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Freeze warning

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 12:08am by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant JB Dersch & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Fri Oct 4th, 2024 @ 5:40pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost

{Faereyjar, 1100 AD}

The next thing Mira remembered she was in bed KeVin's arms wrapped around her, telling her she was safe and Kolar sleeping next to her. She bit her lip, but all did seem peaceful why was her dreams so..... bad.

Awal woke up and remembered he was on a ship fighting people. We were getting out numbered he thought so how did we end up back here he asked himself.

K'ner had just pulled Margo back, or most of him, and swung wildly when everything went quiet... and cold... a seeping, deep cold, not the quivering, wet cold she'd just been experiencing... She was under something warm; well, warmer than whatever the temperature outside was...

{Great Hall}

Mira came out into the great hall. Seeing Awal, she relaxed only slightly. "Brother, I must speak with you."

Awal smirked as his little sister approached him. That child of hers should be coming any day now, he thought. He waved the guard away he had been giving instructions to and met her halfway. She hugged him.

"What has you looking so worried about?" he gently led her to the main table to sit.

"I am losing my mind, and KeVin will put me side." She whispered to him.

"What? he would never. Now sit and tell me what happened." Awal smiled.

Mira gave a little sigh as she settled in her chair and then bit her lip in worry. "I keep having dreams of places I have never been and ......" She looked around to make sure no one could hear her.

"I die, Awol. over and over..." she swallowed hard, her voice cracked at the last confession. "Tis a bad omen."

He patted her hand. So her memories were coming back as dreams she didn't believe happened. He would have to tell Kevin.

"It's OK, Mira. Dreams can just be dreams. You are not losing your mind. You need to relax."

Mira nodded slowly. "Just dreams?" At his nod, she relaxed a little more. "ok, but I keep waking KeVin up." She gave a little pout.

"He isn't going to be happy about that." Mira continued.

Awal just shook his head.

Food was brought out, and the tables set before Kevin joined them he gave her a kiss. "And how is my beauty wife doing?" he asked as he sat down.

Mira smiled. "I am over being pregnant. This child is being stubborn."

He waved a finger at her. "Don't you do anything to speed things along. She will get here when she is ready."

"He." Mira nodded

Kevin kissed her lips. "She," he said firmly as if it was a done deal, making Mira laughed.

"Mama, they brought in an egg bigger than me," Kolar told her as he ran up to the table.

Mira frowned. "Who did this?"

He gave a little shrug, not knowing the people.
"Kolar, this is important is the shell smooth or sharp."

"shape like arrows Mama" he grinned

"Oh crap Kevin make them take that egg out of here. It can't stay." Mira told him,"It's a dragon egg. Its mother will come looking for it." Mira couldn't believe the men were that stupid to bring it down from the mountains.

Dersch didn't like being in different timelines, It was never good.

{ courtyard }

Deena was looking over the large object that the foraging team had just uncovered. She backed away, really not needing to be this close to confirm what she saw but she just couldn't believe it. "What idiots!" she said under her breath.

She ran for the wall as she saw the Jarl rush from his hall. At least he would light a fire under them, but the big question was, was it too late, and even if not, how would they return it? She prepared to send the signal message...

"Bring a wagon," Kevin ordered, "We will return the egg to the dark forest. Hopefully that will be far enough from the village to avoid a retaliation."

One of the oathmen ran off in the direction of the stables. Kevin examined the egg. It was, indeed, larger than Kolar who was big for a child of two years. Kevin tried to convince the size of the mother who would lay such an egg and shivered at the possibility. When the wagon arrived, he directed the loading of the egg gently in.

Awol helped her outside, and Mira heard the tail end of the conversation.

"You are going to take it?" Mira was shaking her head no.

"Where did you find it?" Mira asked. The mountains were normally where the dragon laid its eggs.

"cray creek meadow, my Lady. It was just sitting out there in the open. " one of the men told her.

She shook her head. "Some other idiot moved it there, and you fool's brought it here."Mira bit her lip. "How many eggs was there?"

"Just the one, my lady."

Mira nodded, still frowning. "Who would be so stupid. Unless..... they knew we would take it back. It's a good way to get our best warriors out of the keep. " she rubbed her stomach.

Awal asked. "Can you tell what kind of dragon it will be."

Mira moved a little closer. "Ice. The eggs bare the same color as the parent. Egg is white and silver. The parent would be as well." Mira gave a little shrug as she pulled the bear fur around her more.

Once the egg was loaded onto the cart, Kevin mounted his horse. The wisest course of action would be to order Awal or one of the other oathmen to lead the cart away from their village but as Jarl and the senior officer in charge, seeing as Mira was clearly not herself, he felt a responsibility to take the risk himself. He reined his horse over to Awal and leaned down to the Klingon. “See to it that Mira doesn’t chase after me,” he instructed, “Keep her and the rest of the village safe.” Then he wheeled the horse towards the gate motioning the cart and three other mounted oathmen to follow.

Mira shook her head as Kevin left without a word. "no" Awal wrapped his arms around her "No Mira." he picked her up taking her in side again.

Mira was numb. It was like two images were overlaid in a memory that was a nightmare to her. "He left?"

"Mama? Mama?" Kolar called her name.

Kronnelti sat her by the fire to warm her up. Her stomach hurt. She looked down expecting to see blood but... her hands were clean....
Kolar took her hand. "Mama?"

"Don't leave me." Mira whispered
Things went black.

Mira wasn't sure how much time had passed but she was tucked in bed. Kolar was next to her.

Zimia was walking in the room with a bowl of water and a wash cloth. "You're awake? Good"

"what happened?" Mira voice sounded odd to her.
"You fainted" Zimia told her "then you got a fever."
Mira shook her no. she didn't faint.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


Lt commander Awal Kronnelti


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