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Posted on Sat Sep 7th, 2024 @ 5:17pm by Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: BS Neva Generational Ship
Timeline: Current


Geneva awoke, her eyes fluttering open and seeing the dark grey ceiling of her and Trace’s private quarters. She was naked, as was he, under their covers. She stretched languidly and enjoyed his strong embrace, a snuggled in closer.

He wrapped her up, taking her smaller hand in his.

“Good morning, my lord.” She said playfully.

“My lady.” He said, nuzzling her ear and the side of her neck.
While Trace remembered two of his lives experienced inside the sim, the one from the mines and the one from Faereyjar, Geneva only remembered the last one. It colored their memories, and even for Trace it had been the most vivid. Living an entire lifetime as a 1100 AD Norseman had affected not only the way he thought, but also the way he moved and experienced physical love.

Geneva, for her part, found the simple male female relationship of the Norse somehow both exciting and compelling. It was hardly surprising that experiencing those things had carried over into the real world. One of the results was that their lovemaking was…amazing.

“Careful,” she said, or we’ll never leave the bed.

He chuckled and rose, his naked form silhouetted against the ambient light. “We best get moving. We’re scouting the lab where our people are today. We need to find a way to get them free and get back to our Starfleet.”

She sighed. She agreed, but she’d be lying if part of her didn’t want of the two of them to instead find a way back into to the sim. Life had been…better there.


Lieutenant Tracey “Trace” Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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