieutenant Commander Ezah, Lieutenant Kronnelti, Ensign Keegan, Ensign K’ner, you’re with me. We’ll find a practical way to disguise those of you who don’t look human and we’ll head down to wherever in New York these components of the nebula are being detected and find out what is going on.”

K'ner nodded, wondering if it was winter down below and she could bundle up to cover all the tendrils and ridges...

{Transporter Room, USS Chuck Norris}

The crew stepped onto the transporter padds, disguised in early 21st century clothing. Some armed with tricorders, others armed with phasers, and K’ner 'armed' with a medical kit.

“Stick together and try not to engage with the local population if you can help it.” Paxton ordered. “The transporter chief will put us down in the middle of Central Park. Hopefully it should be empty enough for no-one to see us beaming in.”

Paxton gave a nod to the transporter chief, and the 5 officers beamed down to the surface of the Earth in the year 2025.

{Central Park, New York City, Earth}

The five shimmering sparkling energy beams of the transported crew faded away within a few seconds. It didn’t look like any of the locals had noticed the five arrive. Paxton looked around quickly, his eyes darting from one landmark to the next.

The first thing he noticed was the air. It was cold, crisp, yet thick with pollution, likely from the internal combustion engines of the time. He then noticed it was night-time. Not too late, as the last remnants of a red sunset spread over the evening clouds above them. He opened his tricorder and scanned the immediate area. He was right. It was November, approximately 1930 hours.

As soon as everybody was beamed to the 2025 earth, Kronnelti took out his scanner as it's second nature for him. As he's scanning some blips come up due north/north west he gestured to Paxton, “Sir, should we follow this direction?”

“Not yet.” The Captain answered, his eyes still darting around their surroundings in search of any potential threat. “It’s getting dark. Let’s find somewhere to stay for the night and we’ll continue our search at sunrise. Let’s head this way.” He pointed towards where the park met a main road. “Let’s see whether that road leads us to sanctuary.”


Captain Paxton Beckett

Lt Commander Klesh Ezah

Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti

Ensign Betaras K’ner

Ensign Jack Keegan


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