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Leisure and Business

Posted on Sat Oct 19th, 2024 @ 2:20am by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Martix
Timeline: After the Amorous Campaign

{The Rasputin House, Berkeley Square, London}

Mira was reading in the sitting room of her uncle's house in London, but her mind scarce comprehended the words on the page. Lord Kevin had promised to call with Kolar this very afternoon but had been uncharacteristically imprecise as to the exact time. Thus, she had been eagerly awaiting his call ever since retiring from the noon-day meal.

She had ensured a most vigorous outing to Hyde Park with her aunt in the morning. The exercise was so strenuous and so exhausting that Aunt Lela had begged to be allowed to forgo the balance of the day and be allowed to rest in her own room. The arrangement suited Mira quite well as she did not want to be absent from the house and possibly miss Kolar's visit.

Better still, Mister Rodriguez and his mother were unable to attend the morning's outing. He was likely nursing a hangover after the previous night's bout with drinking. His mother's absences, while curious, was most welcome as well. The more time that she spent with Aunt Lela, the more Mira came to fear for her independence.

She closed her book and was about to call for the housemaid to ensure, for the fourth time, that all was prepared for Kolar visit when her uncle's butler entered. "A Master Lance to see you, ma'am," he said.

Mira blinked in surprise. Lord Kevin would not have introduced himself as Master. Had he decided to avoid their meeting? He seemed genuinely happy to see her last night. Had he reconsidered, and did he now regret the chance encounter?

"Please show him in."

It was only moments later when a blond haired boy burst into the sitting room. "Miss Mira!" he cried in delight as he ran to her and threw his arms around her waist, "I missed you so much!"

"I miss you more than you will ever know, Kolar. More than all the chocolate and apple pies in the world. More than the stars in the sky." She told him, meaning every word.

He pulled back to see her face. "Then why did you leave me?"

Mira sighed how to explain that to a child? Just as she was going to try, Kolar spoke up again.

"Did daddy make you leave?" Kolar asked in a whispered tone.

Mira nodded, "He said I was unable to follow instructions that the rankest seaman would understand, and I was an improper governess. I felt I should leave. Then news came that I was needed here. I felt it best not to incur and more of your father's anger." She left off the part about the kiss.

"But he didn't mean it. He wasn't going to dismiss you. I need you." Kolar told her

Mira was about to tell the little boy she was in a bit of a pickle when his father walked in.

Lord Kevin, dressed in his naval uniform, entered with much greater decorum than his son had displayed. Still, an indulgent smile graced his lips as he saw Kolar hugging Mira.

Mira fluidly arose from hugging Kolar. "Good afternoon, Lord Kevin. Please have a seat." She sat herself on the couch, still an arm around Kolar while a maid brought tea, cookies, and sandwiches. Sitting the tray on the table, she left.

Kevin sat in a chair opposite the couch upon which Mira sat with Kolar. "I was surprised to see you at the musical performance last night," he began, "I trust that your aunt is recovered from her illness?"

"Not quite, my Lord," she answered, "She is out of danger but is still regaining her strength." Mira hoped this would be enough to stifle any questions about her ability to return to Devon.

"Please call me Mister Lance, Miss Rodale," he asked, "or Commodore, if you prefer. After all, we are social equals and you are no longer in my employ. Are you?" This last was rather pointed.

Mira turned toward Kolar to hide her confusion from Kevin. There had been no formal terminate of their relationship but his seemed to have accepted her departure as evidence to that fact. "I felt it improper to remain," she said weakly.

Kevin's continence to a serious turn as he said, "I accept responsibility for my forward behavior that day and offer my sincerest apology for the affront to you. But I had hoped to have made that apology before you left. Then, perhaps, you wouldn't have felt the need to resign as governess."

"But your feelings were clear," Mira countered, "You said I was an improper governess."

"I said that you were acting like an improper governess," Kevin objected, "You had proved yourself more than capable in that role and I was disappointed that you should demonstrate otherwise. My feelings on that afternoon stemmed mainly from surprise and anger. Although disobedience towards an employer is certainly grounds for such an accusation.

Mira was uncertain of her feelings at this precise moment. She was incensed that Lord Kevin would be so arrogant in his interpretation of the encounter that he said he took full responsibility for. But another part of her felt that she had overreacted, especially after the kiss. He had been so angry with her when confronted about his inexplicable obsession with her but here he was now trying to court her favor. In the most infuriating manner possible.

