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Amongst the Commoners

Posted on Sat Oct 5th, 2024 @ 4:57pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Sat Oct 5th, 2024 @ 5:54pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: One Month after Tea and Empathy

{Castle Drury}

The stormy winter weather of March in Devon eventually gave way to the promise of Spring as the calendar entered April. With the shackles of the cold removed, the gardens around Castle Drury exploded in blossoms of daffodils, magnolias, camellias and marigolds. Mira delighted in spending time walking in through the flora with Kolar or sitting and reading amongst the verdant blooms in her free time. Aside from the beauty, the gardens were often devoid of Lord Kevin which increased their draw upon Mira’s favor.

Not that her interactions with the Lord of Castle Drury were entirely unsatisfactory. Over the month, he had become less stern and more sociable. Dinners were a more casual affair with Kolar and Mira joining Kevin at his end of the long table and satisfactory conversation about what Kolar had learned during the day and idle chat about the countryside and books. Their frequent teas during Kolar’s naptime were also becoming less onerous although Mira still had the feeling that he was judging her in some manner.

Sundays were her favorite day of the week as once she had accompanied Kevin and Kolar to church, the rest of the day was her own although Kolar was a constant, if welcomed, intrusion. It was therefore a surprise when Lord Kevin appeared in the servant’s hall on a Sunday afternoon late in April as Mira was finishing the midday meal with Mary and the other domestics.

“Miss Rodale,” Lord Kevin asked gravely, “I was hoping that you would attend me as I visit the village of Exmouth this afternoon.

Mira froze. She had just taken a bit of food. Did that mean he wanted her to watch over Kolar on this visit? She swallowed her food. "Yes, my lord." she had just seen Kolar picking flowers. She would have to get him cleaned up and dressed properly. "I'll get Kolar ready."

"That will not be necessary," Kevin replied, "Haldersen has instructions to let Kolar play with the groundskeeper's daughter amongst the gardens and stables. Mrs. Throne will ensure that he is bathed, rested, and dressed for dinner while we are out."

Mira felt like a fish out of water. By all that was holy, what could he possibly need her for then? "Yes, my lord." Mira stood up and glanced at Mary, wondering what was going on. She still wore the dress she had on for church. So she was presentable. "My lord, when would you like to leave?"

Her mind raced. Kolar was bound to give Throne trouble, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

"Meet me at the Grand Entrance at two bells," Kevin answered. After a month, Mira was well-versed in the naval system of telling time. It gave her a little less than thirty minutes.

"Very good, my Lord."

{Outside the Grand Entrance}

Kevin was already seated in the curricle when Mira exited the Grand Entrance as the bell chimed twice. The footman helped her into the cart and once she was settled with her riding costume secured around her, Kevin gave a flick of the switch and the horse began trotting.

"What is your business in Exmouth, my Lord?" Mira asked.

"I have a monthly meeting with the mining committee," he answered, "as well as paying out the miners. And it is a market day for the village and I am expected to make an appearance."

That explained why he was travelling on a Sunday but not why he had felt the need to bring along his son's governess. She sat in silence, hoping he would volunteer the information, for almost a mile before curiosity got the better of her. "For what reason did you invite me?"

Kevin colored slightly before he said, "It is also tradition that the lady of the manor visit the families in the village, to dispense food, medicine or money to those in need. It is also a way of getting a sensing of the welfare of the families in the village in a manner that men do not share with each other."

They continued riding in silence as Mira steeled her resolve not to ask again why she was along. Final Kevin continued, "After the death of my wife, Mrs. Thorne had that task but she hasn't the proper temperament for the task." He paused for a moment as an anxious expression crossed his face before adding, "I have observed you with Kolar quite minutely. You have a gentle and sweet disposition. Much like my late wife."

Mira nodded, "thank you my lord" ok this task had been hers with her father's people. Now she wished she had brought paper and ink with her. Normally, she remembered everything she read or heard, but it would be nice to have it all written down to give Lord Kevin as they left.

They continued on mostly in silence. Mira enjoyed the burgeoning spring that was spreading across the land while Kevin sat with his thoughts. Periodically, Lord Kevin would point out a geographic feature and give a little information about it. Much of it was educational but occasionally he would slip in a personal anecdote. He and his wife had picnicked in that grove when they were courting, properly chaperoned of course. A river that he had swam in as a boy and hoped to take Kolar to one day. An apple orchard where his wife gathered fruit for truly delicious desserts. Mira watched him as he shared the stories noting the tinge of sadness that crossed his features when he spoke of his late wife.

