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Come morning

Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 9:08pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Faereyjar
Timeline: Present


{Faereyjar, 1100 AD. Great Hall}

Morning came quickly as the kitchen crew started the morning meal. Mira must have fallen asleep because she awoke in her room to Kolar crawling into bed with her. "We go to gym?" He asked her.

Mira blinked he was always using words she didn't understand. "No, we go to break our fast. Breakfast."

He nodded, happy with that plan. Slipping out of bed, Mira slipped on her leather breeches, boots, and a long wooden tunic . she took Kolar's hand and they walked to the great hall. Geneva was helping in the kitchen now.

Zimia smiled. " Portage is ready," she told kolar, who grinned and ran off with her to eat. Kevin was sitting at the main table as Mira joined him. "Good morning, my love." she kisses him, then took her seat beside him

Deanna walked in with Venus on her hip. "Storm is about it hit its looking nasty out there." Deanna told them.

Mira nodded. "It's late in the season, but they can be the worst kind. The ones that don't have sturdy enough huts should move into the great hall. That includes you and Awal sister."

Deanna nodded. "Can Venus play with Kolar while I get people moving?"

Mira smiled, "Of course, but hurry back. Breakfast is being served."

Deanna laughed. "I will."

A guard ran in, "Lady, my lord, there are a few caravans coming our way. It looks like Lord Bekit's people and their seems to be injured."

Mira frowned. "They have to be desperate to brave the storm. Could you count how many?"

"15, maybe 20, my lady. Look to be mostly children." The Guard told them.

Dianna you go get everybody from the huts & I'll get those at the caravan said Awal.

"Sound the alarm and man the walls," Kevin commanded, "This could be a ruse."

Mira looked at KeVin with concern. "You don't think that Lord Berkit would conceal an attack behind women and children?" she asked.

"I find that I live longer if I assume that everyone is out to trick me," Kevin replied.

A bell began tolling outside of the Great Hall as Kevin helped Mira into a great cloak made of bearskin. He didn't want her or their baby getting cold. He presented an arm for her to take. "Kronnelti will see to the oathmen manning the defenses," he said confidently, "Let us go any treat with Lord Berkit to determine if he is a traitor or not."

Mira nodded, taking his arm. "If there are all children that's going to a huge increase, needed to feed that many. " she bit her lip, trying to do the calculations in her head.

"That's a lot of blood. I am seeing. if it is all real, then they were attacked." Mira told KeVin.

The caravan pulled into the court yard. There were a few women, the rest children. "By all that is holy." Then she raised her voice. "What happened?"

An older woman stepped off the wagon. "We were attacked, my lady Mira. A monster came out of the snowstorm. it killed most of the males we were told to run."

"A monster?" Kevin asked, "What did it look like?"

"It was a vicious beast," the woman wailed, "with long sharp claws and horrible teeth. It walked upright like a man and was covered with long shaggy hair."

"Most likely a bear," Kevin pronounced, "disturbed from its winter slumber by hunger."

The woman grabbed the front of Kevin's cloak. "It was no bear I tell you! It fought as if possessed by demons and its eyes glowed like hot coals!"

"Really?" Kevin asked skeptically, "Did you see it's eyes?"

"Well, no Lord," the woman admitted, "We were running for our lives."

"Did any of you see the creature?" Kevin asked the larger assembly of refugees.

The was no little shifting of feet and looks darting between the women. But none admitted to seeing what had attacked them.

"As I suspected," Kevin stated, "likely your warriors have defeated the bear and will make their way here once the storm has lifted."

"Until then," Mira spoke, "You shall have the protection and hospitality of Lord KeVin. Come to the Great Hall and warm yourselves by the fire. I shall have the kitchens prepare porridge for you and your children.

As the women were ushered into the Great Hall, one of the oathmen asked, "Do we intend to go after the creature?"

"Not during this storm. Once it abates," Kevin shrugged, "perhaps I will send Kronnelti out to confirm that it is only bear. I think that he is going a little cabin-mad."

Mira nodded. "I have heard stories of beast like that. It is said the travel with the storms. " she bit her lip, watching the gates be secured again. "Warn the guards just to be safe. We have walls here if I remember correctly. Lord Berkit did not." She smiled up at KeVin and then snuggled into his arms."We have a great hall full of children, husband. This should we an interesting storm." She laughed lightly as Kevin moved her back inside the warmth of the Great Hall.

"I will attend the injured," Mira told KeVin.

"No, you will attend your child first." Kevin replied firmly.

Mira looked around to see Kolar happily eating. She waved a hand to their son as Kevin put a hand on her stomach "this one kitten, you have not had your morning meal. We have others to attend the injured."

Mira nodded. "As you wish, husband," she smiled and went to the table to eat.

"Now, if I could only get the Captain to listen so well," Kevin muttered.