Kolar rescued them both by stating, "You are so much better than the others. Miss Kathleen only wanted to read from books. She never let me get dirty in the garden or take me on expeditions!"

A man at the door cleared his throat. "Lady Rodale, Your uncle has requested the proposals you were to sign."

Mira tensed. She hadn't wanted to have this talk in front of Lord Kevin, but if she must, so be it. "The proposals are on the desk. Albert."

Looking pleased, as he went to retrieve them. Once he picked them up, he looked through them and frowned. "You did not sign them."

Mira nodded she had not and would not be signing away everything her father worked for. He was going to berate her yet again, and then he realized a male he did know was in the room. "You will be signing these later."

"No, I will not. Good afternoon, Albert Fargreen." The twit was her uncle partner.

Right now, she was waiting on her brother-in-law to show up and get her out of this mess. She shouldn't have never come here. She should have gone to her friend's home. She turned to pouring the tea.

"What was that all about?" Kevin asked as she handed him a cup of tea.

Mira's eyes met his and she sighed. She knew that look and tone. He would not be dissuade from this.

"It would seem my uncle by marriage has decided to...profit from the death of my father. He thought that if he had control of my inheritance, then he could pay off his..." She frown as she picked a cookie, putting it on Kolar's plate along with a sandwich.

"His gambling debts. Since he could not touch my inheritance, he has decided to..." she started to continue but shook her head. "Problems I have to deal with. I have sent word to my eldest brother-in-law, Lord Bastian Eckhart, in Grand Duchy of Baden. will take a while for my letter to arrive and even more time for him to get here."

Kevin sipped his tea and listened intently to what she was saying but made no comment.

She dropped a sugar cube in her tea and one in Kolar's. His was more warm milk than tea.

Kolar frowned, "But if you go back to Baden, then that bad king will make you marry a flop."

Mira laughed putting her hand over her mouth. "You were listening to the talk, Mary, and I had. " She waved her finger at Kolar in the no no fashion. "Knowing Bastian, I am sure he will see I am in a secure marriage before bringing me back to Baden."

"No No No you can't let them take you away." Kolar told her. Kevin's sentiment was the same.

Mira sighed. "Kolar, life isn't always fair, and we don't always get what we want. As far as society is concerned. I have two choices become a governess or marriage. Now that it is known the extent of my father's holdings, I have no choice but to marry. "

As Kolar started to cry, Mira held him. "Let's not worry about things we have no control over and enjoy what time we have." She wiped his tears away and kissed his cheek.

Kolar nodded. "You should dress up like a boy again and run away." Kolar told her.

Kevin arched an eyebrow. This should be an interesting story, he thought.

Mira's eyebrows lifted. "I didn't not dress up like a boy to run away. I put the stable boy's clothes on to paint an old woman's house and I bought him new clothes. Running away doesn't help Kolar. Sometimes, you run into even more problems. The world isn't a safe place." She gave him a smile. "Now no more talk of running away and no more chasing off your governess. Your father needs to know you are safe and sound while he is going back into the naval service."

Kevin had to suppress a smirk at her opinion of running away from one's problems. As if she hadn't done exactly that after their kiss.

Kolar frowned. "If I had you, I would be safe and sound."

Oh, that pulled on her heart, stings she wanted nothing more than to just take care of Kolar and shut out the whole world.

"I would love that more then anything but right now, Kolar, I am trapped and can't do anything on my own." Mira told him softly. "All I can do is keep saying no to the men my uncle has chosen until my brother-in-law shows up and picks a husband for me. Hopefully, it will be a good match." Mira gave a little shrug, not really expecting anything good. But Bastian would pick a German or English man. Not the Spanish, French, or any other nationalities her uncle seemed to prefer.

Kevin quietly sipped his tea as he watched the exchange. He considered what he might be able to do to aide Mira out of her predicament.

"Now young man eat your sandwich so you can have dessert. " Mira told him.

"If I eat it all can I have two cookies?" Kolar asked her. Mira nodded. "That is my rule."

He grinned, picking up his sandwich to eat.

Reluctantly Mira looked away from Kolar. Her eyes met Kevin's. There was so much intense emotion coming from him. Mira wasn't sure she could sort it all out. It was impossible for her to fathom the thoughts behind those deep blue eyes.