After an hour, the village of Exmouth crested the horizon and fifteen minutes later they were in the center of the village market day. All around were shopkeepers hocking their wares to the miners and farmers from the surrounding countryside. There was an undeniable energy in the sea of chaos that was intoxicating.

Kevin halted the curricle outside of the Grey Goose Inn and the reins were taken by a groom. "I will meet you back here in three hours," Kevin told Mira as he handed her a bag of coins, "Here is some money and you will find a basket with food and candies in the boot. I trust that you will distribute it prudently."

Mira nodded a little confusion about the lack of direction.

With a tip of his hat, Kevin dismounted the curricle and walked further down the street to a tavern.

The village people seemed to have taken to her quickly. But a great many of them seemed to think her either the lord's late wife or her sister. One woman at the church had fainted at seeing her. So Mira just settled back in the chair and remained silent.

"It's her I tell you," a voice said.

"Nah," another voice replied, "I heard that he killed her in a drunken rage."

"Nay, she was swept off the Lord's ship during a raging storm," a third, female voice whispered.

There was a spirited debate between the three voices, punctuated occasionally by others with differing theories on the demise of the Lady Lance that continued until the Vicar took notice and suspended the homily until the three offenders had the good graces to fall into an embarrassed silence.

At the completion of the service, the Vicar approach Mira and introduced himself at the right reverend Stephan Chin. He was barely taller than Mira herself and had a exotic facial features that convinced her he was likely not a native of Devon. He admitted that Stephan was the name that he adopted upon being ordained and that the name he had been give at birth was Sato.

"I received a letter from Lord Kevin asking me to attend you on the visitations," he told her.

"He did?" Mira asked in some surprise. He had only told her after noon that she would be making visits. "When did he write to you?"

"A week ago."

So, Lord Kevin had planned all of this in advance. She didn't know whether to be flattered at the trust he placed in her or incensed at the cheek he had to assume that she would comply.

"I await you pleasure to begin the visitations, Miss Rodale," Vicar Chin told her.

She smiled, "Yes of course we can start wherever you think is best. By any chance would you have paper and ink. I think I should give the lord Kevin a list of his gifts. "

Vicar Chin smiled "Of course and very wise."

The Vicar it would seem had his own list of names to visit. They would add to it only that list looked a lot longer then the time she had been given.

"Must say you really do look like the late Lady Lance. Would you be related to her?"

Mira shook her head "Not that I am aware of."

The Vicar was truly puzzled.

Mira smiled "who is the most needy on our list?"

Chin grinned, the woman truly had a smile that would make any male melt just at seeing her smile. "Mrs Bailey. She has 6 kids and her husband past away a few months ago." He answered her as they got on with their duties.

Mira's hand covered her heart "that is truly awful. The children must be devastated. I was when my father passed."

Chin looked surprised "How long ago?"

Mira bit her lip.... when was she going to learn not to be so open. Now she would have to talk about her father. "about a year ago. I was away at school. "

Chin nodded, "Your mother must have been devastated as well."

Mira frowned. "No, she passed away when I was very young. My father raised his five daughters on his own. I took on all they necessary things the lady of the house was responsible for. My father found amazing husband's for them all my sisters..."

They walked quietly for a ways before the Vicar had to know more. "But not for you?"

"He had. The man my father felt would be a good match was killed in the war. Before he chose another, my father died." Mira told him.

The Vicar nodded "Surely you have other male relatives." This woman should be a man's wife!

Mira gave a little feminine chuckle "I do, but sadly all but one is in Bretten, Baden-Württemberg. I do have an uncle by marriage to my father's sister that lives in England."

She smiled "Ah! A meat shop. May we?" she waved hand to the shop. The Vicar nodded opening the door for her.

"Greetings, good sir. I would like to set up an account for the widow Brown and her children." It took a few moments of haggling of the price and what would be delivered weekly to the widow but Mira was quite happy with the deal.

"I am amazed you got him to agree to that price and you started talking to him in his native tongue?" the Vicar remarked as the left the shop.

Mira nodded "I only have the coin lord Kevin entrusted me to take care of these people. If I spent a cent more then someone will have to do without. I can't have that happening. I will also need to look at the things her husband normally handled for her." Mira tapped a gloved finger in her lips. "Perhaps I will need to instruct one of the children. "

The Vicar smiled. "And the language?" he prompted her.

"Oh," she blushed, "I can speak 97 different ones and if I find a new one?" She gave a little shrug, "I learn it." She glanced back to the Vicar trying to judge how he would handle her education. The Vicar's demeanor was unaltered so she continued.

