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The sleepers have awakened!

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 3:10am by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Interposing...

K'ner rolled her head around her shoulders as her senses spread out around her. She didn't drink to extremes anymore, but it sure felt like it right now.

As the details became sharper, the memories swirled. She snatched at glimpses here and there, partially confused but falling back on years of discipline, both physical and mental.

As the maelstrom in her mind eased, she realized she was in a new sim. A new reset had occurred and now she would have to navigate yet another setting. She ticked off mantras, and mental isometrics, centering her mind and body so she was ready when she finally decided to begin. . .

Cold... that was first. Either Peke had hacked the climate controls, or they were somewhere with a very cool environment.

Rough cloth. At least they were clothed this time. The one sim where she'd wandered a couple of days sans any covering had been disconcerting for many. She seldom understood some cultures disdain for the naked body.

Wind... muted... wet... no, humid... cold and damp would mean snow or ice, if not now, imminent. She was in a shelter of some kind, but that was barely a start for survival.

Feeling other life around her, but nothing alarming to her senses, she opened her eyes, seeing rock above her as she focused. Darkness for the most part, but a mild twilight effect from something nearby.

A quick glance around revealed bodies under fur, four others were with her. A fading camp fire provided the demure lighting to glean a few details. She could hear uneven breathing that told her the others were waking as well.

She sat up, taking in her appearance, along with the others who took the same opportunity. Two looked a little lost at first until she stared them down, and with a nod they shook off the unknown and grasped the known.

Purpose... For now, they needed to assess, and to keep minds occupied, everyone needed something to do. Shelter of this cave was a good start but they would need to assess food... water... personal protections beyond the leather and furs they were wearing if they were to expect to last long outside... and, no doubt, weapons.

Everyone got an assignment as K'ner wondered just how widespread they all were this time. A few key words revealed the four with her were in the category of memories intact. Maybe that's why they were sequestered from the others...

If it were to be believed, and they were generating some kind of energy that the purveyors of their torment could draw upon, they could scarcely kill just anyone off without good reason. So, for now, they had to survive, and find the others. Maybe this time they would observe and hold back to see who else remembered, and who did not. They needed to be ready to recognize an opportunity to break out of the pattern they were in...


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


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