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Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 12:27am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: USS Akira
Timeline: Present

{USS Akira, Personal quarters}

The dinner was a few hours away, and Kolar had been talking nonstop about the holodeck. Mira pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine! Ok, we will go." She changed into leggings and a crop top. Then she added running shoes.

Kevin and Walker had chosen to stay on the ship. That both annoyed her and impressed her with their work ethics. Still, it would have been nice to spend some relaxing time as a family. Walking out of her quarters with Kolar strapped to her back in a child's backpack carrier. Ashla was too young for what she had planned, and she wasn't ready to test her physical endurance carrying both kids. So Zimia was babysitting. She was happy not to go on one of Mira’s Holodeck adventures.

Montgomery was standing there with a smile on his face.
Mira frowned. She had not invited him, and yet he was perfectly dressed for her plans. "You do know that Awal, K'ner, and a few of her people are going too?"

He nodded, making her frown deepen. Rolling her eyes as she walked past him, knowing he was going to follow her. Vaytoc making a purr sound that sounded close to a chuckle, Neither of them said a word. You would have thought having Vaytoc, Awal and K'ner should have been enough protection, damn it. They were on a Federation ship!

{ Main Science Bay, USS Chuck Norris }

"Stay frosty Tela, keep the squad busy." K'ner smiled at the last.

Lt Tela nodded. "Undoubtedly boss. We've got this, you go see if you can keep the Captain out of trouble."

K'ner nodded as well. "Well... yeah, we can try. You have the XO here, so have fun that that!" She exited quickly as Tela growled a bit under her breath and K'ner hustled over to the Akira. . .

{Holodeck, USS Akira}

When she had first picked this program, it had been with Kevin in mind. He was always telling her how he loved parkour.

Mira smiled at the group. "Ready for a workout?" The doors opened to a desert landscape. Rocky mountain for as far as the eye could see or be tricked into seeing.

Pointing with one hand, she shielded her eyes from the sun with the other hand. "There is a path that runs up that mountain, then when we reach the top, we will run along the mountain peaks. There are a few areas you have to jump to make it across. I used to run this a lot." she told them as she looked down at Vaytoc "ok big guy, you lead the way." She slipped on dark sunglasses. "You ready, my little man?"

"Go fast, mama! Jump really high!" Kolar told her giggling.

K'ner nodded at Korra and Margo, who started a hard sprint to the side, quickly disappearing into the terrain. K'ner noted the dots for Taz and Deena, who were subtly camouflaged and lingered behind to monitor. Turning to the path, K'ner squatted and flexed to limber up, then shot forward to eventually catch up to the Captain and her little bundle of joy.

(Outside holodeck)

Awal, Diana and Venus had stopped outside the holodeck.

Why did we stop here honey? Asked Diana

If I know her correctly, she won't pass up an opportunity to come here and climb. Said Awal

Mira bypassed the long path that led to the top of the mountain. She jumped up, kicking off one side of the rock, and placed her other foot on another rock to get a hand hold on the ledge. She then pulled herself up just in time to see Vaytoc run by her.
Was she getting out of shape? Normally, she was on her feet by the time he passed her. Mira grinned as Awal entered with his family. She turned a waved at him.

I knew I'd find you here as he laughed, Awal caught vay'toc and gave him a pat down. Venus arms out ride kitty....he grabs her and says hold on tight as Vay'toc did a strut as he's mimicking a horse.

K'ner came in fast, clearing the tint on her visor and with wide eyes and her mouth open, sliding as if she wasn't gonna be able to stop as she halted right in front of Kolar, touching his outstretched hands with her crossed forearms. "Whoa... Why'd you stop so quick buddy? Good thing you had your hands up and caught me, or I'd have crashed!"

Kolar grinned up at the doc. “I big and strong. I save you. Mama, she way up there.” Kolar pointed up and ran in place, imitating his mom and rolled over.

K'ner nodded, watching the uniquely-colored dot inside her HUD. "Yes she is kit. I'll try to catch her since you're here protecting your uncle Kronnellti." K'ner turns and sprints out and up...

Mira ran full out along the edge of the mountain tops. Jumping over a break in the mountain cliffs, she landed on the other side and rolled, coming to her feet and kept running. Kolar wanted to play with Venus more than he wanted to ride on her. “Kids!” Mira thought. Fine, she had a lot of frustration to get out. Running and climbing was perfect for that. She hid her smirk as she had left Montgomery in the dust.

Awal hollered out, good luck catching up with Mira, if you can catch her I'll get whatever you want.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & Tac
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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