"My father had wanted a son. Being the last child he decided I would need to fill that need. Please do not judge me for catering to my father's wishes. I truly enjoyed my outings with my father."

The Vicar laughed, "Oh please tell me. What had your father wishes been?"

Mira blushed, "Fishing, hunting, riding and how to repair thing that our people might need help with. He felt that just handing things to poor was not doing justice by them. We need to teach them to take responsibility."

The Vicar looked surprised, "Surely you didn't do the repairs yourself."

Mira nodded, "I have gotten on a roof before to repair a leak. Of course my clothes may not have been very lady like." She laughed with him.

"I image that Lord Kevin would have a fit of apoplexy if he found you on the roof!" the Vicar continued between guffaws.

The comment cause Mira to pause in her step and laughter. The thought of Lord Kevin being displeased made her heart beat faster. Less the idea that he would be angry than that he would be disappointed in her. Why was his good opinion so seemingly important to her?

She recovered herself and caught up to the Vicar before he noticed her reaction. They continued to the next needy household in the village.

{The Miner's Hole Tavern}

After several hours, the business of the day had been concluded. Reports of the mine's yield have been favorable, new working and sales had been agreed upon, and Kevin had approved installation on one of Mr. Watts' steam engines to pump water from the shafts. The end of the war and a reduced demand for copper was the one cloud on the horizon and Kevin feared that there was liable to be thin times ahead. Fortunately, he had saved enough of the largess from the past several years to see them through.

He was unsteady on his feet as he began to make his way back to Grey Goose Inn. After business was finished, the miners, already paid out and a bit tipsy themselves, took great delight in plying their Lord with drink. Others might have seen the presumption as an affront but Kevin had learned that allowing a little mischief infrequently saved him a whole deal of greater mischief in the long run. The downside was that most of the alcohol was strong and not of good quality. This combined with his moderation at other times meant that the miners were able to get him very drunk.

He stumbled in his steps and was caught and supported by a burly miner on his right. "Best be watchin' yer step me Lord," he said solicitously, "Wouldn't want ta get yer clothes muddy."

"Youse a genleman, sar," Kevin slurred.

Another miner handed Kevin a flask and gave the first a knowing wink, "Would ye have a drink with me, Lord?"

"Donna mind ifs eyes does," Kevin took a pull off of the flask. The liquid was bitter but not so bad as to induce a reaction. "What is this cat's piss?" he asked.

"It's me grandda's own recipe." the second miner replied in mock protested.

"Really?" Kevin asked, "Den eyes tink dat yoose were tricked!" Then the three laughed uproariously.

Mira and the Vicar were arriving after their completed rounds as Kevin and the miners approached the Grey Goose Inn. Kevin straightened up and handed the flask back to the miner. "Ah, Merri. Its goods ta see both of ya!" he giggled drunkenly.

"Merri?" Mira asked in some confusion.

"Merrilyn Lance," the Vicar explained, "His late wife."

Mira eyes widened. "Why would he think I am his wife?" she whispered to the Vicar.

The Vicar shrugs. "I was thinking you looked like her myself earlier."

"My lord, " she gave a little curtsy. "My name is Miss Rodale. I am your son's governess."

"Riiigghhtttt..." Kevin said. He wasn't sure what game Merri was playing but he would go along with it. He gave her a conspiratorial wink that looked so much like Kolar that Mira, in spite of herself, had to laugh.

Oh, this wasn't good at all. A drunk man was not someone she could trust to take her home." Perhaps Vicar Chin, you would be so kind as to help the lord and myself home?" She turned pleading eyes to him.

The Vicar looked dubiously at the two person curricle. "Although neither of us are large," he said, "It will be difficult to fit both of us with Lord Kevin. Perhaps if you were to take the reins I would be able to perch on the back?"

"Nay," Kevin objected loudly, "I yam Cap'n of mine own vessel. I shall haves no udder command her. Come my wif....governess. We must away to our son!"

And with this little speech, he clambered aboard the curricle. There was a moment when the assembled villagers let out a chorus of concerned exclamations as their lord swayed dangerously over the edge of the cart but he quickly righted myself and sat heavily in the driver's seat. The crowd burst into applause which Kevin acknowledged with a smile and a wave of his hand.

"Come along 'governess'," Kevin called out, "Tah wind and sea waits fer no man...or WO-man." He giggled at his own wit.

Mira took a shaky breath before she nodded, then climbed up into her seat with the Vicar's aid. Then vicar Chin put the list in the empty basket in the back and waved to her as Lord Kevin pulled away.

She folded her hands on her lap for a moment, then thought better of it and held the seat.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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