Zimia laughed. "Have you ever just told her what you wanted or need from her?" She raised an eyebrow. " I bet you a bar of gold-pressed latinum. She would do it just to please you."

Kevin frowned. "If I told her to sit a mission out because I thought it was unsafe, you think she would?" he asked in disbelief.

Zimia shrugged, "She did on the Romulan base." Then she moved to help with the kids.

Some time later, Mira was laughing with the children getting them to play.

{BS Neva Control Center}

"He isn't taking the bait"

"I noticed. It seems that allowing him to retain his memories has made him much more conservative when there isn't a direct threat to his mate or his child."

"Perhaps we will need to provide greater incentive."


{Faereyjar, 1100 AD. Great Hall}

Zimia frowned as she found Kevin. " Those wounds on the guards are too odd to be a bear. I have helped clean bear wounds before. These have 3 clawmarks. Bears have more claws, Sir."

There was an odd howl carried on the wind. Mira and the children stopped playing at the sound.

"That's what we heard before," a little boy told Mira. The kids all nodded.

Awal came up to them and knelt down, so that's what you heard? he asked.

The kids nodded in fear, he rubbed the little boys head. Don't worry as he looked back at Kevin, I'm getting gear to check it out. I've been in far worse storms than this said Awal.

he goes over to a room across from the great hall, a few moments later he comes out in a white heavy fur cloak, two ax's on both sides, several daggers laid across his chest & a long sword and what looks to be goggles and a face cover.

My lord & Lady I will return with any news.

he kisses Dianna & Venus on the cheek, I will return then heads off into the storm.

(outside the great hall)

Putting the face covering and goggles on so he can see Awal heads out in search of this "beast".

another loud howl close by, Awal tracks the sound slowly moving in the storm.

(grunts & groans) of this beast sounds like it's hunting, the smell of blood is in the air Awal tries to match the howl with grunts to finish off the call.

the crunch of the snow is getting louder, Awal can't see no more than 5 feet in front of him. The grunts are much louder he can hear it sniff around with an occasional grunt.

Awal turns around as he sees this beast fear hits Awal as it resembles an herizinosaurus but with much thicker fur.

He crouches as it walks by waiting for the opportunity to strike.

Awal jumps on it's back taking each dagger and jamming it into the side of its neck as it tries to grab him to rip Awal off.

the beast shakes him off as Kronnelti grabs both ax's, parry with one as he strikes and lands each blow to it.

a fierce battle rages on between the two, the storm coming to a calm, the oathmen take up outside the hall as they see Awal dragging something massive behind him.

{Great Hall }

Mira's eyes widened as the oathmen started to talk that Awal had brought back an amazing creature. Of the likes they had never seen before. KeVin was bouncing his son on his leg when news reached him. Mira looked at him. "No, you two are staying inside."

Mira gave a little pout and blinked her blue eyes at him.

"So that is where our son gets that look from." Kevin told her as he watched her fight a grin. He handed her Kolar. "Stay Kitten. "

Mira rolled her eyes but waited.
She wouldn't drag Kolar out in this weather so she could see why he wouldn't want her out in it.

Kolar giggled. "She kick me"

Mira laughed as her son felt the baby move "he" Mira said, only to hear. "KeVin and kolar both say, "She"
Mira just laughed as KeVin walked out to see that Awal had found.


Chin shook his head. " That shouldn't be here, and if there is one, there has to be more. "

{ ...the wildlands around the village }

K'ner regulated her breathing, listening for more movement, watching her large wolf companion. He was now relaxed, wiping blood off his fur in the snow. Kneeling, she examined the creature, then started dressing it out to confirm the structure underneath.

Her companion didn't seem interested in the meat, so she didn't waste time cutting any free for supper. If he wasn't interested in eating his kill, then there must be something tainted with it. K'ner shook her head, wondering what had changed in the conditions to warrant introducing a creature from another realm.

She looked over at the approaching figure as she cleaned her knife and axe. Behind her followed her own bonded wolf but both appeared relaxed, at least as much as they allowed out here. Two more come into view to one side.

"The other?" K'ner asks as they near.

"We tracked it as it escaped. It's smart, setting up an ambush along the way but we're smarter." She pats her friend. "There is a scar opened in the snow along a sheltered ravine. We know these lands and the three of us have never seen that before."

"Lair then?"

She nods. "Perhaps revealed in the storm, or because of it. This is all strange. Perhaps they're adjusting the stakes to agitate the occupants of the sim. Up the power generation?"

K'ner breathes deeply, casting about her memories and thoughts. "No way to tell. We wait for an opening to break free, to take advantage of any opportunity. Let's get back to the village and settle in. The storm has abated by a good margin, but nothing says it'll stay that way before he calms completely..."

She gestured back towards the village and the foursome moved back at a practiced pace.



Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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