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Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 5:31pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost

{Transport ship}

Mira fingers touched the lock of her seat restraints. They had come in handy while the ship was out maneuvering and out gunning the ships sent out to retrieve them.

The males around her seemed completely relaxed as if this happened all the time. Kevin looked over his shoulder at her and frowned. Finishing what he was telling the pilot, he squatted down in front of her. "You're looking pale, kitten. Are you ok?"

Mira bit her lip. "They attack? because of me?"

Kevin chuckled. "No, they attacked because of me. You, my little spotted beauty, are a beautiful little pawn. They took you as an attack against me." He brushed his fingertips over her cheek. He unhooked her buckle. Pulling her to stand with him as he led her to the view port. "That is your home. Our Home"

Mira's eyes widened in disbelief. " But that's." she looked over at him. " That's a pirate ship."

He laughed. "You had the same reaction the first time I showed it to you. But, unlike last time, I am not going to be swayed by your cute little pouts. You will remain safe on the ship unless you leave by my side. There will be no discussion on the subject or any negotiation on this."

Mira raised an eyebrow. "We had negotiations on this subject before?" she asked curiously.

He backed her into the wall. Placing one hand on her hip and the other to tilt her head up. "Yes, and because of that, you were taken by my enemies. That will not be happening again." He kissed her neck as he slid off her jacket tossing it.

Mira bit her lip, feeling overwhelmed right now. But, she nodded her understanding. "Who sold me out?" There was no way this man had sent her alone anyplace. So what had happened.

"My first priority was to get you back. Now that I have, people will pay. I don't care who they are, Mira. Don't try to make deals for them. I will handle this my way."

Mira's eyes widened slightly, and then she wondered if she had tried to help people before and how did her and Kevin end up together. She gave a little nod and then moved in closer to hug him. "How long have we been together?"

"5 years we have a son and you had been pregnant before you were taken.” Kevin told her, softly.
She nodded, sure she wasn't pregnant right now, and that hurt. His enemies were her enemies now. Lost in thought, Mira hadn't realized Kevin was wrapped her up in something. His jacket? She blinked in confusion. Why take her white jacket off only to put is black one on her?

His fingers rubbed a white blonde curl of hers. "You can pull blonde off every nicely, but I prefer your auburn color.

Mira nodded as he kissed her neck yea she would change it to whatever color he wanted, she thought as her eyes fluttered close.

Mira did her best to clear her befuddled brain, but It wasn't easy she felt like just melting in his arms. She needed answers..... "How did we meet."

Kevin chuckled as he pulled away slightly to look at her, "You might not like the answers, Kitten, but ok, let's fill in a few blanks to put you more at ease with me. Do you remember anything of history. "

Mira bit let lip but shook her head no. She didn't remember a blasted thing.

"ok." he ran his fingers in her hair. "thier are the Royals and the Republic. Everyone is caught up in this war no matter where you come from. You, my beloved, were on the Royals side. They feel they have the right to take over what they want, and all their people enter into their military to serve them. You were born on one of their worlds and became a military officer in language and operations. "

Mira nodded, so he continued, "I am part of the Republic."

Mira frowned, not understanding how they met and.... Seeing the confusion on her face, he smiled. "Promise I'll cover it all. " he pulled her over to a chair and set down with her. "Five years ago, there was a battle. Your ship took on heavy damage. Your command crew had been killed, and you sent out a distress call informing the Royal high command of your situation. We were able to intercept that call. They basically told you to take command and attack the republic and not to fall back for any reason."

Mira's eyes widened and she started to ask a question but Kevin put his finger on her lips. "Your curse was so adorable. I had my crew hack into your view screen. Then I contacted you and offered a deal I normally would never had offered another ship I was in battle with. " He grinned "I would let the crew escape in the pods if you came over and had dinner with me. If you weren't happy with in a month's time, I told you I would drop you off on a safe world. You agreed. I let your crew go and then disstroyed the ship. "

Mira nodded "and?"

He chuckled "9 months later you had our son."

Mira seemed surprised "and we have been happy?"

"Very until you went on an away mission to pick up supplies. Now I have you back." Kevin told her." I am serious about you not going anyplace without me."

Mira nodded yes. Whatever had happened seemed to have cost her dearly.

“We have been clearance to dock, Captain,” a voice called from a small cylinder on Kevin’s chest. He pinched the sides of the cylinder between his thumb and forefinger and spoke into the device, “Affirmative. Inform the Norris that we will be getting underway as soon as the cutter is secure.”

“Aye, Captain,” the voice replied.

Stopping at the airlock, Kevin picked Mira up in his hands and pinned her against the bulkhead with his body. He stared intensely into her eyes as he said, “I was so worried that we had lost you, Kitten.” Then he kissed her passionately. The ship’s gentle rocking as maneuvering thrusters fired scarcely registered.

Ok now Mira has melting in his arm. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again." She whispered between kisses.

A male cleared his voice "Sir we have docked and ..... There have been a few arrests on the ship."

Kevin didn't stop kissing Mira. "Tell Awal," he said as he moved to nibble on her ear, "to deal with it."

"Aye, Captain," the male said before withdrawing. After five years, the crew was accustomed to finding their Captain and his mate in flagrante delicto.

{Docking bay}

Awal waved the crew out of the cutter.

Montgomery chuckled. "Surprised the captain waited until we docked."

Awal nodded, taking the PADD, then frowned. "Is Tanner sure about the traitors?"

