Posted on Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 11:53pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Sat Jan 18th, 2025 @ 3:32am
Starbase 364
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present
{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}
The doors to the bridge had been pried open. Walking onto the bridge, Mira frowned. The power was flicking on and off, then returning to emergency backup power.
Shields are only at 60%. Should I put them up? Asked Awal
Mira shook her head no. "Are we under attack?"
Chin turned around to look at her. "No, captain, but my internal power display is black." He waved a hand to the now dark console.
"Contact Earth Outpost 3 and see if we can get a tow." she found the urge to smerk at the old earth, saying. The first time she had heard it, she had thought they wanted a toe.
Chin nodded, seeming to know what she was talking about. "Then cut back on all unnecessary equipment and rerouted that power to life subport. Do it manually if needed." She gave him an encouraging smile.
"Awol, please send your team out to insured no one is trapped behind closed doors."
Chin turned back around. "A ship has been redirected to our location, Captain. The USS Akira. It should be here in 15 minutes."
Mira nodded well. 15 minutes wasn't too bad. I mean, what trouble could they get into in that amount of time, she thought, but It was darn embarrassing to have a ship without power.
K'ner reported in... "No casualties thus far, just some stranded crew... but it does occur to me that this would be a prime opportunity for mischief for someone in the area..."
Aye captain, he taps his coms =/\= Awal to security, I need a 5 man team including myself to go out on recon. If we find anybody we grab them =/\= said Awal
Mira nodded. "Let's be on the safe side. " She nodded to both of them. Oh, that rescue ship better get here soon, mira thought. Her eyes went to Montgomery. "I'll check on my kids. let me know when the USS A shows up." He gave her a nod, walking out she found her door was opened already. Walking in, she smiled. Dianna and Zimia had all the kids in her quarters.
"Mama, did dada break the ship?" Kolar asked her, waiting to see what she would say.
Mira grinned. "I don't think so, honey. I think it just needs to be fixed. Remember, we were going to get it fixed."
Awal arrived at security, he walks in and he had 5 men lined up ready to go.
This should be a cake walk, we are to look for anybody that's trapped. From here we split into 3 teams.
{Contact Earth Outpost 3, bar}
The woman was careful, hidden inside a hooded cloak. "I want the information, Gossa. I am not playing games with you. I have no problem ending you right here and now. I don't even need a reason." The woman's voice was chillingly soft, as if the woman didn't care if he heard or not.
The Orion male frowned. "Perhaps we can do business. I want someone gone. Do that, and I will tell you all about these missing women." His fingers flicked to the PADD on the table between him and the assassin.
The woman standing behind the assassin was also in a hooded cloak. All he could make out was her mouth it was how he knew she was Caitian. she let out a hiss loud enough to make people turn to look, but they quickly wanted no part of the dealing about to happen and moved away for safety.
"The name?" it came out as a guttural growl.
From underneath the hood, her smile was all fangs. "You want your boss out of the way. so you can step up in power." It wasn't a question but a statement.
The assassin growled, "If you don't have the information I want, you're going to wish we had just killed you here and now." She stood up quickly, and they were both gone.
He motioned the bar keeper for another drink. There weren't many that had a visit from that particular assassin and lived. There had been only one other woman that had scared him more and that was the Angel of death. Plans had been put into place to acquire I group of woman from here in this universe to replace one's there, but it had all failed. He took the drink and waved for more.
{IKS Knoktor}
Vaasha handed the PADD to Isbethal "its all I could come up on her."
Isbethal started reading, "Two kids, how? who?" She had known about the boy. She had been part of the team to get him back. "A girl?" Had that much time passed?
"Get ahold of Thor. Ask him if he would babysit."
Vaasha nodded. "She isn't going to agree with this plan."
Isbethal frowned. "She has to."
Vaasha rolled her eyes. "Who we need is this woman." Vaasha pointed to a very scantily clad woman with amazing red hair that hung down her bare back, green eyes, and Trill spots.
Isbethal smirked. "Who do you think she is, my friend. It's all her and makeup."
Vaasha grabbed the image to look closer, and then she cursed. "I never would have guessed. Mira never looks like that."
Isbethal nodded. "There was a time our little ice princess was wild." She smiled fondly in remembrance.
{ Ad hoc gym, USS Chuck Norris }
K'ner controlled her breathing as she swung wide and then started up the climbing wall just as she reached it. Having no atmosphere in here was an interesting twist to the normal workouts they did between duties and snoozies.
Seeing a colored dot pulse on the periphery of her HUD slowed her to hang in place. 'Hmmm,' she thought. 'I thought my query had been forgotten in time. This should be good...' Her brows scrunched up and the villi stilled as she read through the message...
{Personal quarters}
=/\="Captain, incoming message from the USS Akira." =/\=
Mira sighed. It was a mix of relief and trepidation. Captains were known to tease another Captain for being stuck in a broken down ship. So, was this going to be a professional experience or mocking? She let the thought hang as she made her way back to the bridge. "On screen, Ensign." she told Chin as she walked in the room.
Chin frowned. "Sorry, Captain. We only have audio."
Giving a tight smile, she nodded. "USS Chuck Norris to the Akira. It's good to see we aren't alone anymore."
There was a laugh. "No, we couldn't possibly strand a lady in her ship. We are engaging tracking beams and will have you back to the base in no time. In the meantime, how about I bring you and some of your crew over. You look like a story I would love to hear. Dinner and drinks on me. We also have a holodeck." His voice had a sing song quality to it that Mira was trying to place, but couldn't. Had she heard it before?
Mira smiled. "I am sure my command staff and fiancé would love a small diversion."
There was a small silence, then a chuckle. "Sounds great. I'll have my engineer contact yours to see how we can help. It looks like your life support might be getting low. You might want to move everyone over here." With that, he ended the auto.
Mira raised an eyebrow. "Ok, let's go enjoy how the upper class lives in Star Fleet. But no whining when we get back on our ship.... remember it's warm and cozy here." she chuckled as she went to get the kids.
Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris
Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris
Lt Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief security officer
USS Chuck Norris