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Side project

Posted on Wed Sep 25th, 2024 @ 2:28am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost

{Nevan, cryo lab 37}

"We have already tried that test on her. This test will fail yet again, " The technician told the doctor, getting annoyed at him for his interference.
What was his fascination with trying to change the subjects' cord beliefs? He found it a lot easier if you just stayed closer to their normal programming.

"I am telling you, again, that the settings were too high, and we drained too much energy from her small body. She needs time to build back strength."

The doctor frowned. "Fine, put her in the facility program. Then, have her mate find her. That should energize them both. We need them both for the next step. "

"The 2 children and Beast?" The tech asked.

The doctor frowned, looking up from the console, "Turn off the added drain for this one test. We will let her and them build up strength. What have the memories shown us so far on the subjects?"

" I believe after this test is completed. Faereyjar might be a promising program to keep them all together and without thoughts of escape," the tech told him.

The doctor nodded as his eyes wandered over the woman. He then said, "began program."

{Matrix program 149428}

Mira's eyes opened. The feeling of being lighter than she should be was the first thing she noticed. Base station, perhaps? She sat up slowly, looking around. Everything was white, but the lights were dim. What had awoken her sleep cycle? The better question was, where was she? All she could remember was her name was Mira. Perhaps she should pretend to be sleeping like the others in the very long room? Laying back down, the COMM systems went off with 2 bells, and a very bright light hit her eyes. She sat up to get it out of her face as did everyone else, it seemed to be their wake-up call perhaps?
A man stood in the shadows.
"Get up. get dressed and report to your positions." Then, he walked back into the room he came from.

Mira watched everyone move to the locker next to their bed and pull out clothing. All of them seemed to be white in color. Mira quickly stepped into the white form fitted pants. Pulled the tank over her head, then added her boots and hip length jacket. Looking in mirror she did a double take at her looks. White blonde long hair that hung to her hips. She could of sworn it was a different color. Her eyes were a light blue. Again ,not how she remembered them. But the spots, they did seem right for some odd reason. Although, looking around no one else had them.

Ok, so the next problem was where she was to report to, and why couldn't she remember anything?"

Standing in line with everyone else, she watched everyone hold out their wrist. Mira held her wrist, out and heard the beep. A computerized voice said.
"Cantina. Waitress, deck 12”
The girl next to her grinned, “we will be working together. How fun.”

Mira nodded “hmmm where are we?” she asked curiously as she walked with the woman.

“This is our sleep station. We are Working on deck 12 at the cantina.
Mira frowned but nodded that told her nothing.

{The Cantina, Deck 12}

Captain Lance, Montgomery, and Kronnelti sat at a table.

Montgomery shook his head. “Why is everyone got that white blonde hair?”
Awol frowned. “It’s the Telons’ way of showing that this person has been wiped of all memories and personal identification.”

Kevin closed his eyes at hearing that. “Can they get them back? Their memories?”

Awol nodded. “After they did their time. They removed the bracelet. Then the memories come back.”

Lord Cravis took a seat. “Gentleman what can I do for you?”

“I want the location of my woman. Cravis.” Kevin told him, angrily.

“And I told you we are holding no one by that description. There is not one woman on this base who has auburn hair, but I do need those supplies and will pay handsomely for them.” Cravis replied with a smile as he sat back and waved the waitress over with their beers.

A slim, delicate hand passed his face. She put the beer down. He didn’t pay her any attention until Montgomery stiffened.

Kevin’s eyes flicked away from Cravis to the waitress. It was Mira white blonde hair and white uniform.

Cravis stood up. “If we can’t make a deal, then I am wasting my time.”

Kevin gave a curt nodded as Cravis walked away.
Mira moved away to pick up more drinks.
“She was kidnapped and tossed here. We aren’t leaving without her.” Kevin told them.

Montgomery nodded. “She doesn’t know us and isn’t about to trust strangers. I suggest we just take her and go.”

Awol nodded. “I am certain I can get that bracelet off her.”

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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