"Oh yes. One put it on record that he felt she was far better off in the hands of the Royals than in the Captain’s hands. Of course, they were under the impression that she wouldn't be harmed "

Montgomery frowned. "Losing a child, having her memories erased and becoming a slave is not harming her?"

Tailor raised his hands. "Just reporting on what was said." He looked over at the cutter. "they do know they have a large comfortable cabin?"

Montgomery laughed. "The captain knows. He just doesn't care right now. Besides, his son is in that cabin, and right now, Kevin isn't willing to share his time with Mira. Best post a guard. One we trust. Has everyone on this list been rounded up? Because treason is a death sentence." At the man's nod, Montgomery started to walk away but turned back. "One other thing make sure that woman isn't to hear anything about this. She is back in that protective bubble the captain prefers her in. She knows some of these people and doesn't need to know they are going out the air lock."

Awal nodded.

Tailor frowned. "What if she asks about them?"

Awal shrugged. "They got transferred. We just don't say where we transferred them to."

Tailor nodded "Aye sir. Anything else?"

Awal nodded. "I needed a full list of all our weapons. Now that she is back. The captain will want some payback." He rubbed his hands together. "We get to blow up things!"

{Aboard the cutter}

Kevin lay upon the black and white jackets on the deck of the cutter with Mira resting on top of him. He drifted in the post-coital bliss that he always felt with her, reveling in the the feel of her skin against his own. Montgomery and Awal, without needing to be ordered to, had ensured that they were not interrupted.

They would both had a few more bruises than when the encounter had started, the result of inadvertent interactions between soft flesh and hard steel but neither one cared. Their joyful reunion was the only thing that mattered and the bruises would be worn as badges of honor.

The real world was starting to intrude upon his mind as Kevin ran his fingers up Mira's back and down her sides. The crewman had mentioned arrests and there was a matter of an unresolved "debt" that needed to be paid to back to those that had taken the love of his life and their unborn child. But before then, there was a happier task to attend to that he had delayed long enough for their mutual satisfaction.

"We need to get up, my little Kitten," he said in soothing tones, "There is someone who wants to see you."

Mira felt at peace and completely relaxed as she listened to his heartbeat. No wonder she had stayed with him. She had just been about to fall asleep when Kevin spoke.

"Who?" she asked curiously as she lifted her head to look at Kevin. Her long hair had tumble down sometime in the last few hours, and her brain just started working again "our Son?" She asked hopefully. Otherwise, she just as soon sleep right here.

"Yes," Kevin smiled and kissed her, "and I shall not hear the end of it if I keep you from him a moment longer."

{Captain's Quarters, Chuck Norris}

"MAMA!" the little boy shrieked as Kevin and Mira entered their quarters. He launched himself from the couch and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her like he would never let go.

"I found her and brought her home, Cub," Kevin smiled indulgently, "just like I promised I would."

Mira smiled and hugged the boy back. Was this really her son? He looked like a mini version of his father, but he had her spots.

"Mama, we missed you so much. No, go bye byes again." Mira's heart clenched at his wounded tone.

"I don't think your daddy will let either one of out of his sight again." She smiled as she kneeled on the floor and kissed his little cheek. "I never meant to leave you. You're so big. Have you been good for Daddy?" She wondered how long had she been gone.

He nodded studying her the same way she was studying him.

"Mama. your hair is funny." He made a face. "Why did you change it?"

Mira bit her lip. "When I awoke, it was like this." Her fingertips traced his cheek. "what color was it before?"

"auburn" Kolar told her hugging her again.

"Mister Kolar," Kevin addressed the four-year old boy with mock formally, "You will escort your mama to the sickbay to be checked out by Doctor K'Ner."

"Is she sick?" the boy asked with genuine concern.

"No," Kevin reassured his son, "but the Doctor might be able to figure our how to restore her hair color."

The boy brightened immediately, "Aye, aye, Cap'n"

Kevin leaned into Mira for another kiss before saying, "I need to discuss matters with Montgomery and Awal but we will have dinner together tonight, as a family."

Mira nodded kissing him back. "Okay." She was a little worried she would be walking around this huge ship with a four year old as her guide.

"Do you really know how to get to sickbay?" Mira asked Kolar.

He nodded with a little grin, "Don't you, Mama?"

Mira bit her lip, then shook her head no. "I don't remember anything, Kolar. Not even my last name."

His eyes widened. "We do need to see the doctor, Mama. " he nodded, taking her hand.

Kolar led her down a few corridors and in a turbo lift.


Kolar walk in, grinning. "My dada wants Mama looked at."

K'ner raised an eyebrow at Mira but waved to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

Mira shrugged. "Don't remember anything."

K'ner nodded, running her scans. "I have heard of this being done before, but I didn't think I would run across it. They call it washing. They literally wash memories and identities away in an individual. Barbaric. "

Kolar frowned "you can make Mama better right?"

K'ner nodded slowly "it might take a little time. Your system is flooded with chemicals . Normally they have a bracelet."

"They took that off before we left the base." Mira told her.

"Good. They probably had you on that nasty liquid protein. So, take it easy getting back on a normal diet. There is something missing from your last scan. " K'ner said, glancing at Kolar, not knowing if the boy knew or should know.
Mira whispered." The baby. Can I have..."

K'ner nodded. " You're still able to, but I'll need to remove this implant."

Mira frowned, wondering if Kevin would want her to. She had been pregnant, so they had been trying to have a baby. She just nodded. Ok

"My hair?"

K'ner frown. "That I can changed, but memories are tricky. I think it might be best to let all of the chemicals leave your body on their own but I want to monitor you closely. "

Mira nodded


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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