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Posted on Thu Aug 22nd, 2024 @ 8:43pm by Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Unknown
Timeline: Current


Milgram waited until the brute with the club had passed on from the blue skinned woman and her protector, feigning heavy interest in the rock wall and the rock within it. Once the scuffle was over, he turned back to his completely full bucket.

Finding the parts and tools to create the small cutting device he hid in his pocket had been a real challenge, but with the right timing and sleight of hand, anything was possible. The real trick had been designing it so that it that it fueled itself from the nitrogen rich atmosphere, and adding dampeners so that it was relatively silent.

Ochi was busy comforting the blue skinned woman so he didn’t notice when Milgram redistributed his extra ore among both their buckets. In another environment, he’d have taken credit for the assistance, but here and now, anonymity was the best weapon.


Milgram, aka Lieutenant Tracey “Trace” Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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