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Missing? How can that be?

Posted on Wed Aug 21st, 2024 @ 2:54pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Chuck Norris
Timeline: current

{USS Chuck Norris, Briefing room}

After the meeting Kronnelti took Mira off to the side, what do you mean just missing? like as if they just up and disappeared in a blink of an eye. he said

Mira nodded, "one ship was actually transmitting a message when they were cut off. No warning that they were under attack, nothing just they weren't there to respond. Ships here dispatched, and there was no wreckage found, no energy source to follow." Mira shrugged. "We are going to the last known location of one of the ship's that dissappeared. Perhaps we will find something they didn't. "

Let's hope we do says Awal. He looks over at lance, what does Kevin have to say about the possibilities that we do find something?

Mira sighed. "We haven't had a chance to talk about it much." She rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. "We haven't had much time to talk at all since we have been back. We will be at the location in a few hours. We will scan the area and then have a look at the next location, but if we haven't found anything in the last two areas, the ship's have disappeared. I don't know what else to do. Its been too long to look at all of them."

I'll head to the bridge and get a sweep of the area, i'll do it in 3 waves. hopefully they pick up something said Awal as he leaves for the bridge.
Mira nodded.

{Mess Hall}

Mira stopped off in the mess hall. Dianna, Zimia, and the kids were having lunch. "Mama!" Kolar called out with joy at seeing her. She had him a kiss. "How are you doing doing,?" Mira asked.

"Oh, we are getting back on the schedule." Dianna told her."That trip was amazing."

Mira smiled, "Well there are times the crew just need to rest. I am glad you enjoyed it."

{Bridge, USS Chuck Norris}

Stepping onto the bridge, Mira took the command chair from Montgomery. "Are we in the correct coordinates?"

The helmsman nodded, "Aye Captain."

Ensign Geneva Thorne turned in her chair. "Nothing out of the ordinary Captain."

Mira bit her lip, and she looked to Kronnelti he shook his head no.

Mira looked to Chin. "Are you picking up any transmissions."

Chin had a frowned on his face. "There is something. I can't make it out."

Mira walked over to the communications console. Taking the earpiece, she listened until she heard what he was talking about. "Sounds like feedback. Like ...." Mira started to say.

There was a loud ringing noise, then a bright flash of light.

Mira covered her ears, but darkness took her.

{Base station Neva 3 days later}

Mira came to. She strapped to a medical bed in the medical center on an alien base. She didn't recognize anyone. Where was she? More importantly, who was she?

"11349 You had us scared. We thought you wouldn't make it." The older man shook his finger at her. "You have to be careful."
Who was this man she thought.

Mira frowned. "Where am I?

The doctor frowned as he shined a light in her eyes. " You don't remember anything?" he asked curiously.

Mira slowly shook her head no.

The doctor released the bindings on her hands. "Well, you are here as part of a workforce in the mined." He looked over at the guard. "Take her back to her quarters to see her son."

Mira blinked. "Son?"
The doctor nodded as the guard led her away.

The doctor Ismet smiled. "We should not have any more trouble with them. The Klingon I had no problem erasing. This one was more difficult. That thing she carries had to be blocked from her brain. I tried to remove it, but we almost lost them both."

Vico nodded. "That one and the Klingon made it all the way back to their ship before we caught them."

The doctor nodded. "Well, they will not have their memories to fall back on, and this time, keep the children with them. It will quell any attempt to escape."

Vico nodded. "Keeping them apart hadn't worked. I am putting them both with her male. it should make him more compliant."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris

Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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