Kevin shook himself as he realized that the conversation between Mira and Kolar had ended and she was staring straight at him. With a greater deal of calm reserve than he felt, he said, "I am afraid that I must intrude upon your gracious hospitality to ask if you would be willing to watch over Kolar during the day for the next week or so. I have Admiralty business that I must attend to and have thus far been unable to retain a suitable governess."

Mira would love nothing better but reluctantly replied, "I am afraid that my aunt sit requires much of my attention."

"I could arrange for my carriage to bring Kolar here every morning and pick him up again in the afternoon," Kevin replied smoothly, "and I am certain that he would be on his best behavior for you and your aunt. Isn't that correct, Mister Lance?"

"Aye, aye, sir," the boy answered giving a mock salute.

"It would be a great relief to know that he is with something that he likes and I trust," Kevin continued.

Mira nodded she could get a few more days of being with Kolar before they would be forced to part. "I would be delighted to have his company for as long as possible. Our morning outing are to Hyde Park for a walk and then tea at Twinings Teahouse. By then my Aunt is really to return home." she told Kevin in case something happened and he needed Kolar quickly.

"Yeah!" Kolar exclaimed happily.

Mira continued to talk to Kolar and Kevin about what had transpired since she had left Devon. Kolar delightedly reported his various pranks on Miss Kathleen and Kevin gave her a favorable report on those that she knew amongst the domestic staff. He seemed distracted, however, and more than once Mira had to repeat her question.

They were about an hour into the visit when the butler announced the arrival of Mister Rodriguez. Mira grimaced. It was too much, she supposed, for her self-proclaimed suitor's hangover to last until the late afternoon. She couldn't refuses to receive him as she was already entertaining company and Rodriguez had her uncle's approval.

Diego's smarmy smile turned sour as he entered the sitting room and saw Mira talking with Kevin and Kolar. "Well isn't this a fine scene," he cried, "I arrive to find intermeddler making love to my fiance!"

Mira's hands went to Kolar's ears. "For shame sir!" she exclaimed, "He is not making love to me! How dare you speak so in front of a child!"

"And if memory serves me," Kevin continued dryly, "Miss Rodale said that she had not accepted an offer of marriage from you."

Mira nodded, " I have told you no, more than 12 different times. How dare you insinuate what i would act inappropriately. I don't care who's approval you have. You and I are never ever getting married. Now, that should be simple enough for even a Spaniard to understand."

Rodriguez just smirked, "And yet we will be."

"Mister Rodriguez," Kevin stood to directly address the man, "Your continued pursuit of matrimony despite the...twelve?...rejections from a well informed lady of good breeding is insulting to her and make yourself an object of ridicule. Your behavior would be laughable were it not so pathetic. You are more to be scorned than pitied."

Diego stared at Kevin dumbfounded for a moment before he was able to collect himself, "Who are you to insult me so?"

"I am a decorated and respected officer in His Majesty's Navy," Kevin replied coolly, "Moreover, I am an English gentleman of noble birth who has enough self-respect to accept a lady's decision with grace and dignity. I am not an uncouth country bumpkin such as yourself."

"This is not to be borne," Diego stated hotly, "You will apologize to me immediate and depart unless you wish to face my blade. You will never see Mira again."

"No," Kevin answered simply.


"I will not withdraw my accusation," Kevin continued, "and I will not be told by you with whom I am permitted to associate."

"Then you leave me with no alternative," Diego replied, "I will have my second meet with yours."

"Please ask your second to exercise some haste in his office," Kevin's tone expressed a hint of boredom, "I am due to sail with my squadron from Portsmouth within a fortnight."

"Napoleon will not save you from my justified wrath," Diego's voice was low, "I bid you good day."

A moment later Mister Rodriguez was gone. The sudden silence was broken by Kolar, "My daddy is going to fight the bad bad man."

Mira nodded at Kolar she was speechless for a few moments as to how all that had excalated in such a short time.

"Rodriguez was a foolish bad man." She nodded to Kolar. Her eyes went to Kevin he was going to be gone in a fortnight? She probably would never get to see him again once she was forced to marry and carted off to who knows where. What would happen to Kolar? She wanted to tell him don't not fight on her account, but he had been insulted as well, and he had spoken. It was final. "Thank you, Mister Lance." she said softly.

He smiled warmly at her, "It was my pleasure, Miss Rodale."

Her uncle was going to be furious with her once he found out.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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